Wizards of the North

Chapter 412: Shinto

Watching Bran leave, Lily continued to devote herself to work. In the current Double Wing City, not only the war witches came out of the nest, even most of their witches were not in the city.

With the expansion of the magic network, those magic powers returning to tributaries through the void are also increasing. As they entered and exited, their spirits became pure and tough. The area covered by the spirit of tributaries is also increasing.

What followed was a rapid increase in strength. According to the current trend, Lily believes that the gap with Bran will become smaller and smaller.

Currently, Moli.com is still the top priority. But this is not the only job at the moment, because many plans are already on the agenda.

Since their own strength is closely related to the coverage of the magic network, the continent under their feet can no longer satisfy their appetite.

External retaliation is a matter of time, and it has already been sent to the door. The west coast of the Mozu is still shrouded in dense fog, and people from the Baru mainland are still making waves there.

But everyone didn't want to be too rude. Through the magic network, they realized the importance of circulation, and also learned that the demons or the creatures in other networks are rare resources.

Although it is not irreplaceable, it cannot be wasted at will. As a result, gods and metaphors were introduced into Yong'an City, and the apostles of the gods stepped into the territory of the demons under the guidance of the gods.

The magic net also cooperated with the apostle's footsteps and began to slowly extend.

The huge Yong'an City was empty again, but Nicole still did not receive the gods. But unlike before, she was not alone this time. Similarly, the believers of the God of Flame and the God of Frost did not receive the gods.

The difference is that the two apostles are too shabby. Their miracles were obviously too late, and coupled with their indifference to the believers, even maintaining the operation of the temple became a problem.

The believers of the God of Flame can at least raise the bonfire and sing and dance; the believers of the God of Frost are more troublesome. If they want to jump, they can only wait until winter.

At present, the followers of Dark Night are losing very quickly. Since listening to the divine metaphor that night, she has begun to converge. But everyone did not despise her because of the two heroic souls guarding the temple.

Ning Que Wulan, this is Nicole's new strategy.

Although she didn't get the gods, Nicole didn't want to sit here. She would still collect the most devout followers for the gods. Since the dark night does not want its god's name to be revealed to the world, they will hibernate in the dark according to the god's will.


The every move of Yongan City will always involve the increasingly fragile nerves of the Mozu.

At first, when Nicole was alone here, the city defense and other aspects were quite satisfactory. But with the continuous influx of the apostles of the gods, the city's defenses became looser.

There are gods standing behind, making the people here gradually become proud and arrogant. But this is not a bad thing, and the demons who have not yet belonged have learned more about the truth.

Nowadays, no one doubts the existence of gods, because Yongan City is full of miracles, and there are even gods occasionally appearing.

Those who have not yet returned began to wonder, why did the gods stop? I also started to be afraid, how will the gods treat them?

The area adjacent to Yong'an City has repeatedly expressed the meaning of submission. But in Yong'an City, the servants of the gods dare not decide without authorization.

The silence of Yongan City makes people feel scared, and no one knows how the gods will rule. In the panic, Yong'an City finally had some movement.

If faith is free from punishment, then most people are willing to offer unreligious faith, so the mission goes very smoothly. Often a family, a village collectively believed in the apostle who arrived first.

When the news came back, the apostles of the God of Flame and the God of Frost rushed out of Yong'an City, seeming to forget that the gods did not give them a metaphor.

Nicole was not in a hurry to travel. Since Dark Night didn't let her fight, then let the others go first. But when she was sitting in the temple, someone approached her.

There are always some families who can see and seize opportunities in a crisis. Since you need to believe in the gods, why not believe in the strongest?

Who is the strongest? It seems not difficult to guess. Because in the rumored city where the gods live, the statues of the gods are always clustered around the light and dark night.

For these opportunists, Nicole is no stranger, after all, she was also one of them.

Nicole knew that these people weren't just visiting her. The Temple of Light in the city was the place where these people placed their bets. But her authority is limited here, and she has no power to influence there.

If it was before, for reasons of competition, Nicole might be willing to accept it. Now, this near-trading behavior makes her angry. She could not accept the transaction for the gods, because that would be the greatest blasphemy.

As a result, Nicole drove away several batches of people who visited.

However, the number of people who came to visit did not decrease, and without exception, these people disappointed her very much. Until a person calling himself Fat sent an attendant to send a letter.

The letter didn't mention too much, but only talked about the feelings after worshipping the dark night-tranquility and relaxation. He hoped that Nicole could forgive his presumption and guide him into the embrace of God.

Seeing the word "anning", Nicole instantly resonated. She was a little excited that someone could be inspired by the gods at such a long distance.

This is another proof that the gods have not given up on them! There will always be people who will go through many trials and eventually enjoy the grace of God.

So she decided to accept Fatt's request.

Compared with Nicole's careful selection, there are few gains, but others have gained quite a lot. In a blink of an eye, the demons became servants of the gods up and down.

This time, although Shuangyi City did not play with Bran, it did not hide it from him. Bran watched the excitement for several days, and the more he watched, the more boring.

The demons seem to have been looking forward to such a day, and happily worshipped the gods.


It was during this time period that the Anya Kingdom extremely formally submitted a letter of credence. I hope Bran can allow them to enshrine light and dark night forever.

After receiving the credentials, Bran was a little strange. He remembered that he had made it clear before that there was no need to worship him.

Fortunately, there are two microphones in the family, Lucy and Jenny, and finally figured it out after inquiring. What he did in Lava City that year still left the people there with lingering fears. People don't ask Bran to give benefits, just ask him not to make trouble.

Bran didn't want a swarm of flies humming suddenly in his ears, so he scratched the name of the night again. And frightened this group of people, "The worship of the gods must be single-minded, otherwise it will be disrespect to the gods and it is easy to cause disaster."

This persuasion was very effective and was immediately used as one of the guidelines for worship.

For unknown reasons, the Anya Kingdom immediately released the news after confirming the enshrinement. At the same time, the first worship ceremony was prepared in Lava City, the capital, and the invitation was issued accordingly.

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