Womanizing Mage

Chapter 213: Lovesickness Sword: Endless Lovesickness

The Elf Queen nodded, thoughtful. From the very first time she saw Long Yi, she knew that he was definitely not a man willing to be mediocre. His eyes and the flamboyant temperament he exuded all showed that he had a certain kind of personality. With a restless heart, what role will he play in the future continental war? Is everything up to him?

"Then what exactly is your goal? Is it just for excitement?" the Elf Queen couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Long Yi held his wine glass and pondered, his eyes flashed with confusion for a moment, he came to this world inexplicably, experienced life and death, but what is his goal? He has no interest in fighting for hegemony. Being an emperor is so tiring. He is in charge of the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the entire world, and he still has to worry about someone plotting rebellion. What's the point of living like this? Long Yi smiled, exhaled a foul breath and said: "Seeking excitement is not everything, my biggest wish is to take beauty and enjoy the world, hehe."

The Elf Queen was stunned, stared at Long Yi with a wry smile and said, "Do you think your goal is easy to achieve?"

"Of course it's not easy to achieve, so for my goal, I have to practice hard. Of course, if I have a high cultivation base, I may not be able to defeat ten thousand, so I want to help the Ximen family win the world, so who would dare to trouble me? .” Long Yi laughed, and suddenly felt that this idea was very good.

The elf queen looked at Long Yi with a relaxed and casual face, and smiled slightly. What Long Yi thought was right, if a person wanted to be truly free and easy, he not only had to be superior in strength, but also had to have a strong backstage, standing in the pyramid of the world. The top of the top overlooks all living beings. That's the only way to do whatever you want.

"Your Majesty, I seem to have drunk too much, how about staying here to sleep tonight?" Long Yi raised his head and drank a glass of fine wine, staring at the elf queen with drunken eyes and smiled.

"If you want me to call the guards to chase people away, you can sleep here." The elf queen smiled lightly. But there was a strange feeling in my heart that I couldn't explain.

Long Yi let out a breath of alcohol, and suddenly propped his hands on the table and leaned forward, his handsome face stopped within two inches of the Elf Queen, so close that he could smell the fragrant fragrance of the Elf Queen.

"What are you doing?" The Elf Queen remained calm on the surface, but panic and shyness flashed across her eyes.

Long Yi observed the Elf Queen closely, her skin was really delicate without a single blemish, her straight nose and ruddy alluring lips made him feel an impulse to kiss her recklessly.

"I think... think... Long Yi's heartbeat suddenly increased. His big mouth moved towards the red lips of the Elf Queen.

Just when Long Yi was about to touch the lips of the Elf Queen, he felt that the Elf Queen had already stood a few steps away from him. looking at him angrily.

Long Yi woke up with a jolt,

In such an atmosphere at night, it is indeed easy for people to make mistakes.

"I mean, Her Majesty is really beautiful. It's getting late. I won't disturb your rest." Long Yi laughed awkwardly, turned around and was about to go out.

"Wait." The elf queen suddenly called Long Yi.

As soon as the dragon turned around, he saw the elf queen stepping forward. She looked up at this young man, this human man who was going to be her son-in-law, suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed him lightly on the face, Long Yi could feel the softness and moistness of his lips, and also feel the slight trembling.

"You are Lucia's husband, but you can be regarded as my half son. This is a goodnight kiss. Don't let your imagination run wild. If there is another time. Don't blame me for turning my face, understand?" The Elf Queen looked at the moonlight. Long Yi said in a serious tone.

Long Yi touched the left side of his face, it seemed that there was still that kind of lustful feeling on it, he didn't answer, just took a deep look at the Elf Queen, and disappeared in place in a blink of an eye. Long Yi knew in his heart that even if the elf queen had a good impression of him, this was definitely a taboo relationship. If Lucia knew about it, how should she deal with herself, let all of this go away with the night wind. This kiss from the elf queen is not only comforting him, but also warning him, let this feeling be buried deep in my heart, some things do not have to be obtained to be considered beautiful, too straightforward can only make everything worse, play some ambiguous It might also be a good choice.

The elf queen watched Long Yi's disappearing figure in the night sky and stood there for a long time. Long Yi is the kind of man who has a fatal attraction to women, handsome in appearance, noble in temperament, emphasizing love and righteousness, calm and wise, humorous but not frivolous, with that naughty smile that often hangs on his face Always so charming. Yes, she admitted that she was also attracted. From the very beginning when he touched her body, the relationship between them became a little subtle, especially with Lucia's relationship, the feeling of taboo made People can't stop.

Tonight Long Yi is a bit out of control, but the Elf Queen can't follow suit. This kind of taboo love affair is absolutely unacceptable in the conservative Elf Forest, even in the entire Canglan Continent. Lucia can accept that Long Yi has other women, but if she knows that her mother and her man are not clear, how sad she will be.

The elf queen sighed softly, turned around and walked towards the bedroom, let tonight be a memory.

Playing with Long Ling'er and Ximen Wuhen in the elf forest for two days, it was the first time they saw such a beautiful place, and they were attracted by the fairyland-like beauty of the elf forest. However, since that night, Long Yi's relationship with the Elf Queen has been estranged a lot. In the past, they were joking without scruples, but now they have become more polite. Both of them subconsciously distanced each other. This change made Long Yi feel a little pimple in his heart, always feeling very uncomfortable.

On this day, the weather was not as sunny as in the past, but there was a strong wind and heavy rain. Lucia accompanied Long Ling'er and Ximen Wuhen chatting chatteringly, while Long Yi sat fixedly under the eaves watching the pouring rain outside, the bull stood behind him like an iron pillar .

"Boss, when are we leaving?" Man Niu asked, in fact, he had already arrived in the Elven Forest when Long Yi came, and he planned to visit Long Yi in the Principality of Mia with Lucia, but who would have thought that Long Yi would come here first up. Although Man Niu also likes the beautiful scenery of the elf forest, he yearns for the days of adventure in the Canglan Continent with Long Yi.

"What? Can't stay still anymore?" Long Yi turned around and said with a smile.

Man Niu scratched the horns on his head, and said with a silly smile: "Although the wine and food are good here, it's almost boring."

"Well, let's go when the rain stops." Long Yi said with a smile.

Man Niu immediately became excited, hoping that the heavy rain would stop soon.

Long Yi leaned against the pillar and stopped talking, looking at the misty world rendered by the heavy rain, his eyes began to lose focus. The rainy day is a sentimental weather, the raindrops fall on the calm heart lake, blooming crystal clear water flowers, each petal is engraved with two words: longing.

Countless dusty memories came like a tide, faces from the previous life and the present life popped into my mind one by one. The thoughts whirled around and gradually became frozen, only a few beautiful faces remained in my mind, including Long Qi in the previous life, and Sibi and Wushuang in this life.

Long Yi suddenly felt a little gloomy, the yearning was so deep in his heart, he couldn't get used to it. Suddenly, he got up and let out a long roar, letting out all the depression in his heart. The three girls who were happily chatting were startled, Qi Qi looked back, only to see Long Yifei rushing into the rain, breaking a willow branch, and dancing sword moves in the heavy rain.

"The bamboo dock is dust-free and the water is flooded and clear. Thinking about it is far away from the heavy city. The autumn shade does not make the frost fly late, and the withered lotus is left to listen to the sound of the rain." Long Yi's deep voice echoed in the elf forest, and the willow branch in his hand danced. Layers of chilling green shadows, he walked with strange footwork, and his figure appeared one after another in the misty rain.

Long Yiwu's swordsmanship is a lovesickness sword created by a senior in the previous life. It only has the mind method, no moves, purely from the heart, dance once and the birds will cry, the ghosts and gods will weep twice, and the world will mourn for the third time. Can turn lovesickness into a sword move, breaking people's will, the predecessor who created this sword technique is really a generation of love infatuation.

The three women stared at the hazy afterimage in the rain, feeling the piercing longing for them, and murmured in unison in their hearts: "Who is he missing?"

"Ah, look." At this moment, Long Ling'er suddenly exclaimed and pointed to the air.

Several people looked together, and saw countless birds stumbling in the heavy rain, almost covering the entire sky. They wailed in unison and hovered in the air, gathering together to cut off the heavy rain.

Such a spectacle was unheard of among the elves, and all the elves rushed out of the house in the rain, talking a lot.

At this moment, Long Yi has danced from the ground to the air, and dozens of Long Yi danced sword moves in the air, and the elves who were talking a lot became quiet for a moment, just looking at Long Yi in the sky while drenched in the rain, One by one, they began to miss the most important person or people in their lives, some missed their deceased relatives, some missed their beautiful first love, and the atmosphere of the entire elf forest became indescribably weird.

"When the ends of the earth are endless, there is only endless love." Long Yi's deep voice echoed in the air, and his figures suddenly merged into one. After a green light and shadow burst out from the willow branches in his hands, they were separated from the branches inch by inch, and they fluttered down one after another. .

After thinking about the sword dance for the first time, the birds began to disperse after circling several times. At this time, Long Yi realized that the original heavy rain had stopped at some point, and the dark clouds had dispersed, revealing a clear blue sky.

"It's time to go." Long Yi murmured under the warm sunshine.

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