Womanizing Mage

Chapter 100: Wind and Snow God Mink

Uh...Long Yi was speechless, looking at Yu Feng's fiery and firm eyes, he didn't know how to respond for a moment.

The atmosphere suddenly became very embarrassing, Yu Feng's fiery eyes gradually dimmed, and tears flickered in her eye sockets. She really mustered up a lot of courage just now, but she couldn't get any response from him, and her heart was stung up.

"Ah, why isn't it daylight yet?" Seeing Yu Feng's hurt expression, Long Yi wanted to change the subject.

Yu Feng said nothing, just turned her back to Long Yi, suddenly felt very cold.

Long Yi sighed lightly, and said: "Yu Feng, I have wives, and more than one."

Yu Fengjiao trembled, and said softly: "I know."

"I won't leave them behind, and it's impossible for me to join your Phoenix family, do you understand?" Long Yi said lightly.

"I understand, I know that you won't leave them behind and I know that you won't join the Phoenix family, and you and I are destined to have no results, but, I don't know, I really don't know why your shadow keeps appearing I have my mind, I don't know why I can't forget you, I can't control so much, I want to be with you, even if I die, I want to be with you." Yu Feng turned around, tears fell drop by drop , the trembling voice became more and more excited.

Long Yi stared blankly at Yu Feng, who was full of tears. He really didn't expect Yu Feng to love him so much. Hearing her words, he wanted to abandon everything and follow him. Long Yi was deeply moved, and raised his hand to wipe the corners of her eyes. Tears, who knows, wipe more and more.

Feeling the pity of Lord Dragon, Yu Feng plunged into his arms and began to cry.

"Yu Feng, I don't have any other thoughts now. I just want to get the blood of Ruyi ice silkworm to heal Wushuang. So can we talk about this later?" Long Yi said, patting Yu Feng's pink back, if the trip to the ice field goes well By the way, maybe Youyou and Lucia will have one more sister, I wonder if they will be angry if they find out?

"Yeah." Yu Feng nodded. Although Long Yi didn't accept him directly, at least he didn't say no. It means that she still has a chance. As for how the family will explain it, she can't care so much anymore. . Women who are in love are emotional and impulsive, and consider things from an emotional point of view, so some people say that women in love have zero IQ.

After finishing Yu Feng, Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief, but the outside was still pitch black.

Is it still daylight? Not quite right. Long Yi thought to himself, the biological clock in his body is relatively sensitive to time, he felt that it should be morning at this time. But why is it so dark outside?

The more Long Yi thought about it, the more something was wrong,

Jumped out of bed and rushed out, it was very dark outside, thin snowflakes were floating in the sky, and it was bitingly cold.

"What's wrong?" Yu Feng asked, her mood has stabilized now.

"What time do you think it should be?" Long Yi asked.

"I seem to have slept for a long time, but it's still not bright outside, so it should be early." Yu Feng said.

Long Yi shook his head and said: "No, my feeling is not wrong, logically speaking, it should be dawn long ago.

"What's the matter? Why isn't it daylight?" Yu Feng asked nervously.

Long Yi thought for a while, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration. In the previous life, there were often super day or polar night in the north and south polar circles of the earth. Could this ice field grassland be the arctic zone of Canglan continent? The more Long Yi thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

"Pack up your things and go, I think we will spend some days in the dark in the future." Long Yi said.

"Why?" Yu Feng exclaimed.

"I don't know why." Long Yi shrugged, explaining the longitude and latitude to her is like playing the piano against a cow.

The fact is just as Long Yi expected, the next few days will be full of darkness, and a few balls of light will be released for illumination along the way.

The wind and snow are getting bigger and bigger, and the snow on the ice is getting thicker and thicker. If you don't use the lightness technique, you will lose your thigh if you step on it. With such a big snowstorm, using the flying technique will cause great resistance, and Long Yi's internal force has never subsided since Wushuang's fall. Especially in such a low-temperature ice field, it takes more internal force to protect Huo Wen Fortunately, Ao Tianjue runs on its own for 24 hours non-stop, and the replenishment of internal force can keep up with it, but if it is flying, it must be driven by internal force to achieve a certain abandonment. Gotta stay here forever.

But going on like this is not an option, abandoning it is too slow.

At this time, Long Yi thought of the Dark Thunder Beast of No Space. The actual size of this guy is huge, so it shouldn't be a problem to use it as a coolie, such as pulling a sled or something.

Long Yi smirked twice and stopped. There were a lot of messy materials in the interspatial ring. After a while, under Yu Feng's amazed eyes, a strange-looking sled was made. It turned out to be a luxurious box type. I made a simple iron house on the metal, and there are only two chairs inside.

Open the dark dimensional space, and summon the Violent Thunder Beast, but unexpectedly, the little tiger Xiaosan, who has been eating, eating and sleeping these days, also rushed out. Well.

As soon as Xiao San came out, she acted softly to Long Yi, as if protesting against letting it out to play for so long. On this cold ice field, it didn't seem to feel cold at all. Dragon

On the contrary, the Violent Thunder Beast flinched when it first came out, as if it was not used to such a cold weather, but it was only an SS-level monster, and it recovered in a blink of an eye.

Long Yi used his mind to give the order to pull the sled to the Wild Thunder Beast, in exchange for it whining in dissatisfaction, but the master ordered it to obey. In the blink of an eye, its size became like a hill, which looked very mighty.

"Long Yi, um, is this the legendary SS-level Thunder Beast?" Yu Feng asked with wide-eyed eyes in disbelief.

"That's right, it's the Violent Lightning Beast, my pet, isn't it not bad?" Long Yi said with a smug smile, he, Long Yi, is probably the only one in this world who uses SS level monsters as pets. [

"Pet...pet?" Yu Feng almost fainted, looking at Long Yi like a monster.

"Okay, don't look at me so adoringly, you also know that I've always been very thin-skinned." Long Yi said with a chuckle, pulling Yu Feng to sit on the sled, and Xiao San also shrunk and got in. It surprised Long Yi, he didn't expect this glutton to be able to freely scale his size now, this is an ability only possessed by S-level monsters, could it be said that Xiao San is also an S-level monster? But its ability seems to be very average, at best, it looks like a B-level intermediate monster.

With a thought, the Violent Thunder Beast spread its four hooves and ran, taking the sled and speeding away into the distance.

"It feels good." Long Yi asked with a smile.

Yu Feng couldn't help stroking Xiao San's fur, and turned her head to look at Long Yi with sparkling eyes: "Well, you are really underestimated, how many secrets do you have?"

"I have a lot of secrets, I have to wait for you to dig them out slowly." Long Yi said with a smile.

Yu Feng blushed, and surprise flashed across his eyes, Long Yi realized that what he said just now seemed to have hints in it, so he had to laugh dryly to cover it up.

The Thunder Beast pulled the sled for hundreds of miles, but Long Yi still didn't feel any sign of life in his spiritual power.

"Ice silkworm, please come out quickly." Long Yi looked at Wushuang in his arms and said in his heart, it has been five days since she woke up last time, her face is getting paler and paler, just like a flower that is about to wither in autumn, It was a bleak beauty.

Suddenly, Long Yi's unleashed mental power was shaken, and the Violent Thunder Beast stopped in an instant, letting out a sky-shaking roar, and Xiao San in Yu Feng's arms gritted his teeth uneasily.

"Ruyi Iceworm?" Long Yi and Yu Feng both screamed in surprise and rushed off the sled, feeling nervous and excited at the same time.

Long Yi's more than a dozen light spheres floated in the air and emitted soft white light. Long Yi's eyesight did not detect what was in front of him, but he could feel the life fluctuation of the other party. Although he couldn't be sure if it was Ruyi Iceworm, but Long Yi didn't dare to take it lightly, he knew that even an ant could never be underestimated as a life that survived such a harsh environment.

At this time, the Violent Thunder Beast roared twice more provocatively, and even Xiaosan joined in the fun by roaring twice.

Suddenly, the entire ice surface began to vibrate, more and more violently, and cracks opened from the ice surface, which looked like huge mouths under the weak light, which looked very terrifying.

Long Yi held Wushuang in one hand, and floated into the air with Yu Feng in the other. Looking at the crisscrossed and cracked ice and snow layers, cold sweat broke out on Long Yi's forehead.

The vibration finally stopped, and then, two tiny blue lights appeared in the dark depths in the distance, flying towards Long Yi's side.

"Ah, so cute." Yu Feng exclaimed, staring blankly at the palm-sized mink below with blue eyes and snow-white fur.

In front of the huge body of the Thunder Beast, the ferret looked so small, it seemed that if the Thunder Beast stepped on it, it would turn into a pile of meat. But the Violent Thunder Beast looked at this little thing cautiously, and pressed towards it with overwhelming momentum.

I saw this ferret dodge several times the heat of the Heaven-Shipping Thunder Beast pressing on it, the speed was really extremely fast.

This thing seems to have been seen somewhere, Long Yi looked at this ferret and thought about it, and began to recall the books he had read about the introduction of monsters.

"Fengxue God Sable!" Long Yi suddenly shouted in surprise.

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