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It is still the same laboratory attached to Columbia University Medical School.


Helen exhaled lightly, stood in front of the kitchen table, and drank a cup of coffee quietly.

Although this is her laboratory, it is the living area on the third floor.

Since she took off the white coat, her every move has been very relaxed, and her every frown is full of femininity, and the oriental charm on her face is even stronger.

Moreover, since her genes have been mutated by cosmic rays, Helen feels that her body, which should have been delicate, has become more and more energetic.

However, although she has become a superpower owner and a superpower who can manipulate energy.

But Helen still has no intention of being a superhero, and she doesn't pay too much attention to the name of"Fantastic Four", so after the visit of SHIELD today, she insisted on rejecting their solicitation.

At that time, Coulson said,"Your superpowers can help many people and fight many super criminals."

But Helen refused very confidently,"No, my most powerful ability is not a superpower at all, but my scientific knowledge!"

"Moreover, my scientific knowledge can help more people!"

Helen couldn't help laughing when she recalled her words.

Of course, it was true!

Even if she joined S.H.I.E.L.D., acted as a superhero, and used her superpowers to fight criminals, it would be a bit of a waste of talent.

But the regeneration cradle technology she is still developing is different.

As long as it is successfully born, even the most basic scarless wound healing is enough to benefit the human beings of the whole world. Then, the gene repair and even the elimination of viruses in the body that will continue to be developed is an important technology that will benefit the entire future.

So, simply saving people is not worth mentioning in her eyes.

But what she has in her heart is the bigger earth.

However, few people can understand this idea. After all, everyone attaches great importance to the superpowers in Helen's body.

And people outside the laboratory think so too!


Suddenly, there was a sound of fine noises coming from the floor below.

Helen came back to her senses, frowned slightly, and looked a little alert, but she was puzzled by the noises from the floor below. Since her transformation with super powers, her five senses have been improved.

Before she could continue to hear the noises below.


That was the key drilling the hole, making a fine and crisp sound.

That was the door to her living area!

Damn it!

Hearing this sound, Helen panicked for no reason, and her face became tense. She couldn't help but take out a sharp knife from the kitchen, and then ran to the back door.

After all, every laboratory, for safety, is required to have two doors in front and back.

But at this time.


There was another sound, and the heavy back door made a crisp sound, and then slowly opened, and a figure slowly came into her sight.


Helen couldn't help but let out a scream.

The front and back doors of the entire living area were all opened by unknown outsiders.

"you are not.....?"

Looking at this familiar face and the lab clothes on his body, isn't this his subordinate in the lab?

But at this time, the person who came in from the front door suddenly pulled out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at this side.


Bang bang!!

The sound of vibrating gunfire continued to be heard.

"No....."Helen's pupils shrank inexplicably, and just as a wave of energy in her body was about to burst out, the trajectory of the bullet was to hit the personnel behind her.


The bullets kept hitting the back wall, splashing wisps of dust.

It was the personnel who came in from the back door, who successfully dodged the flying bullets with a difficult posture.

Seeing this scene.

The man who fired the gun gritted his teeth and said,"Dr. Helen, I am sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. to protect you, follow me quickly......"

As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying sound suddenly came.

His waist and abdomen were pierced by a ferocious giant claw, and a pool of terrifying blood immediately splashed on the ground in front of him.


Before he finished speaking, the blond man who attacked from behind raised his right hand with great force and threw the whole body towards the kitchen where Helen was.


The whole body collided with the wall, making a loud noise.

The terrifying force not only broke the pipes laid on the wall, but also completely smashed a big hole in the thick wall.


Helen covered her lips with her hands, trying to suppress her screams of fear.

But when she looked at the corpse with its eyes open, a chill of terror filled her heart, and her body trembled uncontrollably. But when she felt the energy surging in her body, she felt a little relieved. After a while, she leaned against the corner of the kitchen, looked at the enemy in front of her with a little calmness and said,"You are not....."My lab technician? What do you want to do?"

Although the face was exactly the same, the temperament was different.

After hearing Helen's words, the lab technician suddenly laughed.


The laughter echoed, but it was full of irony.

"you....."Before Helen finished speaking, her expression suddenly changed. The laughter that came into her ears turned into a woman's.

How is it possible?

This is not a man?

At this time, the surface of his body moved, and he turned into a woman with blue skin and fine scales.

Mystique smiled and said,"It is obvious that your researcher has died long ago."


Helen saw the body-changing scene and couldn't help but blurt out.

The fierce Sabretooth Tiger was staring at her, while Mystique slowly walked over and said to her with a smile,"We are here to ask you to join our Mutant Brotherhood. Your superpowers are destined to be different from humans.""

"We are from two different worlds, so join us!"

Brotherhood of Mutants?

Isn't this a terrorist organization?

What a joke, why would I join it?......

"You got the wrong person, I'm not a mutant?"

The saber-toothed tiger said in a gruff voice,"You have abilities, aren't you a mutant?"

Helen shook her head and said,"Mutants' abilities are due to the expression of X genes, but my genetic structure is fundamentally different! I'm different from you."

Mystique frowned slightly. She was used to being discriminated against, and she felt inexplicably irritated when she heard these remarks.

Of course, Magneto seemed to covet her very much, as if he was going to use her for some plan.

"It doesn't matter, you will have a different understanding soon!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Mystique's steps could not help but get closer. ps A week of streaking requires diligence!!!_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading

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