Maybe it can really stimulate the various weak dragon blood power in the body.

Yan Chen couldn't help but think of this possibility.

But looking at the terrorists running rampant below, he didn't intend to hold back.

They angered him again and again.

How could Yan Chen tolerate them? Not only that, looking at the gang logo tattooed on their hands, he wanted to eradicate this evil organization directly and punish these guys severely.

The crisp sound of Dingding, like rain hitting banana leaves, kept coming out on his body.

It was the sound of the oncoming bullet.

"Quick! Quick!"

"Kill this monster for me!"

John kept urging his men to work harder and make the bullets more powerful.

Suddenly, several rocket launchers whistled and missiles shot up.



Fireballs instantly bloomed on his huge body.

But to the dragon body, these were just a slightly stronger oxygen.

Gray smoke filled the air, making it a little difficult to see clearly. Only Yan Chen's pair of golden vertical pupils shone directly into their eyes through the heavy fog.

"Give it to me now....."

John, who was giving orders just now, stopped abruptly. Looking at the pair of inhuman eyes, he felt a chill in his spine.

What a terrifying momentum!

Even the boss he met in person, Mandarin, did not have such momentum!

At this time, a roar directly tore through the smoke in front of him.

The huge body appeared in everyone's eyes again!

The dragon has reverse scales!

Touch it and you will die!

After having a general understanding of his own physical strength.

Yan Chen folded his wings, hugged his body, and instantly dived down in a streamlined posture.

The terrifying airflow continued to spread from the air, instantly overturning this group of poor little guys.

With a crisp sound!

At the moment before landing, Yan Chen's huge wings suddenly opened, and the falling momentum of his body instantly folded, making the impact of the air make a terrible crisp sound. Then came!

It was a ruthless and fatal blow!

Sweep the tail!

The thick tail was wrapped in a sonic boom, and it directly crashed into the surrounding people in a fan-shaped amplitude.

Although Yan Chen is only a young dragon now, he is a giant dragon with a body of nearly ten meters. What a majestic behemoth.

Just a sweep of his tail can directly crash and kill people within a radius of several meters.

The crowd in the distance was even more affected. The terrible sound whistled like a storm, knocking them to the ground mercilessly.

Dragon's breath!

The orange-red flame bloomed again, and Yan Chen spewed it directly into the dense crowd.

With a loud bang!

Along with the explosion of the gasoline tank, the whole group of people who wanted to fight back together suddenly exploded under the impact of the flames.



A fierce step down!

The pickup truck blocking the road was immediately crushed into thin scrap metal, and blood continued to seep out from the gaps in it.

"Da da da....."

Sporadic resistance was heard again.

Many people held their guns in fear, trying to stop the monster!

But this was just a luxury for them.

"Thunder Explosion!"

Yan Chen chanted the spell again, but the magic cast from the dragon was more than ten times the power.

Perhaps this is......Dragon Language Magic!

This spell can make something explode instantly!

But with the blessing of Dragon Language, all the objects around exploded one after another like fireworks.

Pickup trucks, motorcycles, and large trailers towing missiles also exploded instantly under this spell.


The sound of explosions continued to ring.

This chain explosion also affected the people nearby, leaving behind corpses burning in the flames.

And those guys who drove away on small motorcycles were not much better.

After the spell took effect, the motorcycle below exploded directly, and the terrifying shock wave also blew them into the sky in an instant. In a blink of an eye, they were almost wiped out.

John looked at these bleak scenes, thinking that his lifelong foundation was completely destroyed, and he didn't know how to explain to the Mandarin, and he couldn't help but let out a heart-wrenching cry.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you....."


"Do you think you can live until now because you are extraordinary? You are just a chess piece that I need to use!"

The dragon body once again shocked the world with words.

Yan Chen has gradually mastered this body and directly launched the spell of"Resoul Reading" on him.

Resoul Reading!

The ability to obtain emotions and memories from a person's mind.

Soon, John's eyes were dazed, and the memories in his head were constantly read by Yan Chen.

It only took a few seconds!

The entire base in the Middle East was exposed.

Of course, there was an unexpected gain. This base was also where Tony Stark was imprisoned.


Just when I am short of money!

PS: Four updates today! Ask for flowers and comments!

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