Womanizing Mage

Chapter 175 Sacrificial Banquet

When Long Yi and the two of them took the first step, all the noises of goblins disappeared in an instant, and Qi Qi held his breath and stared at the two of them. In their view, whoever can walk this avenue is the one blessed by the Vulcan, and they are the eternal honored guests of their goblin clan.

Long Yi took Feng Ling's little hand and stepped into the flames. Suddenly, Long Yi's expression changed, and Feng Ling's pretty face turned pale. The flame and the sharp blades in it were not ordinary things, although they looked like ordinary things from the surface. The flames were similar, but only after entering it did I realize that the temperature of the flame was beyond imagination, and what was even more terrible was that it burned not only the human body, but also the human soul. The sharp blades are made of extremely cold metal, and the cold air has a strong penetrating power. The most incredible thing is that the two natural substances, cold and hot, do not exclude each other, but blend seamlessly.

Long Yi and the two were caught off guard and almost caught fire. Fortunately, Long Yi put a layer of mental restraint on the two of them just in case, otherwise it would be no joke if their souls were injured. Under the sudden attack, Long Yi's mental power immediately increased to the limit, and cast a layer of powerful and invisible protection on the surface of the two of them. In order to prevent any accidents, Long Yi's internal power of Aotian Jue also spared no effort to infiltrate into the mental power to protect them. Strengthen the strength and density of the barrier.

At this moment, the strange flame and sharp blade could no longer cause harm to the two of them, so Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

Step by step, the two walked leisurely and slowly on the Flame Avenue, Long Yi flirtatiously waved at the goblins who didn't dare to show their air, showing the appearance of a small man succeeding.

The goblin elder arrived at the side of the goblin patriarch at some point, and they stood together at the end of the Flame Avenue looking at Long Yi and Feng Ling.

"They are safe and sound under the soul fire. Both of them are blessed by the fire god." The goblin patriarch nodded and said.

Elder Goblin smiled wryly. Is it a person who has been blessed by the Vulcan who walks through this avenue of flames? I think the master of the Ice Palace who fought with the Flame Mountain Villa still ignored the soul fire as nothing and passed through it easily, but this is a tradition that has existed for tens of thousands of years, and it has long been deeply rooted in all the goblins. It's useless to say it, but it is criticized.

Long Yi and Feng Ling stepped out from the Flame Avenue, and stood in front of the goblin elder and goblin patriarch with a smile. In an instant, the surrounding goblins cheered like an earthquake, and then shouted the same slogan in unison. As for what it was, Long Yi didn't know.

At this time, the patriarch of the goblin tribe crossed his hands, chanting a spell silently, and two yellow lights emerged from his fingertips. Immediately, it shot into the bodies of Long Yi and Feng Ling, and the goblins cheered even louder.

"From now on, you two will be our goblin clan's forever friends." The goblin patriarch said with a smile. Due to the language barrier, it was naturally translated by the goblin elders (to avoid trouble, the language issue will not be mentioned later.)

"Patriarch, if we need anything in the future, can we ask you for help?" Long Yanzhu said with a smile.

These goblins are good at digging tunnels, maybe they will be useful in the future.

The patriarch of the goblin clan pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "Our goblin clan has ancestral training. If you don't get a place other than this magical forest, you can't get involved in the disputes on the mainland, unless..."

"Unless what?" Long Yi asked, if the goblins are huddled in this ghost place, they need their help.

"This ancestral precept is what our ancestors swore to the Vulcan. Unless you are the Vulcan, we will be powerless." The patriarch of the goblin clan said.

Long Yi rolled his eyes, this old guy is talking nonsense, if he is the old man Vulcan Pusius, can he still hurt him?

At this time, the goblin elder said to the patriarch: "Patriarch, it's almost time."

The patriarch of the goblins nodded, walked up to the circular stone platform in the center, and uttered a bird's cry, the voice was thick and long, and it seemed that he still had some skills...

After finishing speaking, all the goblins began to sing and dance around the bonfire. The smoke from the bonfire was lingering, hazy and unreal, and the hoarse or high-pitched singing voices of the men and women gradually drifted away. Long Yi and Feng Ling sat on the stone bench beside them, looking at all this, they felt unreal.

Long Yi looked at the wind chimes that were pillowed on his shoulder, bumped her with his elbow, and said, "Ling'er, do you think the songs sung by these goblins are a bit strange?"

Feng Ling's face was flushed, and he said angrily, "Where are you hitting your hand, you dishonest guy."

Long Yi was taken aback, and pushed his elbow forward, only then did he feel that he was pushed against a mass of soft, elastic flesh. He chuckled and said, "Accident, it's a pure accident."

Feng Ling snorted, but he didn't have any other opinions, since he saw and touched them all anyway. She listened carefully to the goblin's singing, and found a ethereal feeling, one note after another, cadenced, and there was no lag between the transitions, as if there was a very strange rhythm.

"It's a bit strange, but it sounds quite comfortable." Feng Ling said.

Long Yi smiled, his brows wrinkled slightly, he didn't know if it was an illusion, he always felt that this kind of singing had some hypnotic effect.

The goblins sang and danced for two or three hours, and then dispersed, sitting around the campfire. At this time, some goblin girls began to carry metal pots back and forth in front of the bonfire.

Long Yi and the others were naturally invited to the side of the goblin patriarch and elders. When they saw that the basin was full of things like earthworms, entangled with each other, and there was white foam mixed in between. It looks really gross.

"Patriarch, this is?" Long Yi asked suspiciously.

The patriarch of the goblin clan smiled and picked up a worm with his hand, roasted it on the fire, then sucked it into his mouth with a squeak, bit it with relish, and said while biting: "This is an earth borer, it tastes very delicious , can only be eaten during the sacrificial meeting, you are welcome, eat as much as possible."

Long Yi had a chill. Although he ate rats, snakes, and even cockroaches raw in order to survive in the Dragon Group in his previous life, but this time is not a life-and-death critical moment, only neuropaths would eat such things.

Feng Linghuan looked at the goblins who were eating these earth borers raw, and her stomach suddenly turned up. Fortunately, she is a necromancer, and she usually sees a lot of skeleton zombies, otherwise she would be really suppressed Can't live.

"We are still not used to eating this food, we still have something to eat on our bodies, you can eat slowly." Long Yi said with a smile.

The patriarch of the goblins was stunned, and said: "Yes, I almost forgot that you are human beings. If this is the case, then you don't have to force it. Let's drink some delicious wine that our goblins brewed from underground river water."

Long Yi smelled the smell more pungent than horse urine in the metal bottle handed over by the goblin patriarch, and said with a stiff smile: "Your goblin clan's brew is too strong, we definitely can't drink it."

The patriarch of the goblin clan smiled triumphantly, and said, "That's right, this wine is very strong, and only we goblin clan can brew it."

Long Yi looked at the embarrassing goblin elder at the side, smiled, and walked away holding Feng Ling's hand. This goblin patriarch has great ambitions and few talents, and he looks a bit like a frog sitting in a well. The elder is not an easy character.

Long Yi and Feng Ling had already prepared a lot of food in their interspatial rings. They spread a piece of brocade cloth on the ground, placed a few plates of delicacies, and took out two bottles of fine wine. up.

Long Yi took a bite of the fresh and tender fire rabbit meat, took a sip of Zuixianglou's top-quality alcohol, and ate the tofu from the little beauty next to him from time to time. He was really happy like a fairy. Adaptability, I am afraid that even if he is in a sea of ​​corpses and blood at this time, he can still eat well and sleep soundly.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Long Yi and the two with a swish sound, his cloudy eyes stared at the delicious food on the ground and glowed green. Before the dragon opened his mouth, the goblin elder grabbed a plate of dishes like lightning, and stuffed them into his mouth like a reincarnated evil ghost.

In a blink of an eye, the dishes on the brocade cloth were swept away by the Elder Goblin. He burped, grabbed the wine bottle from Long Yi's hand, and poured it into his mouth. Afterwards, he showed a satisfied expression on his face. Like just fucked.

"I said elder, why don't you enjoy your delicious food and come here to grab something to eat." Long Yi said dissatisfied.

Elder Goblin laughed, the bark-like skin seemed to be even more wrinkled, he laughed and said: "You think I'm confused, we Goblins live underground all year round, and we only eat a few things. How can there be delicious food from you humans."

"You patriarch doesn't seem to think so." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

The goblin elder suppressed his smile, looked at the goblin patriarch in the distance and sighed: "He is still young, and he will gradually understand in the future."

Long Yi looked at Feng Ling strangely, and said: "He's still young? He has a big beard, enough to be my grandfather."

"The average age of our goblins is several times that of your humans. The patriarch is only in his sixties now, so of course he is young." The goblin elder said.

Immediately, Long Yi felt a little unbalanced, why is the lifespan of human beings so short, while all these alien races live a long time, but thinking about the unparalleled creativity and wisdom of human beings, he felt that it was nothing.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook, and many goblins who were happily enjoying the food were knocked to the ground. A dull roar like thunder came from somewhere underground. The domineering sound in that roar made Long Yi and Feng Ling I couldn't help but my heart tightened, and my chest was heavy like a big stone.

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