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After one foot landed, Yan Chen had come close to him.

In the corner of the room in front of him, Jonathan's body was lying, with many red and swollen injuries on his body. It was obvious that he had fainted due to severe pain.

After checking that his life was not in danger.

Yan Chen slowly raised one foot, and then with a wheezing sound, he stepped down heavily.

With a snap!

Doom's entire right elbow was instantly broken by him. The dragon power in Yan Chen's body was more than that. With a slight force, the bones that were originally as high and thick as a fist were instantly flattened and dented.


A wail came out of Dum's mouth instantly.

The two lips that were originally tightly attached were cut apart by the invisible blade, causing him to make a heart-wrenching sound.

But Yan Chen didn't care.

A pair of strange golden vertical pupils flashed with creepy murderous intent, and a slight arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Dum's other hand still trying to gather electricity, but smiled.


Another whistling sound that broke through the air suddenly came out!


The entire left hand joint was instantly broken by him again.

Doom's face was full of pain, and his vision was bloodshot. He could only see the figure standing in front of him vaguely.

Perhaps because of the blurred vision of seeing flowers in the fog, he actually saw a vague animal shadow from the figure, as if the person in front of him was actually a monster!

Even if he wasn't!

But with the weird magic just now, how could this guy still be a human?


Doom couldn't bear the severe pain in his body, and another mouthful of blood foam spurted out of his mouth.


"you.....Still human?" Doom spat out a lot of blood, and then he finished a sentence incoherently.

At first, he thought that this guy was just a good fighter with some Chinese Kung Fu!

But he didn't act rashly, so he was very happy to get rid of the lizard beast to prove himself!

But he didn't expect that the lizard beast that frightened New York and made many superheroes return in defeat couldn't withstand his attack!

This gave him a strong self-confidence! He thought Susan's boyfriend was just like that!

So, after easily beating up Jonathan, the young man, he called Susan and prepared to catch them all in one fell swoop.

He also arrived as promised!

But he didn't expect.....

This is the result!


Yan Chen stepped down hard again, breaking Doom's spine in two.

"Ah!!"Dum screamed in pain.

He had no idea how to fight back!

He thought everyone was just a frog in the well, and Yan Chen was just a frog in the well that was jumping a little bit.

But it turned out that.....

I am the most pitiful frog in the well!

""Drilling my heart and tearing my bones out!"

Yan Chen's faint voice came from his mouth.

Then Doom, who had been motionless like a dead body just now, began to shake violently like a salted fish just landed. His heart felt like it was being cut by a knife, and his bones felt like they were being gnawed, full of bone-eating pain.


Doom, who had almost fainted from the pain, woke up again.

Then a footprint was imprinted on his head. Feeling the intense force, the ground below his head began to break and sink. The dying Doom couldn't help but cry out,"No!......"

Yan Chen ignored him, and the power of his legs gushed out!


The entire huge, metallic head was instantly crushed by him like a watermelon, and a red and white turbid substance suddenly filled the hole under the body.

Looking at this corpse that was no longer in human form.

The anger in Yan Chen's body was slightly relieved. After all, when he saw Susan's delicate face that was sad and beautiful just now, he felt like he was going to explode!

When had he seen Susan, who always had a sweet smile, so sad and lost!

In order to comfort her, Yan Chen even tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and then he came here with peace of mind.

Looking at this culprit, he fell down and died completely!

Yan Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then raised his right hand, and a faint green light gushed out of the black magic wand, and completely fell on Jonathan on the ground.

"The wound heals!"

A gentle spring breeze swept by, like spring coming out of winter, and the whole air was filled with the breath of recovery.

The bruises and wounds on Jonathan's body that had been burned by the electric current just now disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. His strength gradually recovered, and his eyelids were trembling. I think he will wake up for this.

Suddenly. Chi


The temperature in the air kept rising inexplicably, and a crimson flame instantly appeared on Doom's body. His entire body was like a burning candle, quickly melting away.

"It's time to go!"

Yan Chen thought to himself. If he stayed here any longer, Susan would suffer even more.

So he grabbed Jonathan by the collar.

"Hey! Who are you?....."With his panicked shout, the magic spell of Apparition was completely activated.


The figures of the two people completely disappeared from here, and only Jonathan's exaggerated shouting was still transmitted in the building. At this time, at the other end,

Helen drove the Mercedes-Benz and slowly appeared at the street entrance of the community.

After turning a corner, she found that there were two tall figures standing in the duplex apartment in front.


Helen screamed, and the car quickly drove to the gate of the yard.


The car door opened impatiently, and the worried Susan immediately jumped into Yan Chen's arms like a swallow flying into the forest.

"Are you okay?"

Susan's trembling voice came.

The remaining anger in Yan Chen's body suddenly dissipated. He couldn't help but hug Susan tightly and whispered in her ear,"It's okay! It's just an ant!"

After hearing this, Susan couldn't help but chuckle. Dum, the chairman of the Fangdu Group and the pride of New York, was actually described by him as an ant.

But it was very vivid!

"Hey! Stop showing off your love in front of me!" Jonathan said flatteringly with a smile.

At this time,

Susan, who was smiling, suddenly tightened her face, and turned to scold her brother and said,"How dare you say that?"

"What did you do tonight? Not only did you make us worried, but if dad and the others knew about it, you would scare them to death!....."

Then a series of words of instruction came out in a crackling sound.

Jonathan could only stand there in a daze, feeling very embarrassed.

Seeing Susan's style as a sister, Yan Chen couldn't help but laugh.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when studying

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