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"Now for a news report!"

"Last night, an unknown phenomenon occurred at the Statue of Liberty! As a result, the Global Summit was hastily concluded."

"According to General Stryker, this was a terrorist attack caused by the Brotherhood of Mutants! But the official has not made any statement, and no one has confirmed this conclusion!"

The TV was broadcasting the news from last night.

Obviously, mutants were not involved in this incident, but it was not known whether it was due to multiple considerations or there was no evidence.


Susan sighed with interest, and then said to the figure in front of the TV,"General William Stryker, this is a ruthless man. It can be said that like Senator Kelly, he is an extremely hateful guy against mutants!"

Helen, who was wearing a cotton silk pajamas, also lay on the sofa in the living room and said,"Not only that! This person's reputation is not very good. It is said that this guy has a secret underground under his command.���The laboratory has many mutant experimental specimens!"

After Helen finished speaking, her eyebrows were slightly frowned. She had heard from many colleagues that the experimenters under Stryker were very keen on human experiments.

Human experiments! Behind this term, many mutants died in human dissection experiments.

Such a cruel and vicious person.

Even if Susan and the others were not mutants, they could not attract their neutrality and goodwill, and even made them extremely disgusted.

Listening to their accusations, Yan Chen looked at the slightly fat general after hearing the words, and then he didn't pay much attention to it, just curious.

After all, he himself is not a mutant, and the bad guys in the world can never be killed.


After he had lunch with Susan, he went back alone Arriving at the meditation room, he continued his meditation practice!

Still using the more basic elemental magic at the beginning, after thoroughly digesting the wind element, fire element, water element, earth element and other elements, Yan Chen also touched upon the less popular elements of light and darkness. Afterwards

, the elemental energies in the world were soon thoroughly mastered by Yan Chen's enchanting talent.

As a result, he already had a general systematic understanding of the most basic structural elements of the world, and many of the doubts he had in the past suddenly became clear.

And now, he began to explore another clever, but more profound use of the elements.

If the extraction of individual elements from the energy of heaven and earth is a more difficult threshold to enter, then.........The combination of two or more elements is even more profound and complicated.

Now, Yan Chen has officially entered another more profound door.

《Scripps Manuscript" adjusted the memory of his previous self in the past. It happened that he had also read a book about the use of combined magic, so soon, Yan Chen rushed to this memory scene.

At the beginning, it was natural to study the door.

To suddenly extract two elements of power for one's own use from the complicated and turbid energy of heaven and earth, it is another more profound method.

This threshold alone has blocked more than half of the mages who can only extract one element of power.

Originally, extracting one element of power alone has blocked more than half of the mages.

So it can be seen how difficult it is for a mage to practice, and what is more terrifying is that not every mage has an affinity for a certain element.

Of course.

In addition to the so-called threshold, it is really difficult to stump Yan Chen's terrifying and evil magic talent.


The sound of pages turning can't help but be heard!

After half an hour, the past self was still immersed in studying the magic content of this page, and Yan Chen had already understood it and was silently waiting for him to turn the page.

Then, he began to perform the magic combination he had just presented.

Hand gestures!


The changes in the content were much more complicated and difficult, and the beating of each magic syllable had to match the changes in the hand gestures perfectly.

And Yan Chen had already begun to master it slowly after several tentative attempts.


A gust of wind suddenly blew through the library!


There was even a hint of wind and sand in the air, and the collision of sand and gravel produced a harsh whimpering sound. What was being cultivated now was the combination of wind and earth elements. What was even more clever was that the combination of these two elements could produce a new magnetic attribute!

This was exactly the same as the ability of Magneto that I met yesterday!

"Magnetic force is rising!"Yan Chen sighed silently, with a gleam of light flashing in his eyes.......

Manhattan city.

In a slightly shabby abandoned factory.

Several figures were standing inside, but they were standing on both sides, and there was even some distance between them.

One with broad and thick black wings was undoubtedly the vulture, and next to him was a middle-aged man in a black shirt, who was the accompanying sandman!

At this time, they stood aside, looking at the two people opposite with a little confusion.

The vulture wiped his hands, like a butler full of flattery, looking at the two people opposite and said,"If you two are not mistaken, you are also new members of my men!"

"Coincidentally, I happen to be the first member of my subordinates!"

After saying that, he patted his body and looked very proud.

The Sandman on the side looked at him with great contempt. This was the first time for him to hear someone being so happy and proud of being a lackey.

Of course, the Sandman was in urgent need of money, so after repeated persuasion from the Vulture, he joined Yan Chen's team!

The two people opposite were the Night Walker and the Red Tank.

Compared to the ignorant Red Tank, whose brain was full of violent genes, the Night Walker was not feeling well at this time, because she messed up one thing, that is, the pursuit last night, which actually let Mystique escape completely!

Of course If he hadn't come to Hell's Kitchen and happened to meet Daredevil, he wouldn't have missed it!

Even with super high-speed movement, it didn't work at all when he met that guy who could be called a human radar. On the contrary, he suffered a great loss because of his low fighting skills.

The Night Walker gritted her teeth, but she didn't know how to explain to her new master, so she didn't have much time to pay attention to the vulture's flattering words.

Not long after.


The air and light in the venue suddenly became a little blurry and tortuous.

Then, in the interweaving of light and shadow, a figure gradually emerged. ps: The five updates today are over! Request a wave of flowers and comments! Automatic subscription

PSS: No recommendations this week, I have to run naked again!!

_Please read the ununderlined version of the novel

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