Womanizing Mage

Chapter 197 Sauna?

"Don't think about running away, you run away like a monk and can't escape the temple, unless you don't plan to stay in the Principality of Mia." Long Yi threatened with a smile.

Linna froze for a moment, and followed in dejectedly. She couldn't help blaming herself in her heart, knowing that this stinky brat has endless tricks, why doesn't she believe in evil? This is great, she is going to become his maid who obeys his orders, and she knows how he will make things difficult for her. A satyr would never ask her to warm the bed, right? According to the laws of the Canglan Continent, as long as the master needs it, the maid has the obligation to sleep with her. If he makes this request, what should she do? Thinking about it, Lin Na's pretty face became hot.

Hmph, if he dares to make such a request, then Miss Ben will castrate him, Lin Na was thinking wildly. Before Long Yi said anything, she planned to castrate him, wondering if Long Yi would be so angry that he would hang her up and beat her violently.

The noble ladies and ladies of the Misty House saw such a handsome guy as Long Yi enter this place where no male animal has ever set foot, they couldn't help staring at him curiously, seeing Long Yi's trademark smirk and saying no to him. The temperament came out, all eyes became heart-shaped, and some ladies who were dissatisfied with desire even flirted with winks, and seduced nakedly, which made Long Ling'er jealous, and the fire magic element surged, and the temperature immediately rose A few degrees higher.

Bertha led Long Yi and the others to the luxury private room on the second floor, while Long Yi looked around curiously. The decoration of this enchanting residence is special enough, with a bit of taste, but the purpose is for some reason. Will believe Queen Mia's nonsense.

"Long Yi, do you know Bertha?" Long Ling'er asked Long Yi while waiting for Bertha to go out to order something.

"I know her, do you need to ask? I knew her in the orc territory of Hengduan Mountain Range." Long Yi confessed with a smile. Once this woman's jealous jar is broken, she will become a mess, so it's better to be conscious.

"You playboy, attracting bees and butterflies everywhere." Linna fanned the flames.

Long Ling'er bit her lower lip, but said nothing. Long Yiben is a sentimental type, he is merciful everywhere, it is not surprising to seduce a beautiful fox girl, but she just feels uncomfortable in her heart, she would not have come here if she had known.

Long Yi looked at the angry Long Ling'er with a funny face, his big hand grasped her small hand under the table, and scratched her palm with his fingers.

Long Ling'er patted Long Yi's big hand hard, and gave him an angry look, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

After eating a delicious meal in Miqingju, the sky has completely darkened.

"Little Fox. Thank you for your hospitality, but this Misty House should not only be for drinking tea and eating, but also for other programs." Long Yi looked at Bertha with a smile.

Bertha smiled and said, "Of course.

We also have an original steam bath here, served by a dedicated fox girl, do you want to try it. "

"Steam bath, why haven't I heard of it?" Ximen Wuhen said.

"The steam bath has the effect of beautifying and beautifying the skin, and it can relax the whole body. It is extremely comfortable, you will know after trying it." Bertha smiled and explained, except facing Long Yi. She can basically keep this kind of amiable smile.

Hearing what Bertha said, the three daughters of Ximen Wuhen were eager to try.

"Why don't I wash it together with you." Long Yi said with a smile.

"Go to hell." The three girls laughed and cursed together.

As a result, Long Yi, a big man, stayed in the bathroom alone. When he walked into the wooden bathroom full of steam, he couldn't help but mutter in his heart, isn't this the sauna of his previous life? Why is it understood in this other world.

Long Yi lay on the wooden chair wrapped in a bath towel, without using internal or mental strength to protect his body, let the sweat roll down, and experienced the feeling of a sauna again.

There was a creak. The bathroom door was suddenly pushed open. Long Yi didn't even open his eyes, he already knew that the little fox girl, Bertha, would take the opportunity to come over.

Looking at Long Yi's naked and strong body, Bertha's pretty face flushed, and the big snow-white tail at the back couldn't help trembling. She sat down a little far away from Long Yi, and said, "Long Yi, how do you think about my aunt's request?"

Long Yi opened his star eyes, and suddenly cried out: "My back hurts, my muscles are hard, come here and give me a pinch."

"You..." Bertha became anxious for a while, but for the great cause of the fox clan, she endured it.

Bertha sat beside Long Yi, and Long Yi had turned over and lay on the wooden chair, revealing a firm back. Looking at the little drops of sweat on Long Yi's body, Bertha's heart stopped beating suddenly, only to feel that Long Yi's body exuded an astonishing attraction at this moment, which actually made her mouth dry.

"Don't just stare blankly, you'd better watch while pinching, you won't be charged." Long Yi laughed teasingly.

"Whoever looks at your disgusting body, no one wants to sell it as pork." Bertha snorted, and pressed her small hands tremblingly towards Long Yi's shoulder. As soon as she touched his skin, she trembled like an electric shock. Can feel the explosive power hidden in the muscles under his skin.

Bertha began to pinch and press on the back of Long Yi's shoulders, touching her body with her small jade hands, making Long Yi moan comfortably, until Bertha blushed and her heart beat, and she said angrily, "Don't kill a pig!" Called, it sounds terrible."

"Hehe, I don't know how to appreciate it, forget it, what did you ask me just now?" Long Yi said with a smile.

"I ask you what you think of my aunt's request?" repeated Bertha.

"Oh, I haven't had time to think about this matter, give me a good pinch, maybe I'll think about it as soon as my body relaxes." Long Yi laughed.

Bertha snorted, and pressed Long Yi with great effort, and heard him cry again: "Press harder, harder, a little to the left, a little to the right, oh, fuck."

Bertha pressed for half an hour, her hands were sore and tired, and hearing Long Yi's nonsense again, she couldn't help but slapped him hard on the back.

"Ouch, you murdered your husband." Long Yi cried out in pain.

"Call you nonsense, I'll beat you to death." Bertha beat Long Yi angrily.

"Don't fight, don't fight, where did you fight? My little brother has no enmity with you again." Long Yi and Bertha laughed and laughed, seeing Bertha punching her crotch, they immediately blocked the way Caught her little hand that had a plan.

Bertha spat, broke away from Long Yi's big hand, and turned her back to him.

"I've also considered your aunt's request, the conditions are very attractive, but do you include the beauties presented by your fox clan?" Long Yi laughed.

"You have a good idea. I can't break through my thousand-pole illusion until it reaches a certain level." Bertha blurted out, but then she discovered the language error, and it was too late to take it back.

"Does that mean that you can follow me after you have practiced the Thousand Extremes Illusion Technique to a certain level?" Sure enough, Long Yi caught her speech impediment and stared straight at her hot figure.

Bertha glared at Long Yi in embarrassment, feeling that the topic was a bit ambiguous, plus the two were in the same room, and Long Yi was half naked, which immediately magnified the ambiguity several times.

Long Yi saw that the joke was almost done, and if he continued to drive, he was sure that the little fox would slam the door, and he smiled solemnly and said: "I haven't considered your aunt's request carefully, isn't your thousand-pole illusion technique still worth it?" Haven't you started training yet? I'll answer you when you've reached the level of Variety Doppelgänger."

Bertha's heart trembled, and she didn't know if Long Yi did it on purpose, she could do things like that between men and women after she had cultivated to the Variety Clone, did he have that kind of meaning behind what he said?

In fact, she wronged Long Yi this time, Long Yi blurted out just having the impression of such an ever-changing clone, and never thought of that aspect at all.

Bertha nodded and walked out of the bathroom in a panic, but was stopped by Long Yi.

"Is there anything else you want?" Bertha asked, turning around.

Long Yi flipped through the interspatial ring, took out a snow-white fox fur, handed it to Bertha and said: "Thank you for the fur that night, it was really warm."

Bertha looked at Long Yi with sparkling eyes, and remembered what happened that night again. She didn't know what kind of nerve she told him about everything from childhood to adulthood. After falling asleep, she took off the warm fox jacket and put it on him. body, while she herself ran down the hill shivering with cold. Unexpectedly, he still has this fox attack. Does he have a good impression of him? Bertha began to think wildly.

Bertha didn't pick up the clothes, but said with a blushing face, "I'll give you this fox attack, you can keep it." Then she turned and ran out of the bathroom.

Long Yi was stunned, looking at the female fox attack in his hand, he shook his head and smiled. Give it to him? Could it be that he was allowed to walk through the market wearing a women's robe.

In the middle of the night, Long Yi and his party came out of Miqingju, their skins were all steamed so pink and tender.

"Wow, this steam bath is really amazing. I will ask Bertha how to make it next time, and I will make one to enjoy when I go back." Linna said, shaking the water drops on her head.

"Yeah, and those fox girls are also very skilled. They feel so comfortable on their bodies. It seems that they have lost a few catties." Long Ling'er also said with a smile.

The three girls chattered about the novel steam bath all the way, but left Long Yi aside in the cold.

Lin Na naturally went home to sleep, Long Ling'er wanted to hug Long Yi to sleep together, but Ximen Wuhen forced her away, saying that she wanted to talk privately between girls, poor Long Yi was alone again. become a person.

Now that he has become a person, Long Yi doesn't plan to go back to the hotel anymore, there is a beautiful woman waiting for him in the dormitory.

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