Beep, beep!

The flames were like demons that were ready to devour people. Not only did they evaporate the blood on the ground, they also instantly swallowed up the corpses.

The flames instantly ignited the flesh and blood, and the terrifying high temperature even burned the bones of the human body.

Annihilated into ash!

Wisps of gray ashes floated in the air, and there was no trace of these people in the world anymore.


Under the violent and ruthless phoenix flames.

A figure walked out of the burning church unharmed.

Every time Yan Chen walked by, the flames would automatically make way as if they had a spirit, just like Moses parting the sea, full of visual impact.

One, two......Six, seven......

There is still one missing.

As soon as he walked to the door of the church, Yan Chen thought of the results just now.

There is still one guy left who fought with him at that time!

Recalling the details of the past three months, he realized that a leader named Rios was missing.


I really hope you can take one more blow from me!

Yan Chen looked at the bright and handsome face in the flames, which was just like his face in his previous life. Perhaps it was just a container left for him by this world.

In any case, it can be regarded as settling a grudge in his heart.

Of course, the remaining people cannot be let go.

At this time.

A figure flew in from a high-altitude floor in the distance.

Dressed in a red spider web, it was obviously our New York vigilante who fights against violence and protects the good-Spider-Man

"Hey, are you short on people for your Christmas bonfire party?"

"How do you think I look like?"

Spider-Man Parker lived up to his reputation as a mouth cannon.

He just finished speaking and made a few rather showy movements.

But in fact, he was secretly surprised that this person could walk out of the flames safely. Is this another outlier?

Looking at this familiar guy in front of him,

Yan Chen did not feel annoyed or angry.

He was just curious about his skill of flying in the air with the help of spider webs.

Of course, it was just a little curiosity.

"Okay, you can go back now!"

Yan Chen said.

Hearing the fire alarm coming from afar, he knew it was time to leave.

"Are you chasing people away? Wow....You are so cruel!"

"How can I be missing from the bonfire party? Hey, buddy, come with me to the police station!"

As soon as the voice fell.


A spider web thread shot directly at him like a sharp arrow.

The extremely tough spider silk thread even produced a whistling sound in the air.

But when it was in the air.

Yan Chen remained indifferent, just looking at the silk web, a ghost fire seemed to dye his pupils red.

The spider silk that was not in front of him suddenly ignited a flame.

Not only did it block the attack, but it was also like a line of fire that spread directly upwards


Parker screamed and hurriedly pulled off the flames from his wrist.

In his hurry.

A dazzling red flame ignited directly on his back.


A blazing flame came from the spider suit, and the flesh and blood even showed a slight burning sensation.

Parker no longer cared about his image and kept rolling around on the ground.

A small punishment!

Yan Chen didn't look at this person any more.

If he didn't stop, I'm afraid this guy would have fallen into the sea of fire and died directly.

Of course, this Spider-Man didn't interest him.

After all, in his original world, there were monsters such as giants, centaurs, goblins, elves, phoenixes and dragons everywhere.

""Forget everything!"

Along with his faint words came a flash of white light.

Spider-Man was hit by the spell before he could react. What happened just now and Yan Chen's existence were all wiped out in his mind.

Just as Parker's eyes were blank, he felt confused looking at the burning fire in front of him.

Yan Chen's figure had already walked away slowly from the door of the church.

The magic wand in his hand emitted a faint light.

Invisible waves spread out.

Unfortunately, Parker was covered by the magic wave again.

But the confusion on his face just now improved in an instant, and Parker couldn't help but wake up and said

"Oh, there was a gas explosion in my house....."

"Um, that’s not right. It was Aunt Mei who asked me to go out and buy some soy sauce. I haven’t bought any yet, so why am I still staying here?"

This chatterbox finished talking to himself, as if he had turned a blind eye to the burning church and the wizard in front of him.

His figure quickly disappeared from the door of the church.

This is the charm of the 'Muggle-Repelling Charm'.

This is an expulsion spell, and any Muggle (referring to non-magical humans) will remember the most urgent things and leave.

In the past planes, Hogwarts was able to gain a foothold in the world, and naturally there was a set of magical measures that were not visible to mortals.

Even humans who had witnessed the existence of dragons with their own eyes would be visited in person by people from the Ministry of Magic.

This is also the reason why people don't know the whereabouts of wizards at all.

After Yan Chen took a set of measures, he disappeared at the entrance of the street like a gust of wind.


The fire in the church that was still burning just now, but the fire was getting smaller and smaller in the blink of an eye.

In just a few seconds, only small flames and a gray ruin were left.

There was no trace of even the corpse.

PS: There are a few flowers and comments, please!

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