A legendary dragon!

A dragon that can talk!

Oh my God!

Tony was stunned, shocked by this powerful sight. Look at the golden pupils that seemed to be burning with fireworks, the green horns pointing to the sky, the huge muscles that were constantly throbbing, and the scales that glowed coldly under the lights.

"Oh my god! Hey! This dragon brother.......I don't think I called you!"

Tony was paralyzed on the ground, swallowed his saliva, and then organized his words from his mind and said slowly.

Oh my God! Is this not a joke at the Halloween party?

Or is the show crew coming to play a trick on him?

Tony was confused, but said in a trance

"And what did you just say?.....Come to kidnap me?"

Ethan, who was huddled in the corner, nodded and said in agreement,"Tony, you heard it right, I also heard his kidnapping declaration!"


Such an exaggerated reaction.

It was as if a Muggle suddenly collided with a wizard casting magic. Yan Chen was no longer surprised by this.

He ignored the exaggerated reactions of the two Muggles and continued to say calmly,"Yes, Tony Stark, you have been kidnapped!"

Tony heard this repeated sentence very clearly.

They really wanted to kidnap him!

He just walked out of the cage of the Ten Commandments Gang, and now he was going to be captured by this dragon?

This is simply a tragedy on earth!

Tony murmured,"This is just a dream! Now please let me wake up from my dream!"

After that, he closed his eyes and pinched his arm heavily with his hands.


There was a sharp pain in his arm, and he couldn't help but let out a cry.

Then Tony couldn't wait to open his eyes, but what he saw was still the pair of golden pupils with uncertain light and the huge head sticking out.


Tony said in despair. This was not a joke!

"As for whether it is finished or not, it depends on you!"

"Well, it's time to discuss the ransom. Of course, you can also think of it as a life-saving money. After all, it can be regarded as saving you from the Ten Commandments Gang."

Yan Chen said lightly


Tony didn't expect that he could escape successfully.

But what this guy said was right. He could be called a ransom to express his gratitude for saving his life.

"Then how much do you want?"

"I don't need much money from you, just 2 billion dollars!"

Yan Chen, a wizard, didn't have much idea about the money circulating among Muggles.

Thinking about how he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on Susan, he just said a number on that basis.

This number was definitely a sky-high ransom.

Even with Stark Enterprises, which had a high market value, it was still a considerable sum for Tony.

"I'm afraid that if I want to raise this amount of cash, I need to cash out Obadiah shares!"

Tony sighed.

Then he said,"Okay, I promise you!"

"Very good, Tony Stark. Let's discuss the ransom for the other person."


Tony was so scared that he collapsed to the ground again.

It couldn't be another huge amount of money, it would simply cost him his life!

Ethan didn't expect that he would be asked for a ransom, so he said to Tony,"Don't worry about me!"

"Are you kidding me?"

Tony shook his head. During the days when they were imprisoned, he had been able to get rid of a lot of his vanity and even recognize the friends around him who only cared about food and drink. So he really had a lot of respect and friendship for Ethan.

It can be said that without him, he would have died in the wilderness a long time ago.

"Name your price!"

Tony said with a slightly gloomy look, ready to bleed heavily.

But Yan Chen just said,"Very good, I witnessed a flawless friendship."

"I just need a channel to purchase materials. I will entrust you to purchase some materials from all over the world in the future."

"Of course, I will pay the price!"

After all, there seems to be no Ministry of Magic, Gringotts, Diagon Alley and other stores for purchasing magic materials in this world.

So Yan Chen needs an influential person to help him purchase materials from all over the world.

In particular, as small as daisy roots, fig peels, caterpillars, a small drop of leech juice, and mouse spleens needed to make shrinking potions. These materials can't be made by a wizard himself.

So Tony Stark was chosen as his purchasing merchant.

"Ah! Is that all?"

Tony, who had just prepared for a big loss, didn't expect it to be such a simple request.

To be honest, asking Stark Enterprises, a world-renowned company, to purchase raw materials is a small matter, isn't it? But I really don't know what this guy needs?

Tony wanted to say more.

But Yan Chen was ready to leave, and his golden vertical pupil glanced slightly.

‘The spell of Oblivion suddenly took effect on Ethan.

"Very good, I will come find you! I hope you have money ready by then!"

Yan Chen's dragon body had quickly disappeared from the cave in an instant.

Before Tony could be shocked, what surprised him even more was that the damaged buildings around him began to recover automatically, and the corpses in the distance turned into layers of smoke and began to dissipate.

It was as if what had just happened was just an illusion and no longer existed!

This......It's simply a miracle!

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