
Frank had no time to react and was hit by the curse.

His whole body began to shake unnaturally, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground with a bang. The sound of tearing his heart and lungs continued to come out of his mouth.

"Ah! What is this?"

Frank felt as if his body was being eaten by poisonous insects. His skin became more and more itchy, and the itch penetrated deeper and deeper, as if it had taken root in his acupoints. The terrible pain made him want to die, and he cried out to the sky.

The arrogant Frank just now was gone.

But it was no wonder.

People who were hit by the Cruciatus Curse would feel piercing pain all over their body. The piercing pain would make the caster want to die. This curse was not used to kill people, but to torture people.


Naturally, he wanted him to slowly suffer the pain of the worst evil in the world before he died!

"quick....Save me quickly!"

"Bullseye, quick....Kill him!"

Frank lay prone on the ground, one hand slowly reaching out to the alert Bullseye in front of him.

Seeing his cowardly appearance, Bullseye walked away from him with disgust, and looked at Yan Chen in a black cloak with a pair of gloomy pupils, and said with interest:

"Do you know what I mean by Bullseye?"

"That's because I have the property that any object I throw at random will hit the target every time!"

Yan Chen's eyes flashed with curiosity, and he looked at him with interest and said

"So you are one of his gang?"

"It can be considered as such. After all, it was sent by my boss Jin Bing, so you are out of luck, kid!"

While he was talking, a pair of hands showed no weakness and pulled out a series of darts and daggers from his clothes. The silver-shining tools actually shone with a dazzling coldness under the light.

"Then it seems that you are doomed to die? After all, you are in the same group."

Yan Chen shrugged helplessly.

Listening to his relaxed tone, as if he regarded himself as nothing, Bullseye's face suddenly turned fierce, and he said directly,"Very good, I am no longer the same as before, and I will not be afraid of your bluffing magic at all!"

After the implantation of adamantium alloy, he gave him a lot of confidence.

As soon as he finished speaking.

The sharp blades in both hands were immediately sent out, making bursts of whistling sounds, and walked out of a straight trajectory, shooting towards Yan Chen in front of him.

But at this time.

On the ground between the two people, a series of wind catkins rose from the ground.

Under the affinity of the wind element, the wind catkins slowly built up like building blocks, and actually formed a substantial wind wall to intercept Yan Chen in front of him.

Bang bang!!!

The sharp blades collided with the wind wall, and were actually blocked by the wall and bounced out, and could not get close to Yan Chen at all.


"What kind of trick is this!"

Bullseye looked like he had seen a ghost. He had never encountered such a scene in his career as a killer for so many years.

He didn't see how he moved, but he created a wind wall out of thin air?

Of course, this was not a wandless spell or a silent spell.

Yan Chen didn't move because the attribute of wind element affinity was not a spell at all, but his own blood and talent. Just like eating and drinking, he could cast a spell successfully with just a thought.

Looking at the wind wall in front of him.

Yan Chen finally understood the concept of wind element affinity. So that's it. This not only makes him have a keen elemental affinity, but also allows him to command the wind element to build what he needs at will.

Wind wall, wind blade, storm, etc......Of course it's a piece of cake.

So that's it!

He took back the joy in his heart.

Yan Chen looked back at Bullseye in front of him and said to him with a smile,"Bullseye, this name is really good!"

Bullseye didn't understand what he meant, but seeing him praising himself, he still said proudly,"Of course!"


Yan Chen's tone suddenly changed

"If you name yourself Bullseye because you never miss a shot, that would be a bit inappropriate. You should be named Sharpshooter. So in order to accurately define your name, I will treat you like a real bullseye!"

"Fly away quickly!"

Just finished speaking.

It's over!

A warning flashed through Bullseye's mind, and his pupils were filled with fear.


An exquisite wine bottle hit him directly on the forehead, and a large red and swollen bump instantly appeared at the contact point.


The crystal fragments scattered on the ground all flew towards Bullseye, making several whooshing sounds, and directly pierced his body, and dozens of blood lines burst out at once.


The quaint boss chair hit his waist directly.

The gold-inlaid cigarette case hit his cheek.

The photo frame clicked around his neck. There was a continuous rumbling sound!

One big brick book after another kept hitting his body.

At the same time, under the control of the spell, all the objects in the office were shot at Bullseye himself, as small as pens and paper, as large as bookshelves and stools, all flew towards him without surprise.

And this was just a trick of Yan Chen

‘'Fly here quickly' was originally a spell to attract things, but he tampered with it and pointed the flying direction to the bullseye, and framed the objects into all the things in the house.

So, there was this scene just now!

"How about it? Bullseye, now I feel that your name is right!"

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