Womanizing Mage

Chapter 20 I want to sleep with you

After flying several times alternately with the levitation technique, Sibi was already very tired. Seeing this, Long Yi couldn't bear to let her take it with him anymore, he looked at the darkened sky, and said to Sibirou: "Sibi, let me carry you, it's getting late, we need to find a source of water The place."

"Are you carrying me?" Sibi showed a trace of shame.

"Don't dawdle, come up quickly, and let you see what speed is." Long Yi squatted down with his back facing Si Bi, and turned around to urge Si Bi.

Sibi blushed, bit her lower lip with her white teeth, hesitated for a while and lay down on Long Yi's broad and thick back, which made her feel relieved.

Long Yi shook Sibi up on his shoulders, and amidst her exclamation, his two big hands firmly supported her elastic and round buttocks, and the movement of moving the universe turned into a wisp of green smoke. Sweep forward.

Sibi lay quietly on Long Yi's back, feeling the scorching heat coming from her buttocks, the blush on her face never dissipated.

"It would be great if I could just stay on his back like this forever." Sibi murmured in her heart, her two pink and tender arms hugged Long Yi's neck tightly, and her face was buried in the socket of his neck. place.

With Sibi on his back, Long Yi ran wildly, and finally found a clear river when his internal strength was about to run low, and at this time the sky had completely darkened. Sibi jumped off Long Yi, took out a white silk scarf from nowhere and gently wiped the sweat stains on Long Yi's forehead.

Smelling the faint fragrance of jasmine, Long Yi's heart skipped a beat, he grabbed Sibi's jade hand with his big hand, looked at Sibi with burning eyes, and slowly leaned forward. A strong masculine aura surrounded Sibi. She looked at the handsome face that was getting closer and closer, her eyes blurred for a while, her delicate body trembled slightly, she closed her eyes, and raised her jaw slightly to wait for the first kiss.

Finally, the four fiery lips pressed together tightly, Long Yi sighed, his arms tightly wrapped around Sibi's pink back, as if he wanted to rub her into his body. Sibi's body trembled more and more, she felt that the world was spinning, and a heart seemed to jump out of her chest.

Slowly, Long Yi's pair of wolf claws began to move on Sibi's pink back, and slowly stroked down on that upright and elastic snowy buttocks. With Sibi's soft call, Long Yi's dexterous tongue took the opportunity to invade, entangled and teased Sibi's small sweet tongue, but his hands were not idle, and actually slid down the buttocks and invaded the mysterious soft virgin land.

Sibi's whole body trembled, and she bit down her white teeth forcefully. Long Yi's blood boiled, Sibi bit him and covered his mouth with a cry of pain, a fishy-sweet taste came from the tip of his tongue, it was actually bitten by Sibi.

"Bite you to death, how dare you treat me so frivolously." Sibi backed away two steps with a flushed face, and gave Long Yi a coquettish look.

"How can I be called frivolous when I kiss my woman?" Long Yi said with a deadpan face.

"Who is your woman? Shameless." A trace of unnaturalness flashed across Sibi's face.

Sibi's abnormal expression did not escape Long Yi's eyes. He didn't understand why Sibi, who had always wanted him to marry her before, changed the subject as soon as she mentioned this matter. She didn't look like she had no affection for him. ah.

"Sibi couldn't help but speak.

But before Long Yi could speak, Sibi interrupted in panic: "Long Yi, don't ask, please don't ask?"

Long Yi's eyes flickered twice, and he said with a smile: "Don't ask anything, I just want to say that we are so dirty, why don't we go down and take a bath together."

"The ghost will take a mandarin duck bath with you, um, you take a bath here, and I'll go up to take a bath." Seeing that her body was indeed dirty, Sibi felt uncomfortable for a while.

"Can't we wash together? I still want you to rub my back." Long Yi smiled.

"It's a good idea, I'm going up, you are not allowed to come and take a peek." Sibi warned.

"If you're afraid that I'll peep at you, just set up a barrier, so I won't be able to see even if I want to." Long Yi shrugged.

Sibi glared at Long Yi and marched up, then suddenly turned around and said to Long: "Stinky bastard, don't think I don't know that it was you last time."

While Long Yi was stunned, Sibi's figure was no longer visible. Long Yi smiled wryly, how did she know that it was she who raped her last time? With doubts, Long Yi took off his clothes and jumped into the water with a graceful posture. After washing the dirt all over his body, Long Yi was refreshed for a while. He lay on his back and floated quietly in the water, staring at the sky full of stars in a daze. .

Suddenly, Long Yi felt an inexplicable blankness in his heart, he looked upstream as if in response, his heart tightened for a while, he always felt that there was something wrong with Sibi's expression, and there was always a feeling that Sibi wanted to leave he.

Sighing, Long Yi didn't get up and go upstream to check, he knew that if she wanted to leave, he couldn't stop her. If the other party is not ready to be with him, why should he force it? Let everything take its course.

Taking out the piece of jade found in the stomach of the Earth Bear from the space ring, Long Yi turned it over and studied it, only to see that the jade piece exuded a soft holy light, the whole body was crystal clear, and there was no trace of impurities, the powerful The breath of light magic makes people feel very comfortable. If it is inlaid on the staff, it will definitely be much better than Sibi's bright staff. Long Yi smiled slightly, he decided to use this piece of jade to make a peerless staff for Sibi.

"Slacker, why haven't you finished washing? It's more troublesome than us women." Sibi stood far away from the shore, her long dark green hair was draped around her waist, and she exuded amazing charm just after taking a bath. , under the starry sky, it looked even more elegant and dusty, which made Long Yi scream in his heart that he couldn't bear it.

Long Yi took out a set of clothes from the interspatial ring and put them on. Long Yi in the gorgeous brocade clothes looked handsome and personable, and Sibi's beautiful eyes were blurred for a while.

"It's getting late, why don't we go to sleep." Long Yi stepped forward and embraced Sibi's waist from behind, gently sniffing the fragrance of jasmine that she never tires of.

"Sleep, sleep, why sleep, I, I still need to meditate?" Sibi's delicate body softened, and she stammered.

"Don't do it today, I want to hug you to sleep." Long Yi stuck out his tongue and licked Sibi's earlobe.

ps: Favorite and recommend!

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