Womanizing Mage

Chapter 137 Queen Mia

Long Yi smiled and said it's okay, thinking that it's time for dinner, he warmly put his hand on Ling Feng's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Brother, today I invite you to Zuixianglou to have a good meal , By the way, let’s exchange feelings.”

Ling Feng's body froze, he took two steps back to avoid Long Yi's claws, and said with a smile: "Your brother should invite you, but do you want to call sister-in-law?"

This kid has a future, his mouth is so sweet, he likes it, Long Yi thought to himself. He waved his hand and said: "No need, how can a man eat well if he asks a woman to eat?"

In fact, it was Ximen Wuhen who ran over this afternoon and pulled Long Ling'er away who was angry, saying that the old man Puxius had been free recently and started to teach, so the two girls didn't even look at him Then he ran away in a hurry, making Long Yi very depressed, this woman really cannot get used to, the more used to it, the more arrogant she becomes. But this is just a complaint, Long Yi is actually a person who knows how to be compassionate and cherish jade, but sometimes he is too clever and clever is mistaken by cleverness.

Walking in the school circle, many people turned their heads to take a look, and many people stopped to point and point. At first, Long thought they were all directed at him, but later he heard some people whispering. This guy is actually a man of the day in the Holy Magic Academy, but it seems to be all negative.

According to the conversations he heard along the way, Long Yi now knew that his roommate was also a hard-core expert in picking up girls, and he was also a special recruit to enter the Holy Demon Academy. He chased no less than fifty beauties in the academy within a year. When the beauty hinted that it was acceptable, the guy immediately retreated. It's shameless to start looking for the next target, but claiming that beautiful women look down on him.

Presumably he had heard what other people said about him, but this kid was chatting and laughing with Long Yi without changing his face. Long Yi admired it in his heart. This is the real bullshit, I wanted to put his shoulders on his shoulders several times to show affection, but every time he cleverly avoided him, seeing that he didn't like physical contact with others, Long Yi just let it go.

Zuixiang Building is already overcrowded at this time, the downstairs and upstairs are full of people, and it seems that they will not be able to wait for a seat in a while.

"Ling Feng, forget it, let's go to another place to eat." Long Yi suggested.

However, Ling Feng smiled and said: "There are several private rooms above this Zuixiang building that are reserved for distinguished guests. Most of the time they are empty. The owner of this Zuixiang building is a distant cousin of mine. You wait here Put me down. I'll go in and say hello."

Seeing Ling Feng walked into the room with his chest held high, Long Yi raised his eyebrows, it seems that this kid's identity is not easy. Distant cousin? Only ghosts believe this kind of nonsense. Seeing his aura when he entered, it seems that he is the master here. Perhaps it is true or not, Long Yi smiled playfully.

Sure enough, after Ling Feng came out. Several staff respectfully welcomed the two of them to a super luxurious large room on the third floor, the furnishings inside were extremely luxurious,

The tableware is actually made of amethyst, this level of luxury is really shocking.

"Ling Feng, it seems that your distant cousin treats you well, you can eat in such a luxurious place with just one sentence, and the Royal Restaurant is no different." Long Yi smiled at Ling Feng with deep meaning.

"Yes, my cousin really has nothing to say to me." Ling Feng laughed and said, turning a blind eye to Long Yi's probing eyes.

The boss of Zuixiang Building is really kind to Ling Feng's cousin. In just a few minutes, all kinds of exquisite delicacies were presented one after another, all of which were rarely seen in ordinary times, and people couldn't help but twitch their index fingers.

To be honest, Long Yi's eating was really not very elegant, his mouth was full of oil and he kept clicking his tongue, and from time to time he raised his wine glass to have a drink with Ling Feng. On the other hand, Ling Feng is much more refined, eating slowly, but no matter how you look at it, it looks a bit like a girl eating.

In fact, it is not difficult for Long Yi to be elegant. He was originally from the dragon group in his previous life and was proficient in the etiquette of various countries, but this body is the young master of the Ximen family, the largest family in the Dragon Empire. Familiarity cannot be more familiar, but Long Yi felt that there was no need to pretend, so he showed his heroic nature. He always thought that eating meat and drinking alcohol was enough for a man.

Don't look at Ling Feng as gentle, but his alcohol capacity is not small. The wine they drank was a mixed wine. This kind of wine was also called cocktail in Long Yi's previous life. Ling Feng drank dozens of cups with Long Yi calmly, but his face was slightly flushed, but his brown eyes were still clear.

"Ling Feng, you can't drink well. You are really secretive, you are good at picking up girls, and you are also good at drinking." Long Yi laughed and began to use his internal force to force the alcohol out of his body. He had reached his limit.

Ling Feng smiled noncommittal, his eyes suddenly became a little erratic.

Seeing that Ling Feng didn't answer, Long Yi didn't take it seriously, everyone has secrets that they don't want to mention. He began to turn his head to look at the bustling crowds in the street downstairs, and unconsciously, he also began to be a little dazed. The crowded streets, towering high-rise buildings, criss-crossing roads, and neon-flickering nights began to appear in his mind. , These already familiar pictures turned out to be a little strange and unreal.

At this moment, two luxurious carriages drove over on the street, with the emblem of the royal family of the Principality of Mia on the carriages. They were escorted by two groups of soldiers and headed towards Zuixiang Tower. When they arrived at Zuixiang Tower, they turned directly into the heavily guarded courtyard on the side. .

When the luxury carriage turned in, the curtain of the front carriage was slightly lifted, Long Yi saw the side profile of a young girl, who seemed a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it at the moment.

"The one who came should be the queen of the Principality of Mia, she is a fox woman who turns all living beings upside down, and occasionally comes here for dinner." Ling Feng seemed to know what Long Yi was thinking, and explained.

"Fox clan girl?" Long Yi asked in surprise.

"That's right. At that time, the emperor of the Principality of Mia made her queen against all opinions, and this fox girl also knew some tricks. She did a few good deeds and won her a good reputation." Ling Feng said, his tone But there is some disdain.

At this time, the stairs began to thud, presumably it was the Queen of the Fox Clan who came up.

Long Yi opened the door a crack and peeped in, only to see a few thick guards opening the way in front, followed by a beautiful woman in Mia palace attire, with unbelievably exquisite facial features, especially those eyes, It's so radiant that people can't help but be intoxicated by it. The figure is very explosive. The towering breasts stretch out the tight palace clothes, as if they are about to tear apart the clothes. The slender waist can be grasped by the palm, and the buttocks are round and fat , such a figure and face really deserves to be called a peerless stunner.

"Huh, it's her." Long Yi was amazed when he saw the girl who was following Queen Mia. This girl was actually Bertha who met once at the Barbarian Bull Tribal Tournament. At that time, the fox girl's Stubbornness left a deep impression on him. Especially in the early morning of that day, she was afraid that he would get cold, so she took off the fox scarf and put it on his body, which made Long Yi have a good impression of this fox girl, and he still has the fox scarf to this day.

What is the relationship between Bertha and Queen Mia? Could it be from the same branch of the fox family? This is not impossible.

"Bertha, how is Miqingju's business going now?" Queen Mia asked, her voice was so soft and soft that it could melt people's hearts.

"Auntie, don't worry, your niece can't trust my abilities? A few days ago, the little princess Long Ling'er of the Mad Dragon Empire and Ximen Wuhen, the daughter of the Ximen family, have become our honored guests." Bertha confidently laughed.

"Well, very good." Queen Mia said and entered the box next to Long Yi, the door was closed, the sound was also blocked, this VIP box is different, there is a sound barrier.

Long Yi heard the names of Long Ling'er and Ximen Wuhen, he was anxious, what is this Misty House? It doesn't sound like a good place. Isn't this kind of fox girl trying to pull them in to do that kind of thing?

"Long Yi, how is it? This Queen Mia is pretty, she does have the ability to fascinate men." The corners of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, revealing a mocking smile.

Long Yi didn't care whether Queen Mia was pretty or not, what he wanted to know most at this moment was what Misty Love House was, whether Long Ling'er and Ximen Wuhen had fallen into a trap.

At this moment, Ling Feng noticed that Long Yi's face was not right, and asked: "Long Yi, what's wrong with you? Could it be that your soul was taken away by that fox charmer?"

"Ling Feng, do you know where Miqingju is?" Long Yi asked.

Ling Feng nodded and said, "I know, it's a restaurant that caters to noble ladies and wives. If I'm right, the owner behind the scenes should be Queen Mia."

restaurant? Also specially accepting women? Long Yi was stunned, could it be the first women's club in Canglan continent, Queen Mia has a lot of brains, women's money is the best to earn. But she can drive it as soon as she drives it. Why did she name it Misty Love House? Isn't this a deliberate mistake?

"Since Queen Mia has set up a restaurant by herself, why not go to her own restaurant and come to Zuixiang Tower?" Long Yi asked with a frown, feeling a little weird.

"It should be to cover up his identity. After all, not many people know the behind-the-scenes boss of Miqingju." Ling Feng said.

Long Yi looked at Ling Feng with a smile, and said, "Don't you already know?"

Ling Feng curled his lips and did not answer.

Even though he knew that Miqingju was not the kind of place he imagined, Long Yi still had a strong urge to know what Queen Mia and Bertha were talking about.

Long Yi mobilized his internal energy and slowly penetrated into the wall. At this moment, he realized that there was not only a sound-proof barrier in the room, but also top-level protective barriers of various types of magic. Although these barriers are powerful, they are still useless in the face of Long Yi's internal force that specializes in breaking barriers.

Just after passing through the sound-binding barrier, Long Yi heard a blood-pumping moan...

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