Womanizing Mage

Chapter 158 Sibi, is that you?

The four of them came to Zuixiang Building noisy and noisy, in fact, Long Yi and Shui Ruoyan were basically bickering, the two seemed to be addicted to the fight, no matter what the other said, they would definitely quote scriptures and criticize them to pieces.

With the great god Ling Feng, Long Yi and the others naturally sat in the VIP private room on the third floor. The luxurious layout inside made Ximen Wuhen and Shui Ruoyan click their tongues when they came here for the first time. It seems to be no problem at all, but Ximen Nu has a ceiling on the expenses of the family, and it will never be as luxurious as Zuixianglou.

Exquisite dishes and mellow wine were placed one by one, Long Yi drank a glass, suddenly he was a little lost in thought, seeing the light in his eyes, it was obvious that he was missing a certain beauty.

"Stay still after eating, pig." Shui Ruoyan completely took off the teacher's mask, and spoke freely, which made her feel very happy.

Long Yi came back to his senses, and didn't bother to care about Shui Ruoyan's words, he smiled and said: "Although the wine in Zuixianglou is good, it's still not as good as Baihuaniang in the Elven Forest. Some of them, it’s a mistake.”

"Hehe, Long Yi, do you want the Hundred Flowers Brew from the Elf Forest or the beauties from the Elf Forest?" Ling Feng asked with a smile.

"All of them." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

"Hua Xin Dajib." Ximen Wuhen and Shui Ruoyan snorted together.

Long Yi didn't hear it at all. To be honest, it's been a while since he left the Elven Forest. She still likes Lucia, a lovely girl. She is understanding, gentle and considerate. She is really the ultimate lover in a man's heart. Thinking about it . The corner of Long Yi's mouth showed a big smile, which made Shui Ruoyan, who had been paying attention to him, blush and heartbeat.

Halfway through drinking, the sky outside was completely dark, and the magic lamps on both sides of the street were all lit up. Brightly illuminate the entire city full of exotic customs.

"In a few days, it will be the biennial adventure meeting of the Holy Magic Academy. Students from the advanced magic department can form a team to participate. Do you want to participate?" Shui Ruoyan said suddenly.

"Adventure Conference? What is it?" Long Yi asked curiously.

"You don't know this, don't say you are a student of Mia Saint Magic Academy when you go out, so as not to lose the school's face." Shui Ruoyan snorted coldly.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, you think I'm rare." Long Yi smiled.

"Of course we're going to participate. How can such a fun event be missed?" Ling Feng hurriedly said, and Ximen Wuhen also nodded.

"Is it so fun? What exactly is this adventure meeting, who will tell me." Long Yi asked.

"Adventure Conference is an event specially held for advanced magic students. Students independently form a team to enter the Holy Land in the back mountain of the Holy Magic Academy. There is an ancient teleportation array there, which can teleport students to a place called Magic Forest. The level of monsters here is generally not high. The highest level of monsters I have seen is only CS-level intermediate, so there is generally no danger, and it is a magical place with many treasures in it. A student once got a secondary God-level necklace. It is said that there are also god-level weapons and armors, it depends on one's luck." Shui Ruoyan said.

"So the so-called adventure meeting is the treasure hunting meeting." Long Yi suddenly said.

"It can also be said that the school stipulates that each group cannot have more than ten people. And although the level of monsters in it is not high, sometimes accidents will happen, so the participating students must sign life and death certificates. Any accidents have nothing to do with the school. "Shui Ruoyan continued.

Long nodded. The school can't be blamed for this. Many of the students who come to the Holy Demon Academy are the children of dignitaries from all over the world. Once something happens, it's not easy to explain. It's not too much to sign such a certificate of life and death.

"The difficulty is too low, there is no challenge. But for the sake of digging the land, I will join." Long Yi said with a smile.

"Okay then, let's form a team of three," Ling Feng said.

Three people? Long Yi smiled strangely, nodded to express that he had no objection.

Satisfied with wine and food, the four of them stepped down from the Zuixiang Building, and naturally they did not pay a penny, although this amount of money is really nothing to Long Yi, as long as he wants, he can build countless Zuixiang Buildings. However, this is also a way of friendship communication, anyway, these are also nothing to Ling Feng.

Walking on the street, Long Yi suddenly felt a wave of magic in the air, he raised his head involuntarily, and saw two figures drifting past in the night sky, and with his eyesight, he clearly saw one of the priests wearing gold trim robe, while the other wore a pure white sacrificial robe.

"Sibi." Long Yi's body trembled violently, murmured in his mouth, and he was stunned. After a long time, he woke up like a dream, and he didn't care to say hello. The three of them looked at each other in dismay.

Long Yi's flying technique combined with the great teleportation of the universe increased the flying speed to the extreme. It was really hard for ghosts and demons to catch up. After chasing for about two minutes, Long Yi immediately realized that he was chasing in the wrong direction. The mentor was also caught up by him, so he immediately turned and chased to the other side.

In this way, Yiji searched back and forth for a few times, Long Yi finally found a woman in the air in the outskirts of the city, wearing a gold-rimmed sacrificial robe and a cloak flying forward, that figure really looked like Sibi. At this moment, Long Yi has no time to worry about why two people became one person, his heart was filled with excitement and excitement.

"Sibi." Long Yi called out emotionally, his voice trembling, this man who was calm and fearful even when facing death had red eyes at this moment.

The girl flying ahead stopped after hearing Long Yi's cry, and turned around slowly.

"Sibi." Long Yi called out again, and appeared in front of the girl in a flash, and hugged her into his arms.

"Bastard, what are you doing?" The man in his arms struggled violently, Long Yi loosened his arms, and the girl immediately flew out, stopping far away in the air.

In fact, the moment he hugged the girl into his arms, Long Yi knew that she had misunderstood the person. He would never forget Sibi's body fragrance in his life. The gardenia-like fragrance is completely different from the fragrance on Sibi's body, and the voice is also wrong.

"I'm sorry, I misidentified the person." Long Yi apologized in embarrassment, his expression was full of depression, and the ups and downs of his mood made him feel very lonely.

"Is it enough to say I'm sorry?" The girl's voice revealed a touch of embarrassment.

"Then what do you want?" Long Yi said a little annoyed.

"It's really abominable that you have such a bad attitude after bullying someone." Seeing Long Yi's impatient look, the girl became even more furious.

Long Yi shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "I have already apologized to you, there is nothing I can do if you don't accept it, I have other things to do, I don't have time to spend here with you." After speaking, Long Yi turned around and was about to fly away.

"If you want to leave, it's not so easy." The girl shouted coquettishly, throwing several light explosion techniques from different angles.

Now this level of magic is like a child's play for Long Yi, he releases his mental power to wrap several balls of light, and directly stretches out his hand to inhale them, the inner power is immediately assimilated, not even a single shard of light is left, and he directly looks at the girl Got to be dumbfounded.

"Can I leave now?" Long Yi said lightly.

"No... no, you have to make amends to me." The girl said forcefully.

"Didn't I apologize to you?" Long Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Apologizing and making amends are completely different things," the girl said.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, don't stop me, I'm bothered." Long Yi said while suppressing the restlessness in his heart.

As soon as he turned around, Long Yi sensed that something was coming, and he slapped him when he turned around. The thing thrown over immediately became fragmented, but Long Yi's true energy rushed towards the girl unhindered. With a bang, the girl's black cloak split in two and fell off, revealing a delicate The peerless pretty face, the light crescent eyebrows sweeping gently, the autumn water eyes like stars, the delicate nose and the lotus mouth, are as delicate as a porcelain doll.

Long Yi stared blankly at the girl, he was not fascinated by the girl's beauty after seeing so many beauties, but felt that this girl was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere. But looking through the memory, there is no trace of this girl. If you have seen such a beautiful girl, it is impossible to have no impression at all.

Long Yi walked down the girl's head, and suddenly noticed that her right foot was only wearing pink and blue socks, but her shoes were missing. At this moment, Long Yi couldn't help smiling when he thought of the items that had just been struck.

"You villain, what are you laughing at?" The girl glared at Long Yip angrily.

Seeing the girl's cute appearance, Long Yi didn't bother to get angry with her anymore, he rummaged through the space ring, found an amethyst coin and threw it over, saying: "This is to compensate you, by the way, don't get angry with her in the future." Wear the sacrificial robes with gold borders casually." After speaking, Long Yi disappeared in a flash.

The girl held the amethyst coin in a daze for a while, then suddenly smiled brightly, with strange tenderness in her eyes.

Not long after Long Yi left, a woman in a white sacrificial robe and a black cloak flew over from not far away, and the girl's strangely gentle eyes immediately disappeared, and she inadvertently dropped the amethyst coin in her hand Income into the space ring.

The woman in the cloak didn't notice the girl's strange expression, but looked at the direction where Long Yi disappeared and sighed softly, as if floating with the wind from outside the universe, carrying yearning and sadness of billions of light years .

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