"It is not a good habit to speak ill of others behind their backs!"

Yan Chen had just finished speaking.

The two people who were hiding in the dark and slowly plotting their actions suddenly felt a sense of fear rising up their spines, and then a chill appeared behind them.


A large handful of blood spurted out from their backs, and their vision inexplicably went dark, and then they slowly collapsed to the ground.

""Crack, crack!"

The sound of the apparition sounded again.

Yan Chen's figure appeared directly in front of another mage.

Suddenly, his vision blurred.

This red-robed mage had an extremely sharp combat intuition. With the help of the ring in his hand, he wanted to open a space channel to escape.

But Yan Chen couldn't do what he wanted!

""Stay here!"

A roar suddenly broke out.

The five fingers of his right hand clenched into the air, and a turbulent wind suddenly appeared in the distance, like a hurricane, sweeping the distant mage directly over.


The mage, who had half of his body across the space gate, suddenly let out a wail, and the whole person flew backwards in front of Yan Chen.


His right hand grabbed his neck and squeezed it hard, but it broke his neck directly.

The wild wind gradually subsided!

The rustling robe on Yan Chen's body also calmed down.

The wild wind just now was the manifestation of the affinity of the wind element. The free manipulation of wind power actually played a role of suction in disguise.

After dealing with this person, Yan Chen did not stop his ruthless hand.

He came with great momentum and thought he was a piece of cake!

Now he is a stray dog, wishing his parents had two more legs!

""He who kills shall be killed!"

A magic blade appeared in his hand, and he threw it far away, piercing the wall with a bang.

The gray wall suddenly spurted out a stream of blood.

With a whimpering cry, a figure fell out of the wall.


""Don't play these little tricks on me anymore!"

Yan Chen said sarcastically.

He raised the magic wand in his right hand, and a ray of light suddenly burst out from the end of the wand.

""The true form is revealed!"

In an instant, the hidden figures in the surrounding streets and alleys were suddenly revealed after the spell was broken.


"This is.....What magic?"

Seeing that figure looking at them with a mocking face.

The guys who were originally trying to sneak attack, seeing their true colors exposed, couldn't help but blush and curse loudly.

"You are too arrogant. How could I, a mage who has practiced for decades, be chased by a young boy like you?"

"That’s right. After all, we have been training with the Ancient One for many years and have the protection of the god Dormammu. How could we lose to this guy!"

"Everyone, give me....."

Before he finished speaking,

Yan Chen had already appeared in front of him. The guy who had just been talking so confidently suddenly stopped and stared at the person who appeared in front of him in a daze.

"That sounds nice!"

Yan Chen stepped forward, his figure flashed, and the blade in his hand directly hit his body.



Two crisp sounds popped out from each other's bodies!


The middle-aged man looked down at the red clothes on his waist and abdomen, and the curved and broken magic blade in his right hand, his pupils were full of surprise.

He was surprised at his speed!

He was even more surprised at his terrifying flesh and blood strength!


The magic blade that was sent into Yan Chen's body was bent like a bow. After a few seconds, it finally couldn't bear the pull of the muscles in the body and broke instantly.


Before the middle-aged man died, he just murmured silently, and then his body fell to the ground instantly.

"Why are you not moving at all?"

"Are they all wooden? Then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Looking at the uncertain Dormammu followers, Yan Chen smiled calmly, and the wound on his waist disappeared.

"It's really a monster!"

The next second, everyone saw the figure suddenly disappearing from the spot, and their scalps tingled instantly.

Seeing that he instantly broke their magic and his body was completely unharmed, everyone had no mood to stay any longer.


One after another, space gates began to appear frequently.

The surrounding mirror space could not hold on any longer, and began to collapse layer by layer, like a broken mirror.

""God's blade has no shadow!"

The terrifying invisible blade swept past them like a hurricane.



The gentle breeze that was like a lover's gentle caress was the most terrifying invisible wind blade. Scary and terrifying blood lines suddenly appeared on their bodies.

""Magic Mark!"

Yan Chen silently thought in his heart.

Among the figures who had just escaped, one person was marked by him, and this person would lead himself to their lair.

"I hope you can bring me some surprises!"

The surrounding images shattered like a mirror again.

With a pop!

As if a transparent bubble had been pierced, Yan Chen's figure had walked out of the mirror space.

It was still on Broadway.

Many pretty girls passing by frequently cast their eyes on the boy in front of them.

Yan Chen took off the brim of his cloak and slowly disappeared into the crowd!

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