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"This is not Helen......And Yan Chen?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Helen couldn't help but turn her head and looked at the person who was speaking in front of her with her sharp eyes.

Isn't this.....Agent Coulson from SHIELD?

Why is he here?

Helen frowned slightly and said,"Why are you here? Logically, SHIELD should not have been alerted by Jennifer's matter!"

In general, SHIELD rarely intervenes in ordinary gang fights, and ordinary police forces usually intervene.

Coulson did not expect to meet them, but he still explained,"It's a coincidence. We are here to deal with something! I didn't expect to meet you?"

"No way! What happened in the hospital now?"Helen said in surprise.

This hospital is an affiliated hospital of Columbia University, and her former research laboratory was also affiliated with Columbia University, so the connection is very close!

At this time, hearing that something happened in the hospital that required S.H.I.E.L.D. to intervene���, she couldn't help but say in confusion.

The attending doctor who followed him said without hesitation when he saw that it was an acquaintance,"The blood bank of the hospital was looted, and it is very likely that.....The legendary vampire!"


"No way!" Helen exclaimed in surprise again.

Coulson nodded and confirmed,"It's a real vampire! We didn't expect vampires to be so rampant now. Large-scale looting of blood banks is very rare!"

Helen frowned after hearing this. Many professors in the hospital are her friends. She is worried about them because of the bad working environment......There are real vampires in this world, but after thinking that the man next to her is a wizard, she also relieved some of her doubts!

Yan Chen was also very interested after listening. He personally slaughtered hundreds of vampires in the bar last time, but it was not enough to make them completely frightened and go underground.

But he didn't know why, but he knew that one of his magic potions needed vampire blood again!

Seeing the woman on the sickbed in front of him, Yan Chen was preparing to make a few life potions to deal with the life crisis of others. Speaking of which, Tony Stark's condition has also worsened a lot.

But before he could think more, he frowned and looked at the woman on the sickbed in front of him!

At this time!


A fine sound came from Jennifer on the sickbed, and then her whole body trembled continuously.

This unusual movement immediately made the attending doctor rush into the ward door with an anxious face,"What's going on!"

"How is it possible?"

Helen was naturally familiar with the medical equipment in the ward. All the vital signs were not only normal, but too normal. The heart pulse in front of her had risen to a terrifying value!


The sound of the heart bulging and beating was also heard by everyone!

This.........How is it possible!

Detective Coulson, who followed closely, looked at the strange scene in front of him with a confused look on his face. Listening to the strong heartbeat, is this still a human?

The little nurse girl next to him was so scared that she was about to cry."It's just a blood transfusion.....How could it become like this?"

Coulson asked anxiously,"Whose blood is this?"

"It seems to be called....Banner....Bruce Banner! Her cousin!"


Coulson's heart trembled, no way! Such a coincidence, could it be the Hulk! Suddenly, he thought of the figure that flashed in the corridor just now.


Accompanied by a more intense heartbeat.

Jennifer's white skin turned green, and her slender figure was full of muscle lines. To Coulson's surprise, this woman did not become as huge as the Hulk.

But when he thought of the horrible monster who had lost his mind and was full of destructive desire, he couldn't help but raise his gun.

At this time.

Jennifer, the female Hulk, actually opened her eyes, and a heavy breath slowly came out of her mouth, and then her sight looked around the ward, and then she looked down at her hands and couldn't help but let out a cry!

"this.....Impossible! How could my skin become like this!"

Before she could move a few times, the shaky bed could not withstand the sudden increase in strength. With a crack, it collapsed and fell to the ground.


Jennifer exclaimed, but looked at her good sister,"Helen, I...."

Then, she screamed with a splitting headache, and her bones made a crackling sound like frying beans. Although her figure did not change, her strength surged again.

"Jennifer....."Helen said with red eyes.

Yan Chen pulled her but didn't let her go. Although he knew that she could control the power in her body, he was unwilling to take the risk!


The sound of the gun handle safety being pulled down could be heard.

This unusual movement made Jennifer feel even worse.

Coulson remained calm in the face of danger, gritted his teeth, turned on the mobile phone and said,"Seal off the hospital!"

"You scared her! She can control herself!"At this time, Yan Chen's light words came!

Coulson didn't pay much attention at first. After all, these people may not have seen the power of the Hulk. He lost his mind, was full of destructive desire, and became stronger when he met a strong opponent. He was simply a killer. It was rare for him to maintain his body without shaking at all.

But Yan Chen's light words not only entered his ears, but also floated into his mind. Coulson's stubborn attitude at the beginning became inexplicably soft, and then he took back the gun!

He was stunned, but he didn't know why he compromised inexplicably. This was a bit weird.

Coulson's suspicious eyes couldn't help but look at Yan Chen next to him, but a sudden scream made his attention turn to the woman in front of him again.

"Just calm your breathing! You can do it!"Yan Chen said silently, but did not intervene.

He had already seen that the source of power was constantly fluctuating with her anger and anxiety. Even if he intervened the first time, who would help her in the future?


Jennifer listened to the comforting words, recalled her yoga classes, and then controlled her breathing.

But at this time, there were neat footsteps outside the door! Coulson was stunned. This mighty posture could never be S.H.I.E.L.D. Looking at the figures passing by the door, is it the army? Could it be them?.....

"Get out of here immediately, everyone!"A group of soldiers pointed their guns at us and said in a majestic manner.

PS: Please give me flowers!

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