Womanizing Mage

Chapter 146: Queen Mia's Request

Looking at this blue necklace, Long Yi suddenly remembered that this was the necklace that was torn off from Queen Mia in Zuixiang Tower last time, it should be a magic necklace that can warn, why did it suddenly light up at this time?

Long Yi took out the necklace from the space ring to play with, looked left and right and didn't see anything tricky, but the dim light on it was still flickering, as if it was receiving some signal.

At this moment, Long Yi suddenly felt that something was wrong, his beast-like intuition made him instinctively feel that someone was intruding, although there was no abnormal fluctuation in the air at all.

Long Yi looked around vigilantly, and suddenly remembered the fox invisibility technique that Bertha used in the Barbarian Bull Clan Tournament last time, and then looked at the blue necklace in his hand that was no longer flickering, and smiled. Last time he was able to search out Bertha's location with his mental power, and he can do the same this time.

Release the mental power to cover a radius of 50 meters with himself as the center point. Long Yi believed that Bertha was in the middle, and then he began to gather the mental power. Sure enough, he sensed a square on the right side about 20 meters away from him. A humanoid object slowly walking toward him.

Long Yi chuckled, snapped off a few twigs, flicked them with his internal force, and shot them out with a whistling sound, hitting the heel and heel of the shoe that Bertha was about to move a few times, exactly .

"Bertha, show yourself, your invisibility technique is of no use to me." Long Yi said with a smile.

At this time, there was a heart-wrenching and charming laugh in the air, which was obviously not Bertha's voice, but rather like Queen Mia's voice.

A vague shadow appeared out of thin air ahead. Slowly it began to become clear that it really was Queen Mia, the fox charmer who turned all sentient beings upside down. She was still wearing the gorgeous Mia palace dress, revealing her snow-white jade neck and delicate collarbone. With light makeup on her face, her eyes always have a hazy look, her pink lips are slightly raised, and her faint smile is suffocatingly alluring.

"Bertha said that you can break our fox's invisibility technique. I didn't believe it at the time, but I can't help but believe it now." Queen Mia looked at the exact branches before and after her feet, and smiled softly.

Long Yi looked at Queen Mia and said with a hey smile: "Queen, you have a noble status, what's the point of running to this barren mountain in the middle of the night?"

"Of course I'm looking for you." Queen Mia smiled lightly, her breasts trembling slightly. The dragon was dazzled by the sight.

Long Yi used a lot of perseverance to look away, he smiled and said: "Looking for me? This is not good, although our relationship is purer than that of Bai Xue. But in the middle of the night and we are lonely, there will inevitably be Suspicion of melon fields and plums, if people see this, won't it ruin the queen's reputation?"

"Let people see it? Just kill it." Queen Mia held back her charming face,

Said lightly. That cold tone seemed to not care about other people's lives at all.

Long Yi's eyes turned lingering, this fox girl is so cruel.

Queen Mia's coldness didn't last long, and she giggled again. She said: "Long Yi, do you think this empress is such a cruel person? Do you think there is anyone else in the world who can see through the invisibility of our fox clan like you."

Long Yi was noncommittal, this fox girl's dungeon was much deeper than Bertha's, and she would count the money for her when she sold it. He shook the blue necklace in his hand and said with a smile, "You found me by relying on it."

"That's right, back then you took something from someone else and didn't return it, and I couldn't show up normally, so I had to choose this late night to ask you for it." Queen Mia raised her head shyly, her hazy beautiful eyes seemed to be dripping water.

Long Yi's expression changed for a while. His expression suddenly became extremely cold, and his pair of star eyes seemed to be frozen. He mocked coldly: "Queen, you are a smart person, why do you do stupid things? Put away your disgusting obsession. Otherwise, don't blame me, Long Yi, for not being sympathetic to fragrance and jade."

Queen Mia was shocked, and the irresistible charm all over her body disappeared without a trace in an instant. She looked at Long Yi complicatedly, with a somewhat dejected expression. Although she knew that Long Yi was not so easily seduced, she Still can't help but want to try, because she wants to take Long Yi for her own use, and let Long Yi obey her from now on, but unfortunately, this person is really unfathomable, beyond her control.

Long Yi threw the necklace in his hand to Queen Mia, and said coldly: "Put away your rags, you can go."

Queen Mia's face turned pale, and she sighed softly. She said to the dragon, "Forgive Lian Xin, Lian Xin swears, I will never use coquetry in front of you from now on."

Lianxin? Long Yi was taken aback, it turned out that Queen Mia's name was Lian Xin, the kind of lotus seed heart that tastes bitter but can clear the liver and eyesight.

"You are a queen, but now you are humiliated to me, a nobody, why? Don't say you were overwhelmed by the bastard... the domineering aura in me." Long Yi stared at Queen Mia, with With an unpredictable smile.

"What if I say yes?" Queen Mia said softly.

Long Yi chuckled, and said: "Although I think I'm quite attractive, I still can't win over a scheming woman like you. It's nothing more than taking advantage of it. It's human nature to seek profit. The so-called prosperity of the world is all for profit , The world is full of hustle and bustle, all for profit, if you want me to help you, at least you have to quote a suitable price."

Queen Mia was stunned for a while, her eyes flickered strangely, but this young man had a clear view of the world, and the affairs of the world were nothing more than a profit, she said: "What kind of price do you want? "

"Then you have to let me know what you want me to help you with first?" Long Yi laughed lightly.

"I want you to help our Fox Clan regain the prestige of thousands of years ago. At that time, our Silver Fox Clan possessed two extraordinary skills of invisibility and thousand-pole illusion, second only to the Beamon Clan, the king of the Beast Clan. But I don’t know why the blood inherited from our Silver Fox clan is getting rarer and rarer, and now it’s hard to find even one person out of 10,000. As a result, the invisibility and thousand-pole illusion skills have been buried, and our fox clan has also been reduced to the lowest race of the beast clan. Only by relying on coquetry to attach to the powerful beast clan can we survive to this day." Queen Mia became more and more excited as she spoke, her beautiful eyes filled with tears.

"Nowadays, the silver fox blood inherited by the fox family is only me and Bertha, and my blood is impure so I can't practice the thousand-pole illusion, but Bertha is the one with the purest silver fox blood in the past thousand years. , Integrate the entire fox clan, and more people with the blood of the silver fox will surely be discovered, thus leading the fox clan to Zhenxing." Queen Mia continued after a pause.

Long Yi pondered, and said: "I don't seem to be able to help you with these things, as long as Bertha has cultivated thousands of extreme illusions, it will be fine, and I have to change the physique of your fox clan."

"I need you to help Bertha. Her experience is too young and she has a stubborn personality. Although she has improved in dealing with people since running Miqingju, but if she wants to unify the entire fox clan, if there is no one around to help, she is not a fox clan at all. Branch the opponents of those old foxes." Queen Mia sighed.

"Doesn't she still have you as an aunt? With your ability, it's possible to play around with those old fellows of your fox clan." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

Queen Mia was stunned, smiled bitterly, and said in a low voice, "I can't help her for long."

"Why?" Long Yi asked strangely.

Queen Mia said nothing, just looked at the starry sky with deep eyes, and said after a long time: "You don't need to know so much, what can you do to help?"

Long Yi suddenly felt the deep sorrow coming from Queen Mia, although the expression on her face was the same, he said: "I don't know what I want? First tell me what you can provide me Bar."

"A man lives in the world, and what he pursues is nothing more than money, beauty and power. As long as you help, I may give you a lot of money, so much that you can't spend it all your life, and I can also give you many beauties. Needless to say, even if you want to get Bertha's body, there is no problem, as for power, I can make you the emperor of the Principality of Mia, I wonder if this is enough?" Queen Mia looked at Long Yi, She believes that everyone has a price bottom line, and what she provides is enough to make men all over the world crazy about it.

Long Yi shook his head and laughed, Qian, is there anyone in this world richer than him? Beauty, which woman beside him can't be called stunning? Power, power is a bastard, and it is his dream to freely roam the Canglan Continent. He doesn't want to be caught up in intrigues and schemes all day long.

"Money, beauties, I have all of these, and power is not rare for me, Long Yi. Power can allow you to achieve many goals, but it's the same with strength, isn't it? Besides, the Principality of Mia is too small. If it can control the entire The power of the Canglan Continent, then I can still consider it." Long Yi smiled.

Queen Mia stared straight at Long Yi, she could tell that he was not lying, but if she could give him the power to control the Canglan Continent, why would she beg him humbly?

"It's really hard for me to fulfill your request, why don't we change the request?" Emperor Mia sighed.

"Tell me." Long Yi said with interest.

"As long as you help to unify the entire fox clan, then you will be my fox clan's great benefactor. If there is an order in the future, I will do as I please." Queen Mia gritted her teeth. She knew that by doing so, she would hand over the future of the fox clan. In the hands of this man, if he intends to destroy the Fox Clan, it is an easy matter, but on the other hand, the Fox Clan may also be brought forward by this man to its last glory. vision.

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