Womanizing Mage

Chapter 127: The Prophet

The girl's transparent eyes flickered strangely, she turned around and obediently backed out.

At this time, the magicians of the Violent Bear Mercenary Corps chanted a spell and cast a protective barrier. As long as the barrier is not broken, the boys inside will not be allowed to be rounded and flattened by them.

"A group of guys who don't know what to do." Long Yi said coldly, with a big wave of his hand, five puppets of the Seven Fiends covered in black robes appeared around him out of thin air.

This surprised Xiong Ba and the others. This hall is covered with a protective barrier. How did these five people get in?

"Brother, don't do it." The girl's eager cry suddenly came from outside.

But it was already too late, Long Yi had already given the order to attack, the levels of the magic seeker and the great swordsman were only one step away from the current highest level of their respective professions, and the three magisters, two great swordsmen, And it's not that these highest are only demon seekers, sword masters and other mobs are comparable, although these mobs are absolute masters in the eyes of the world.

In order not to waste time, Long Yi used his internal force to break their protective barrier first, and then the five seven evil puppets were like wolves like a swarm, and first they were casted by three magisters with magic that restricted their activities, such as the earth-type puppets. Gravity technique, water-type stagnation technique, and fire-type magic flame, were knocked unconscious by two great sword masters one by one. If Long Yi gave the order to kill, I am afraid that the violent bear mercenary group will really kill them in Canglan. Big 6 was removed.

Xiong Ba stared at the fallen brothers in a daze, and suddenly roared, his eyes suddenly turned blood red, his bones began to crack, and his whole body began to swell. The muscles quickly protruded and tightened, looking like rocks on a mountain.

"Frenzied!" Long Yi exclaimed in surprise, he remembered that the physique of maddening was recorded in a book. It usually appears in orcs. When extremely angry, the potential of the body will be stimulated to become mad. After becoming mad, the attack power will increase several times without fear of pain. The duration varies from person to person, but there is a fatal shortcoming that it will lose Rational, and after the madness disappeared, his whole body was weak and weak, and he would never recover in ten and a half months. It has been a long time since the Canglan Continent has heard that there are humans or beasts with crazy physiques appearing, but they did not expect to see him today.

"Brother, don't." The girl exclaimed. The man had already trotted towards Xiong Ba who had lost his mind.

Long Yi was startled, did this woman die? You must know that the person who has become mad is not recognized by his relatives, and only knows how to kill him. Long Yi just wanted to stop her. But he found that Xiong Ba suddenly stopped berserk after hearing the girl's call, and his blood red eyes flickered.

"Brother, don't, it's not good for your health." The young girl Yubai put her jade hand on Xiong Ba's leg lightly, because she is only as tall as her brother's thigh now.

The girl's voice seemed to have magical powers. Xiong Ba's berserk phenomenon quickly disappeared, and his blood-red eyes returned to their original appearance, and soon changed back to their original appearance.

"Don't get excited. Dude, I just knocked your brother unconscious, I didn't hurt their lives." Long Yi said with a smile.

Xiong Ba looked at Long Yi with admiration in his eyes, and said: "I am convinced, Xiong Ba, you really didn't talk big, I think even an A-level mercenary group will definitely not be able to complete this task."

"Hehe, then can you consider my proposal now?" Long Yi asked with a smile, he was really unwilling to deal with that girl Lina.

Xiong Ba looked at Long and turned the beads around, then said with a smile, "Let's sit down and talk about it in detail."

nature. Long Yi and Xiong Ba had a good discussion and reached an agreement soon. And Long Yi also knew that Xiong Ba's younger sister was Xiaoyi, who was only sixteen years old this year. As for the rest, Xiong Ba didn't say anything more, and Long Yi also wisely didn't ask any more. The secrets that people know, doesn't he have a big secret buried in his heart?

After the negotiation, Long Yi bid farewell and left. When he went out, he happened to meet Xiao Yi who was standing in the yard admiring the flowers, so Long Yi said hello.

Xiao Yi turned around and suddenly looked at Long Yi steadily, her transparent eyes fluctuated like ripples.

Long subconsciously became alert, but he didn't notice anything unusual about him.

Not long after, Xiaoyi's eyes returned to normal, but her pretty face suddenly blushed twice, and she said angrily: "Pervert." After speaking, she turned and left.

Just when Long Yi was a little confused, Xiao Yi turned around again, and said softly: "Today you have a bloody disaster."

Bloody disaster? Long Yi was stunned, could this girl be a fortune teller. When he came back to his senses, Xiaoyi had long since disappeared. He shook his head and was about to walk out of the yard.

"Brother Long, you'd better believe my sister's words." Xiong Ba's voice sounded behind Long Yi.

"Uh... Your sister is really a fortune teller?" Long Yi asked.

Xiong Ba smiled and did not answer, turned around and walked to the back room, he murmured in doubt: "Strange, how could my little sister give a prophecy to outsiders today?"

With Long Yi's ear strength, Xiong Ba heard exactly what Xiong Ba said to himself.

"Prophecy? Could it be...she is a prophet!" Long Yi was shocked, even more surprised than knowing that Xiong Ba would go berserk, a prophet, the darling of heaven and earth, a profession that can predict good and bad fortune, but in Canglan Since the beginning of the year, there is no exact record of this occupation.

is it possible? Prophet? Long Yi murmured and walked out of the yard, and walked towards the hotel where he was staying. He couldn't stop thinking about these two weird brothers and sisters. Surprising.

Before he knew it, Long Yi returned to the hotel, and suddenly remembered Xiao Yi's prophecy before leaving, saying that he would suffer a bloody disaster today, and seeing her expression at that time was quite strange.

"If I stay in the hotel today and don't go out, will her prophecy come true?" Long Yi pushed open the door of the hotel and thought while sitting on the soft sofa. He decided not to go anywhere today. If there is a bloody disaster, then Xiaoyi's career as a prophet can basically be determined, otherwise, she is a fake.

At this moment, the door was knocked suddenly, awakening Long Yi who was in deep thought. As soon as he had a little mental power to perceive, Long Yi knew who was outside, and that familiar aura could only be found in Long Ling'er.

As soon as Long opened the door, she saw Long Ling'er standing outside with a haggard face. She stared blankly at the man in front of her, the man who made her fall into hell, the man who ruined her life, why was she in so much pain while he But standing here well, why didn't he get the punishment he deserved.

Looking at the pain and hatred in Long Ling'er's eyes in shock, Long Yi couldn't help feeling a dull pain in his heart, he didn't want to shirk responsibility, all this was caused by him, he ruined her.

Long Yi really didn't know, and didn't know how to make up for his unintentional mistakes. In fact, Long Ling'er's request to marry him was exactly what he wanted, because he thought that the only way to resolve this relationship was to change from hatred to love. As long as Long Ling'er falls in love with him, everything will be solved easily. But this is easier said than done, Long Ling'er's hatred towards him has become more and more intense after seeing him, and it seems irreparable, she does not hesitate to sacrifice her own body to take revenge, which shows how deep her hatred is.

Long Yi took Long Ling'er's hand and walked into the room, and Long Ling'er mechanically followed behind him, looking at him with that chilling look from beginning to end, but didn't say a word.

He poured a glass of fruit juice and handed it to Long Ling'er. Long Yi sat quietly on the sofa, and the atmosphere in the room became strangely cold for a while.

Time passed by bit by bit, the night slowly enveloped the earth, but Long Yi and Long Ling'er in the hotel were still as motionless as two stone sculptures that had been weathered for thousands of years.

I don't know how long it took, Long Yi's unfocused eyes became lively, he raised his head and looked at the sky full of stars outside the window, and murmured: "Today's starlight is so beautiful."

"Long Ling'er, do you know? I'm not the Ximen Yu I used to be." Long Yi calmly looked at Long Ling'er's hatred eyes and said.

Long Ling'er's frozen gaze flickered and then returned to its original state, but this was enough, at least Long Yi knew that she was listening to him.

"You may have noticed that I have changed. Do you know why? All of this is fate. God made me suddenly wake up when I was burdened with dirt. Maybe it is because I want to make up for the wrong things I did before." Long Yi's voice was a little erratic, and his thoughts returned to that night, when a flash of lightning deviated his fate from the track, bringing his soul to this magical continent, but it also put a heavy burden on himself.

"I know that you asked me to marry you for revenge. The promise has taken effect. No matter what the reason is for you to be my woman, but I will treat you well and give me a chance to make up for it." Long Yi continued, God knows How did such words come out of his mouth? According to his character, he would never be able to say such words.

"Hehe, make it up? You won't be able to make up for the pain I've suffered in this life, and you won't be able to make up for it in your whole life." Long Ling'er laughed crazily, and yelled at Long hysterically, yes, she was going crazy, really It's going crazy, why does this man look guilty and make up for it? What did he use to make it up, she just wanted to bite him and kill him.

Long Ling'er's idea was immediately put into practice, she crazily threw herself on Long Yi's body, biting his shoulder fiercely with her white teeth.

Long Yi hastily withdrew his whole body's internal energy, fearing that Long Ling'er would be hurt by the shock. Although a body without internal energy protection is stronger than many people, it is not a real copper-skinned iron bone, and it still hurts to be bitten by people's teeth crazily.

He felt that Long Ling'er's teeth were biting into the flesh, and blood had flowed out from the wound, staining his clothes red.

"Blood and light disaster, is this the blood and light disaster?" Long Yi suddenly remembered Xiao Yi's words, could this be what she called the blood and light disaster?

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