Womanizing Mage

Chapter 202 Seeing the Female Sword Saint Again

Ximen Wuhen felt that her heart was congested and flustered, a thousand threads entangled her heart like a mess, and she couldn't stop trying to reason it out. She walked downstairs slowly, walked out of the dormitory building, sat on the stone bench under the big tree in the dormitory building, raised her head and looked up at the starry sky, a little scared and a little confused.

Long Yi is like a sun that radiates far and wide, attracting people's attention all the time, especially girls, it's hard to resist his charm. He sometimes smiles brightly and sometimes evilly, sometimes serious and sometimes smiling, with a powerful attitude. Strength, outstanding appearance, easy and funny humor, even the coldest girl will be melted by him.

Ximen Wuhen sighed softly, is the master her second brother said really so powerful? Being able to transform an ignorant playboy into such a character, except for the change in appearance, everything else seems to be a different person. Sometimes she really doubts whether this person is her second brother or just with her. The second brother looks alike.

It would be great if she wasn't the second brother, Ximen Wuhen murmured unconsciously.

Aunt Ou who was paying attention to Ximen Wuhen's eyes flickered, looked at Ximen Wuhen who was lonely under the moonlight, and secretly sighed: "It's really a sin, Ximen Nu's good son born to that bastard, alas, is it destined by heaven? ?"

Aunt Ou walked out of the dormitory, and with her seemingly slow steps, she arrived at Ximen Wuhen's side in the blink of an eye.

"Son, what's bothering you?" Aunt Ou sat beside Ximen Wuhen, patted her on the shoulder and asked kindly.

Ximen Wuhen turned his head, looked at Aunt Ou's gentle and concerned eyes, and felt his nose ache. Her eyes rolled down like this, she didn't know why she lost her composure, but Aunt Ou's eyes were so warm and kind.

Aunt Ou hugged Ximen Wuhen into her arms distressedly. Said: "Tell aunt something, after all, aunt has lived a few more years, maybe she can think of a way for you."

Facing Aunt Ou who has always been very kind, Ximen Wuhen suddenly felt a strong desire to confide in her. This matter had been buried in her heart for a long time. She dared not say it, and even forced herself not to think about it. Very hard.

"Aunt Ou, I'm in pain, really in pain." Ximen Wuhen gritted his teeth and sobbed. The whole body was trembling slightly, and her fists were white from being pinched by her.

Aunt Ou looked at Ximen Wuhen in pain, her eyes turned red. He almost shed tears, and cursed in his heart with distress: "The stinky boy of Ximen's family, was he born to harm girls?"

"Son, don't be like this, just say it. It will make you feel better if you say it." Aunt Ou patted Ximen Wuhen's back softly to comfort her.

"Aunt Ou, I actually... fell in love with my own brother,

I'm a shameless bad woman. Woohoo, I'm a shameless bad woman. "Ximen Wuhen choked in pain in Aunt Ou's arms, her lips were almost bleeding from her bite.

"Who said you are a shameless bad woman? Who said that? It's no big deal to fall in love with that stinky boy Ximenyu. It's the blessing he has cultivated in several lifetimes." Aunt Ou suddenly shouted excitedly.

Ximen Wuhen was startled, raised his head and said, "But he is my real brother."

"He's not." Aunt Ou blurted out.

"Ah?" Ximen Wuhen stared blankly at Aunt Ou.

"I mean, maybe he isn't? You don't look like him at all." Aunt Ou said hastily after a moment of silence.

Ximen Wuhen shook his head and murmured: "Why not? It would be great if it wasn't."

"Hey, silly girl. If you really love him, then love him, don't care about your status, don't care about what others think, can you do it?" Aunt Ou caressed Ximen Wuhen's show, and gently tried it with the other hand. Blood on her lips.

Ximen Wuhen shook his head in pain and said: "No, no, the second brother will definitely not talk to me anymore if he knows what I'm thinking. If I let others know, it will definitely bring shame to the family. I can't do this."

"If you can't do it, then just keep everything in your heart silently, time will dilute everything, child." Aunt Ou said softly.


"Don't worry about it, leave him. If you stay far away, you may forget about it." Aunt Ou said hypnotically.

"Leave him, leave him." Ximen Wuhen murmured and repeated, his eyelids began to narrow like lead.

Just when Ximen Wuhen was about to close her eyes, she suddenly opened them again with a shock all over her body, shaking her head and said: "No, I can't leave him, I don't expect too much, just stand by his side and look at him. , that's all right."

Aunt Ou sighed softly, it seems that this is really predestined by heaven, since it cannot be undone, let everything go with the flow, if that brat Ximenyu dares to wrong Wuhen, he must take his skin off.

Ximen Wuhen seems to have found a target, yes, compared to not being able to see him, everything else seems to be nothing. After thinking clearly, Ximen Wuhen's body immediately relaxed a lot, sleepiness hit her, coupled with being in Aunt Ou's warm embrace like a mother, she fell into a deep sleep with the last tears on her face.

Aunt Ou looked at the sleeping Ximen Wuhen, sighed softly, and murmured: "My child, you must be happy."

At this time, Aunt Ou's face changed suddenly, her gray hair instantly turned black, her wrinkled face became smooth, full of mature charm, she was actually the mysterious female sword master who attacked Long Yi last time, perhaps Maybe it's a female sword god. Looking closely at her outline, she was somewhat similar to Ximen Wuhen. If anyone saw this scene, they would undoubtedly think that they were mother and daughter.

Long Yi sat quietly on the top of the Holy Demon Academy, motionless as if an old monk had fallen into a trance. As the first girl in the world to have sex with Long Linger, especially in that situation, she naturally has a sense of guilt and special feeling towards her, coupled with the fact that she has been in love for a long time, so the reaction just now was so... big bar.

"Well, let's go coax her tomorrow. She looks clearly in love with me. Maybe it's just like what my little sister said, she just doesn't know." Long Yi thought in his heart, if Long Linger's previous events If the reaction is all fake, then she is too scary.

At this moment, Long Yi instinctively felt a crisis, his nerves immediately collapsed, his figure disappeared in a flash, he was already in the air, and the stone he was sitting on just now was hit by a purple sword energy gotta smash.

"Elder Sister, it's you, if you want to attack, let's say hello." Long Yi looked at the middle-aged beautiful woman in purple robe not far away in surprise, and said with a smile, just now he was in a cold sweat.

The middle-aged beautiful woman snorted coldly and said, "Boy, your realm has improved again."

Long Yi chuckled twice, and said: "Elder Sister came looking for me in the middle of the night, I don't know if there is something you want to explain?"

The beautiful eyes of the middle-aged woman stared at Long Yi like lightning, making his spine chill, as if being stared at by a poisonous snake.

"I told you to treat Long Ling'er and your sister well. Believe it or not, I'll beat you into a pig's head right away." The middle-aged beautiful woman said coldly.

Long Yi rubbed his nose and laughed dryly, he felt really strange, is this woman staring at him all the time? How could she know when there was trouble, besides, why did she care so much about Long Ling'er? Could it be that she was Ling'er's own mother? Long Yi thought wildly.

"You still dare to laugh, your skin is itchy." The middle-aged beautiful woman said while staring at Long Yi.

Long Yi shrugged his shoulders, and said seriously: "I know, you have such a deep friendship with my grandfather, I respect you as the elders let you three points, but the matter between me and Long Ling'er is a private matter, don't you think Is it a little too wide?"

The middle-aged beautiful woman snorted coldly, and said proudly: "There is nothing in the world that I want to take care of."

Long Yi chuckled and said: "There is one thing that you definitely can't control."

"What?" asked the middle-aged beautiful woman.

"My grandpa's heart." Long Yi smiled and looked at the middle-aged beautiful woman.

Sure enough, the face of the middle-aged beautiful woman changed when she heard the words, she pointed the huge sword in her hand at Long Yi, and a huge force surged towards him.

"I said big sister, even if I guessed right, don't be angry with embarrassment, at least you are quite old." Long Yi resisted with mental strength and internal strength, while laughing.

The middle-aged beautiful woman put down her huge sword, her aura dissipated, leaving only a touch of sadness and melancholy.

Seeing the middle-aged beautiful woman feeling sad, Long Yi suddenly felt a little sorry for her, so he said: "Eldest sister, I am talking nonsense, don't take it to heart, you are so beautiful, my grandfather must have been fascinated by you back then."

The middle-aged beautiful woman raised her head and smiled faintly, and said, "You boy, the Ximen family is of the same species, and you can lie to death with sweet words."

"Sweet talk? What's that? I'm telling the truth." Long Yi said with a smile.

"Okay, don't give me milk soup, don't make those two girls sad again, and let me know, I have to peel your skin." The middle-aged beautiful woman said lightly.

"Don't worry, I was wrong today, and I won't do it in the future." Long Yi admitted his mistake, but there was a doubt in his heart, did he make Ximen Wuhen sad? Why did the middle-aged beautiful woman always mention the two of them together? He had an illusion, as if Ximen Wuhen, who was placed at the back, was what the middle-aged beautiful woman really wanted to mention.

The middle-aged beautiful woman nodded, and said: "The situation in the mainland is complicated now, and your days of leisure and care are coming to an end, remember to think twice before acting."

After the middle-aged beautiful woman finished speaking, she disappeared into the night like a ghost.

Long Yi habitually stroked his chin, why did this woman speak like his old man, I remembered that Ximen Nu had told him so when he left.

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