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A Mercedes-Benz car was about to drive slowly onto the Manhattan Bridge.

But there were crashing sounds not far away.

The smooth road in front of her suddenly stopped.

Through the window, Susan could see people getting off the cars on the bridge.

"How terrifying! There is a monster in front of us!"

"Found it! It's really here!" Susan said with a little joy.

Jonathan in the car said to Yan Chen with a suspicious look on his face,"Hey! How can you be sure that Ben is here?"

Yan Chen's expression did not change, he just held up the mobile phone in his right hand, smiled and said to him,"This is what the Internet said. You know, it's hard to hide things in this world from the Internet, especially a guy with the appearance of orange stone!"


Jonathan's doubts were still not resolved.

Although he was naughty, he was also a top student like his sister, and he had even served as an astronaut, so naturally he had a high IQ. Ever since he met Yan Chen, he always felt that something was wrong. He always felt that......This person seemed to be covered with a hazy veil, full of mystery.

Yan Chen ignored his surprise and continued to play with the phone in his hand.

In the past, this was a very rare thing, but since he had planned to perfectly integrate into the whole society, many human high technologies began to slowly master them.

At this time, there happened to be a news about Tony Stark on the news column on the mobile phone screen.

Yan Chen was inexplicably curious and couldn't help but click on it.

It was news about this guy announcing that he was Iron Man!

Yan Chen did not comment on this matter.

Of course, he might be inclined to not agree with it because he was low-key by nature. After all, fame and fortune were too light for him.

At this time.

Helen saw that the road ahead was completely blocked and the car could not move forward at all, so she immediately said,"Let's go over! After all, Ben is still in front, and there seems to be a chain car accident in front!"

"No problem!"

Everyone had no objection, so everyone ran slowly forward.

However, the crowds of pedestrians on the road ahead made it difficult for everyone to pass.

""Can you please make way for me?" Helen said with concern.

But the crowd in front of her seemed to be joining in the fun and were unwilling to leave. Moreover, the scene was a little noisy, and the voices were drowned out by the constant honking of the horns.

But after a while, Helen looked helpless.

""Follow me!"

At this time, a faint voice was clearly heard by everyone.

Yan Chen silently carried Susan's slender body, and before he began to squeeze into the crowd, the people in front of him began to retreat and leave. They all looked very nervous, as if something big had happened at home, so that they no longer had the intention to join in the fun.


Jonathan's face was filled with more doubts.

Hearing the words"The gas is not turned off at home"’,‘Wife giving birth’,‘His grandson was beaten at school." He couldn't help but laugh.

What is all this?

How come all of a sudden, the people in front of him all have emergencies at home?

Looking at the tall man standing in front of him, Jonathan couldn't help but feel a little awe in his heart. Where did his sister find a boyfriend?

Helen also saw the scene in front of her, ripples appeared in her pupils, and her curiosity became more and more intense. This guy can really give people surprises.


Everyone came to the middle section of the bridge, which is the scene of the serial car accident.

And here, there was already a group of policemen surrounding the front, surrounding a weirdo who looked like an orange stone.

Jonathan couldn't help but shout,"Ben?"

Hearing someone calling his real name.

The stone man couldn't help but look over there, looking at his companions in the space station with surprise, only to find that these companions did not change in appearance like him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel unspeakable bitterness in his heart.

And just last night, his girlfriend couldn't accept him with his body full of stone bumps.

Looking at the crowd surrounding him, he felt like a clown in a circus. With this association, he made up his mind to leave quickly.

But before he could take a step.


A tiny flame suddenly fell into the gasoline.

One of the vehicles involved in the chain accident just now happened to be a gas truck. Suddenly, with a bang, a ball of wild and swollen flames suddenly exploded on the bridge, and the smoke went straight into the sky.


Such a horrible flame explosion, the shock wave generated by it even overturned many vehicles into the sky.

At the same time, a burst of orange-red fireworks suddenly spread out, and in the blink of an eye, it was about to swallow up everyone in front of him.

Yan Chen raised his right hand hanging from his waist slightly.

Invisible waves spread out.

There were ripples in the air as if there were real ripples, and the water elements in the sky suddenly became dense. The momentum of the water and fire collision was only waiting for his thought to respond.



To her surprise, Susan at the side of him had a light blue protective shield erupting from her body.

Under the scorching flames, the ripples on the protective shield fluctuated unsteadily, and were full of tiny cracks, as if it would completely shatter like a mirror in the next second.

"Come on!" Yan Chen said tenderly.

Unexpectedly, in such a scene, she would burst out with a new ability. In order to fully stimulate her potential, the idea of taking action just now was completely abandoned.

Listening to Yan Chen's words, Susan pursed her lips tightly, and then with her hands, she suppressed all the gushing flames. Seeing her impressive ability results, Susan couldn't help but feel happy.

Helen on the other side also changed her expression slightly.

The flames just now came at her face, but waves of hungry swallowing came from her body, and she actually absorbed the free heat energy and surging kinetic energy in the air.

She even felt that as long as she encouraged herself, she could erupt the flames she had just absorbed.

This is simply.....It was crazy!

Nearby, Ben Grimm, the stone man, used all his strength to grab the fire truck that was about to fall on the edge of the bridge. Even with his huge body, he was no match for the fire truck!

However, this guy actually grabbed the entire fire truck weighing several tons and pulled it back from the edge of the bridge.

All these amazing abilities were captured by helicopters in the air.

Some media even called it......Fantastic Four!

PS:Adjust your work and rest schedule! I have been feeling dizzy during the day these days, and only feel better at night. But it is easy to stay up all night, and feel dizzy again during the day, which is a vicious cycle. So I will make up for it tomorrow! I hope you understand! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading

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