Womanizing Mage

Chapter 114: Long Linger's Hatred

Long Yi sighed softly, fixedly looked at the elf queen shrouded in silver light, and said: "What do you think? Do you think I, Long Yi, are that kind of person?

"I was very angry when I first heard the news, but after thinking about it calmly, although you are a bit bad and lustful, you shouldn't be that bad. From your attitude towards Miss Wushuang, I think I believe this should be a rumor, but what I don’t understand is why the people of Soaring Dragon City would criticize you with one single word.” The elf queen suddenly smiled, and the cold greenness on her face miraculously disappeared, leaving Long Yi at a loss. Don't lament the woman's face-changing skills again.

Hearing the Elf Queen's question, Long Yi shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "The matter is very complicated, and I won't be able to explain it for a while."

"This actually involves the princess. If I guess correctly, it should be related to the imperial power. The power of your Ximen family makes the emperor taboo, and I am afraid that no one can mislead the people in the city except the emperor. He wants to pass this matter. Weaken the power of your Ximen family." The elf queen looked at Long Yi with a smile.

Long Yi looked at the Elf Queen in amazement, although she wasn't true, her guess was reasonable, and she had such a thorough understanding of politics, a synonym for conspiracy and power.

"My guess is right, don't think that I don't understand anything just because I stay in the elf forest all day." Seeing Long Yi's surprised expression, the elf queen thought she had guessed right, and proudly showed off like a child.

Long Yi is noncommittal, since she thinks so, let her continue to think so, some things can only be rotten in her heart and cannot be said out loud.

"Ah, it's late, I have to go to bed, shouldn't you be leaving?" The elf queen covered her lips with her jade hand and yawned coquettishly, and lightly gave the dragon the order to make a guest.

Long Yi saw the seductive look of the Elf Queen. Lost for a moment, the charm of a mature woman is beyond the reach of a young girl.

Seeing Long Yi's all-colored eyes staring at her, the Elf Queen was a little annoyed but also a little ashamed, she couldn't help reaching out her jade hand and knocking on Long Yi's head, feigning anger: "If you stare at me like this Let people see how decent they are, so don’t go back soon.”

Long Yi rubbed his head to regain his senses, looked at the Elf Queen and chuckled lightly: "Isn't there nobody here?"

The elf queen's heart skipped a beat. Angrily said: "Laanxiang care about you again, you little bastard, you just stay here, if my guards find out, I don't care."

The elf queen stood up and walked towards the back room.

Long stared at the round and plump buttocks of the elf queen. The quivering waves every step of the way made Long's mouth dry and evil thoughts abound.

Until the figure of the Elf Queen disappeared,

Long Yi smiled self-deprecatingly, a man, an animal that always thinks on the lower body, a stunner like the Elf Queen is fatal to him, just remembering that she is Lucia's mother, he couldn't help feeling a little excited grid.

Long Yi flashed out of the elf queen's dormitory, a scorching evil fire was always burning in his heart, and the elf queen's charming and elegant posture, as well as her familiarity of searching for you, always appeared in his mind. Peach-like figure. Even though I know it shouldn't be. But taboo things are always so easy to give people exciting pleasure. wind ~ language ~ small ~ say

Long Yi dodges and returns to the courtyard where he lives. Now he strongly wants to vent his desire. Lucia naturally bears the brunt.

Panting, she pressed down on Lucia's delicate body, and her big hands rubbed wantonly on her firm and plump breasts.

Lucia opened her eyes in a daze, and closed them again after seeing her sweetheart. This kind of hazy pleasure in an unconscious state made her even more fascinated. She catered to Long Yi somewhat passively, and let out a low moan that made people's blood throbbing in her throat.

Suddenly, a fiery thing broke into Lucia's warm corridor, causing her to tremble and hug Long Yi tightly, her waist slightly swaying to meet the rush of her sweetheart.

Long Yi frantically moved on Lucia's body, panting, the smell of sweat mixed with men's and women's body odors, intertwined with the sultry scent of sex, coupled with the creaking sound of the wooden bed, the spring was so overflowing The whole room, even the moon shyly hid among the clouds...

In the Holy Magic Academy of the Principality of Mia, Long Linger and Ximen Wuhen walked quietly in the elegantly decorated campus. The astonishing beauty of the two girls attracted the attention of countless students and teachers. It has only been more than two months since I came to Mia Holy Devil Academy, and the names of the two girls are already known to everyone.

The so-called good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles. The fact that Long Ling'er was raped by Ximenyu has spread throughout the Canglan Continent, so Long Ling'er's arrival caused a strong sensation in the Holy Magic Academy. Although chastity is no longer there, Long Ling'er's alluring beauty and the level of a great magister still attract many young men who think they are chic, but what Long Ling'er hates most now is men, so naturally he does not give them What a face, so some people with low morality began to slander maliciously, saying all kinds of ugly things.

Compared with Long Linger, Ximen Wuhen has more followers, but because of his non-human temperament, many people just follow without other ideas. In their hearts, Long Linger (someone: Khan~ should be Ximen has no hatred!!!) is sacred and inviolable. Even if someone approached him with dirty thoughts, he would be beaten to death by her flower guards immediately.

The two daughters of Ru Nian and Linna, the granddaughter of the great magister of the fire department, were jointly rated as the three beautiful flowers of the Holy Magic Academy by the good people. Of course, there are many beauties in the Holy Magic Academy, but they are not as good as the three of them. .

The two women turned left and right to shake off a swarm of buzzing bees, and came to a hidden grove in the Holy Magic Academy, found a clean grass and sat down.

Long Ling'er was stunned, and suddenly asked without thinking: "Wuhen, do you think that bastard will follow the appointment?"

Ximen Wuhen naturally knew who the bastard Long Linger was referring to, she said lightly: "I don't know either, his character is really unbelievable, but that night... I think he should be serious .”

"Really? But it will be three months in two days, will he come?" Long Ling'er murmured.

Ximen Wuhen looked at Long Ling'er, suddenly chuckled and said, "Ling'er, do you know what you look like when you count the days every day?"

"Like what?" Long Ling'er asked.

"Like... like a little woman looking forward to her lover's return." Ximen Wuhen replied.

Long Ling'er's face changed, and he said coldly: "Wuhen, this joke is not funny at all. The only purpose of my life is to seek revenge from him. I wish I could cut him into pieces."

Ximen Wuhen shook his head and sighed, apologizing softly. Long Ling'er is much better than it was three months ago, at least she can still talk to her, she doesn't want Long Ling'er to return to the completely closed state before.

After a long silence, Long Ling'er's face softened, and her autumn eyes were blank. Although she wished to cut Ximen Yu into pieces, since she saw his strength three months ago, she had no confidence at all. She didn't even kill him with the forbidden spell, so she couldn't think of what she should take deal with him. Ximenyu promised her a condition, but would a person like him keep his promise? Even if he kept his promise and came to her, what could she do with him?

"Wuhen, how can I get revenge? What should I do if I can't kill him?" Long Linger grabbed Ximen Wuhen's hand and said helplessly.

Ximen Wuhen patted Long Ling'er's jade hand and said: "My bastard second brother's current skill is unfathomable, and I don't know what kind of skill he is practicing. It may be very difficult to kill him."

"Then what should I do? I'm really not reconciled. I've lived in pain for so long just to seek revenge from him. If I can't get revenge, I really would rather die." Long Ling'er bit her lip with her silver teeth. , bloodshot, coquettish and desperate.

Ximen Wuhen saw that Long Linger was getting excited again, and hastily cast a spiritual protection, she kept cursing her bastard second brother in her heart, for harming a good girl like this, she knew Long Linger's hatred, I also know that she is indeed living a life that is worse than death, but the days seem to be much better recently, maybe there is hope, but the premise is that Ximen Yu keeps his promise.

Thinking that life would be worse than death, Ximen Wuhen suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and she said to the sad Long Linger: "Although I can't kill him, can't I make his life worse than death? Didn't he agree to one condition for you? Just think about it." Let him do something so that life is worse than death, and it doesn’t have to be killing him to call revenge, isn’t it?”

Long Ling'er was stunned for a moment, and suddenly her eyes lit up, why didn't she think of it? As long as he keeps his promise, there must be a way to make his life worse than death. But she didn't expect that if the person was really Ximenyu, would it be possible to let her manipulate him like this?

Long Ling'er, who thought she had figured out a solution, suddenly felt better, and a smile she hadn't seen in a year appeared on the corner of her mouth. She said briskly: "Wuhen, I'm hungry, let's eat, we're full Only then can a good solution be thought of.

Ximen Wuhen is a little happy for a good friend, but also has an indescribable taste. If his father knows that he has helped Long Linger advise his precious son, he will be furious. He has always been so eccentric. There is no one else for this son who has lost the family's face. She and her eldest brother Ximen Tian will never be able to compare with him in the eyes of his father.

Just when the two girls got up and walked, several figures suddenly stopped in front of them, it was a young man dressed in fancy clothes, followed by a few seductive attendants, who had malicious intentions looking at them.

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