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"How can you control the magic levitation cloak?"

Daniel Drum screamed and questioned angrily.

But reality soon gave him the answer. The red magic levitation cloak suddenly stretched out, like a long blanket, and instantly covered his body.


Daniel was extremely shocked, and in a panic he waved the Watum wand in his hand.


The collision of the weapons once again produced brilliant sparks of magic.

As soon as the weapons touched, the energy beam extending from the end of the wand shattered instantly.

"Get up for me!"

Daniel's pupils shrank again, and a light surprise burst out from his mouth. The magic wand weapon in his right hand and the magic blade pulled out from the void with his left hand kept splashing on the flying cloak. Bang, bang, bang!

Sparks of magic power splashed out again!

What he didn't expect was that after three or four attacks, not to mention���It penetrated the entire cloak, and it was not easy to damage the surface fibers.


The entire magic floating cloak expanded and extended again, and when it got close, it wrapped Daniel's whole body tightly.

With a plop!

The whole person was taken away by the autonomous consciousness of the magic floating cloak and rolled directly to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, the whole person was on the ground without any movement. If it weren't for the faint breathing sound, people might think he was dead!

This is the terrible thing about the magic floating cloak. After the cloak is completely wrapped.

The whole person will fall into a blinding state, not only unable to move, but also unable to attack and use magic.

Therefore, Daniel, who is like a mummy, can't resist at all.


The sound of footsteps kept falling on the ground.

Yan Chen's body has slowly walked over. Facing such a master of magic, he didn't even use a few moves, and easily solved him with the power of the magic floating cloak.

Thinking of this!

I know that this trip to the New York Temple is a real bargain!

"Now you should know who is lying on the ground!" Yan Chen said with a smile.

At the signal of his spiritual consciousness, the magic floating cloak Xiaohong loosened its tight wrapping, revealing Daniel's entire head.

Listening to Yan Chen's light words, he felt ashamed. Just now, he was the one who shouted for others to lie down, but in the end........What I didn't expect was that I would end up lying on the ground in a mess. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but find it quite ironic!

"Let me go!"

"How dare you invade the New York Temple, kill one of its members, and steal my temple treasures? Do you know your crime?"

Daniel angrily scolded.

Yan Chen just smiled after hearing this. Even though the person in front of him was Daniel Drumm, the master of the New York Temple and a voodoo wizard famous in the magic world, he would not give him too much face.

"You said I committed two major sins, right?......"

Yan Chen said with a slow smile.

Daniel's pupils seemed to be able to spit out flames, and he stared at him with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to hear how he would refute his next words.

"Okay, I will now criticize you as the master of the temple!"

"You said that I coveted the treasure of the temple, but I'm sorry, this is the ancient demon magic floating cloak. Treasures have always chosen people, and unfortunately, this treasure chose me! So your reason is invalid!"

Daniel's face changed after hearing this.


The magic floating cloak, this magical artifact, already has independent consciousness, but it is extremely picky about its owner, and it is chosen personally, so there is no suspicion of stealing it.

In addition, thinking about the rumors behind this cloak, his face changed.

Ignoring his change in expression.

Yan Chen continued to say to himself,"As for the crime you mentioned, slaughtering your temple members! This is true!"

"You still dare to say it?"

Daniel listened to his righteous tone, and a nameless fire rose in his heart. The reason why he was called Voodoo was that he was a magician who was very good at the secret skills of the soul. Not only could he bless others with soul incarnation, but he could also easily separate the flesh and blood souls of others.

So he was extremely sensitive to the soul, and at the first glance he saw that there was an undead spirit that had not yet dissipated beside Yan Chen. Without thinking too much, this must have killed a member of their temple.

Thinking of this, as the master of the New York Temple, he looked at Yan Chen very viciously, with a courage to burn both jade and stone, but under the binding of the magic floating cloak, he could not move at all!

Yan Chen listened to his angry words, but turned a deaf ear to him, and said directly,"Then do you know that you have failed in your duty!"

"Am I negligent?"

""My biggest mistake is that I can't kill you!"

Daniel responded angrily.

Yan Chen smiled after hearing this and said to him in a mocking tone,"You don't even know what you did wrong, right? You are the master of the temple who protects the world, but you don't even know that there are believers of the Lord of the Dark Dimension hiding in the temple!"


Lord of the Dark Dimension!


Daniel was struck by lightning after hearing this. If what this guy said was true, then he had failed in his duty, because Dormammu, the Lord of the Dark Dimension, wanted to get involved in the Earth every day.

If there were still followers of Dormammu hiding under his temple, wouldn't that be shielding criminals? Wouldn't that make him an accomplice in harming the Earth?


Daniel didn't want to believe it, but he refuted it very stubbornly.

Yan Chen showed a hint of sarcasm and said directly,"Unfortunately, the person I just killed happened to be a follower of Dormammu!"


"This must be......"Your excuse is baseless! What do you have to prove it?"

Daniel argued, but his tone was not as strong as before.

After hearing this, Yan Chen smiled inexplicably. It was really a blessing in disguise!

"It seems like you are really unlucky! There are three followers of Dormammu up there! Why don't you come with me?"


Daniel's face turned pale. Looking at his confident expression, he was already half convinced in his heart. The cloak wrapped around him suddenly fell away, and he felt the force of his body suddenly relax.

Daniel said with a bit unnatural expression,"Aren't you afraid that I will attack you again?"

"Just you? You'd better forget it!"

Yan Chen said mercilessly.

If it weren't for the kindness of his predecessor, he wouldn't be so easy to talk to!

Daniel was even more angry after hearing this. He was the master of the temple and a famous voodoo master, but he was looked down upon by others. Although he was angry in his heart, he couldn't help but relax when he thought of the strange cloak.

"Okay! Let me go upstairs to see if it's true or not?"

After saying this, he took the lead and went up to the third floor!

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