Womanizing Mage

Chapter 216 Nangong Xiangyun

"Old Ten Master, Master, Young Master has arrived outside the city gate." In the Ximen Family Mansion in Dongcheng District of Tenglong City, a man who looked like a servant ran across the courtyard and shouted all the way.

Immediately, Ximen's mansion boiled like a frying pan, and buzzing voices could be heard endlessly. Ximen Yu, the second young master of Ximen, has been away from home for more than two years, and now he comes back suddenly. This time, Tenglong City will be in trouble again.

Some new maids who joined in the past two years acted very flustered, especially those who thought they were two-part beauty, and suddenly thought that they would not escape the clutches of the devil. Afterwards, I was relieved after hearing some veteran maids say that although Ximenyu's reputation in Tenglong City is very bad, and his color name has spread far and wide across the entire Canglan Continent, he is not bad for the servants in the mansion, and he is not bad. Who knows if I've never met a maid in the mansion, or if rabbits don't eat grass by the side of their nests, or look down on them?

Dongfang Wan was drinking tea in the garden with two noble ladies who usually chatted, when she heard the servant's yelling from a distance, her whole body trembled, the teacup couldn't help but slipped from her hand, and fell to pieces with a bang. She got up abruptly, ecstatic in her heart, she was exhausted looking forward to her son's return. In the past two years, she had never had a good night's sleep, and she was afraid that something might happen to her precious son outside.

"Mrs. Ximen, I really congratulate you. It seems that the happy event between you and the Nangong family is coming soon." Sitting opposite Dongfang Wan is a beautiful woman in her early thirties, who is also the right soldier of the current Kuanglong Empire. The main wife of General Ma Ye Wufeng, their Ye family and the Ximen family are a community of interests on the same boat.

"Yeah, our Tenglong City hasn't had a good time for a long time. Now it's in turmoil, so we should take advantage of Boy Yu's joy to rejoice." The other woman is also about the same age as Dongfang Wan. Although she looks ordinary, she has an extraordinary aura of nobility. She is Dongfang Wan's cousin Dongfang Ying, and according to her seniority, Ximen Yu also calls her aunt.

"Ying'er greet Mrs. Ye for me. I'll pick up Yu'er at the gate of the city." Dongfang Wan agreed with a smile. She was in a hurry to see her son, so she didn't care what the two of them said. The last two maids rushed out.

The news of the second young master of the Ximen family, Ximenyu, came back without leaving, the whole Tenglong City was shaken, and some pretty ladies of the family started to panic again, especially in the past two years, there are many little apples who were still young at first They are all mature, and many people predict that many little beauties will be destroyed.

Long Yi was riding a magnificent unicorn horse, and he was still wearing a moon-white aristocratic gown. With long black hair tied neatly behind his head, and a pair of starry eyes flashing a faint smile, he is really a handsome and handsome young master. Behind him is the violent bear mercenary group of hundreds of people. There are all kinds of occupations. What makes this mercenary group different from other mercenary groups is its discipline. Xiong Ba's management of this mercenary group borrows from the army's management model. Can a hundred people be in the B\u003cteam group?

At this time, it was close to the gate of Tenglong City, and there were a lot of pedestrians on the road. Seeing such a team galloping towards Tenglong City flamboyantly,

All avoid involuntarily.

Looking at the towering Tenglong city wall that was getting closer and closer, Long Yi couldn't help but feel a kind feeling in his heart.

Accompanied by earthquakes caused by the galloping horses. Long Yi and his party soon arrived under the city wall. At this moment, the city wall of Tenglong City stood upright with two rows of mighty soldiers surrounded by common people. Because of Long Yi's return, the city gate was temporarily sealed.

Several luxurious carriages engraved with the Ximen family's family emblem stopped at the gate of the city. Ximen Nu, who was dressed in a purple fur robe and had a fluttering beard, stood straight in front of him. Beside him was the excited Dongfang Wan.

Long Yi waved his hand, pulled the rope, and the one-horned horse neighed and flew into the air. A graceful slam brake came, and the bear mercenaries behind him also stopped in an orderly manner.

Long Yi got off his horse, looked at Ximen Nu and Dongfang Wan from a distance, hesitated for a while, then strode forward.

"Yu'er, my Yu'er." Before Long Yi could say hello, Dongfang Wan rushed over and hugged Longchang,

Surrounding Dongfang Wan, feeling Dongfang Wan's deep love, Long Yi's nose was sour, and his eyes turned red. Really, it's not his fault, he can't control this kind of emotion at all, this kind of family affection is innate, when he occupies this body, he is destined to be a member of the Ximen family.

Dongfang Wan took a step back, looked up at Long Yi carefully, seeing his resolute silhouette, bright eyes, and the aura of a leopard honed from his whole body, she felt distressed and comforted in her heart, Her son has finally grown up, and he has endured so much hardship to receive such training.

Dongfang Wan stretched out her hand to caress Long Yi's knife-sharpened outline, and murmured: "Yu'er, why have you lost so much weight, how hard it must be outside."

"Okay, you two are finished." Ximen coughed and said majestically when he saw that the people were getting more and more surrounded.

Only then did Dongfang Wan put down her hands, and turned her head to give Ximen an angry look.

Long Yi looked at these two relatives who were both familiar and unfamiliar, saluted as if he had just woken up from a dream, and said, "I have seen my father and mother. I haven't seen you for a long time. Is your body okay?"

Ximen stroked his beard angrily, looked up at the hundreds of bear mercenaries who had dismounted behind Long Yi, nodded and said: "Let's talk when we go back."


"Xiangyun, be obedient, go to Ximen's mansion with mother, and I heard that Ximenyu is back." A beautiful woman was anxiously persuading her daughter. The girl in the green two-color tight swordsman suit, she looks very beautiful and has a very good taste, her skin is a healthy wheat color that is rarely seen among beauties, and her beautiful big eyes are full of arrogance.

"No, I'm going to you. I feel like throwing up when I see that scum." Nangong Xiangyun sat down with her legs on the chair opposite, ignoring the anxiety of the beautiful woman.

"What are you talking about, Ximenyu will soon be your husband, it is a necessary etiquette to pay a visit in the past." The beautiful woman said anxiously.

"Hmph. That's what you guys said. I didn't agree. Whoever agrees will get married." Nangong Xiangyun snorted.

"You...Are you mad at me, mother?" The beautiful woman's towering chest heaved violently, and her beautiful eyes stared fiercely at Nangong Xiangyun. Nangong Xiangyun saw her mother's appearance like this. He turned over with his hands, hugged the beautiful woman's neck from behind and said: "I'm sorry, but mother, it's not like you don't know who that bastard Ximenyu is, and marrying your daughter to him is not intentional to push your daughter down!" A fire pit?"

The beautiful woman patted Nangong Xiangyun's little hand and sighed: "This is the agreement between your father and Patriarch Ximen back then. It has already been made, and it is impossible to go back on it."

Nangong Xiangyun stomped her feet. Of course, she also knew that in the Kuanglong Empire, especially the upper class, such political marriages linked to interests were difficult to cancel.

"Anyway, I don't want to marry. Mother, go and persuade father, don't you really have the heart to see your daughter's life worse than death." Nangong Xiangyun hugged the beautiful woman and acted coquettishly.

The beautiful woman sighed: "Okay, okay. I'll talk to your father tonight, but now you have to come with me to Ximen Mansion."

"Really, mother, you are so kind, then go see that disgusting guy, at worst you won't have dinner at night." Nangong Xiangyun shook her body. said very reluctantly.

"You child, go wash and dress up now, we will leave right away." The beautiful woman said. A trace of pity flashed in her eyes, she knew that even if she knelt in front of Patriarch Nangong, this marriage would never be rescinded. This marriage was a major event for the Nangong family, and it was a major event to change the fate of the Nangong family.

"What are you dressing up for? Your daughter is beautiful in my country. She already looks good this way. I'm sure the pervert's eyes will protrude." Nangong Xiangyun said with a giggle.

The beautiful woman knocked Nangong Xiangyun on the head, and said angrily: "No, how about going to meet the elders dressed like this? Go change into a lady's dress. The braids on the head are all taken apart." Nangong Xiangyun was reluctant She went back to the house, for the sake of her own future, she endured it.

It was when Nangong Xiangyun let the maid help her dress up, the door of the boudoir opened with a creak, and a boy of twelve or thirteen came in.

"Third Sister, I heard that you are going to see my last brother-in-law. Congratulations." The little boy walked to Nangong Xiangyun with a grin. She is Nangong Nu, the younger brother of Nangong Xiangyun's mother .

"Let's go, what are you coaxing, look at your third sister, I saw that guy and didn't kill him." Nangong Xiangyun said angrily.

"To tell you the truth, third sister, I admire him a lot. He is my idol, even a princess dares... Oh, third sister, why did you hit me?" Nangong Nu cried out, clutching his head in pain.

"If you don't learn well at such a young age, believe it or not, I will tell my father that I will punish you to face the wall for three months." Nangong Xiangyun looked at this younger brother helplessly. Things actually know better than her.

"I'm afraid of you, please don't tell father." Nangong Nu begged for mercy. He sat next to Nangong Xiangyun all the time, and suddenly said with a grin: "Sister, I just saw Mo Lai on the street. Brother-in-law, you are so handsome, with that demeanor and appearance, I didn't say you, Third Sister, marrying you would be wronging him."

Hearing this, Nangong Xiangyun jumped up and gave Nangong Nu a slap in the face, shouting, "What did you say? Marrying me wronged him? With his idiot, if it wasn't for the protection of the Ximen family, he would have gone to see his ancestors a long time ago." .”

"Third sister, don't be so violent, please? I'm telling the truth. He is really different from before. He is too majestic, and he has hundreds of subordinates, all of whom are masters." Nangong Nu said .

"It's just a superficial appearance. You are still young. You must know that this is called gold and jade. You must not learn from him in the future." Nangong Xiangyun also took on the responsibility of her elder sister. She must not let her younger brother become like him bad.

Nangong Nu muttered twice, apparently disapproving of his third sister's remarks.

"Stinky boy, what are you mumbling about? Are you dissatisfied with Third Sister?" Nangong Xiangyun blew her nose and stared.

"How dare you, I'm asking if I can go with you, I also want to see how Third Sister will punish him." Nangong Nu laughed.

"That's it...that's right, I'll let you see how your third sister avenged Princess Long Ling'er." Nangong Xiangyun clenched her fists. Smiling with fluttering eyes, it seems that Ximenyu's miserable end has been predicted.

The mansion of the Ximen family was bustling with activity due to Long Yi's return. When Long Yi arrived, all the maids and servants came out to greet him. He respectfully called the second young master hello.

The bear mercenary regiment was assigned to the training ground of the Ximen family, and Long Yi was followed only by Man Niu and Xiao Yi who refused to leave his side. After all, they are all well-informed people, and they are not too surprised, but they faintly feel Xiaoyi's extraordinaryness.

"Yu'er, this is the yard you used to live in. Someone comes to clean it every day. Mother bought some clothes and furniture for you. You can see what else you need. Mother will buy it for you." Dongfang Wan pulled Long Yi's hand came to the courtyard where Ximen Yu lived at the beginning.

"Thank you mother, I must have thought of the mother I need." Long Yi was deeply moved, he who had never had a mother's love before felt a deep nostalgia from the bottom of his heart.

Long Yi looked at this luxurious courtyard. This is probably the most expensive courtyard in Ximen's mansion. In the courtyard, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, rockery and flowing water, pavilions and pavilions, and the rooms are all two-story iron and wood buildings. Carved with all kinds of lifelike flowers, birds, fish, insects and dragon totems, it is not an exaggeration to call it resplendent.

Dongfang Wan dragged Long Yi into the room, while Man Niu and Xiao Yi stayed in the yard.

"Yu'er. Don't leave again when you come back this time. You don't even know how your mother came here in the past two years." Dongfang Wan's eyes were red again as she spoke.

Long Yi was startled, and murmured: "I'm sorry."

"Okay, I heard from your father that you were very romantic and happy outside, why didn't you bring back a daughter-in-law for your mother this time?" Dongfang Wan tested her eyes with her sleeve and asked, changing the subject.

"Uh... this... They are all relatively busy, there will be opportunities in the future." Long Yi replied, thinking about it, he also found it quite strange, why didn't a single woman come back? Lucia stayed in the elf forest. Yu Feng returned to the Phoenix Family, Ling Feng and Leng Youyou also returned to the Dark Church, Si Bi disappeared, Wu Shuang was still in the ice field, Shui Ruoyan and Long Ling'er were in the Holy Demon Academy again, it's really strange.

"Well, Yu'er, you are not young anymore. Do you remember your marriage with the third girl of the Nangong family? It's been a while since that girl came back. I discussed it with your father and I think you two should get married as soon as possible. Your mother and I Maybe I can hug my grandson sooner." Dongfang Wan said with a smile.

Long Yi's scalp felt numb for a while, right? He was forced to get married as soon as he came back, it seems that the life back is not very easy. He had the impression that Nangong Xiangyun hated him extremely. Didn't this wife suffer when she got married? Besides, he has long forgotten what Nangong Xiangyun looks like, and two people who have no feelings are forced to get together, how can this work?

"Mother, this, it's too early for you to hold a grandson, you look in the mirror, you look like a teenage girl, wouldn't it be too strange to hold a grandson." Long Yi said helplessly.

"Hehe, your child's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. I married my father at the age of sixteen and gave birth to you at the age of seventeen. Now you are twenty-one years old, and I am thirty-eight. People at my age have already She is the grandmother of several children." Dongfang Wan smiled happily, and her son's praise made her very happy.

"Mother, you also know that the third lady of the Nangong family hates me very much, facing her cold eyes every day, how are you going to live these days." Long Yi continued to work hard.

Dongfang Wan put away her smile when she heard this, looked Long Yi up and down, and said: "Mother didn't dare to say it before, but now that girl from Nangong's family must be fascinated by you when she sees you, whose son is as handsome as my Yu'er?" .”

Long Yi shrugged helplessly, and said: "As long as she is willing to marry, I don't care." If she really gets married, then marry, if she hates him, she will hate him, at worst, she will be thrown at home and become a couple in name only , he thought Nangong Xiangyun would be very happy.

At this moment, a maid came to inform that Mrs. Nangong, her daughter and son were visiting.

"It's just in time, Yu'er, go out and meet your in-laws and your future wife." Dongfang Wan smiled and pulled Long Yi out, Man Niu and Xiao Yi still followed behind Long Yi.

When he came to the living room, Long Yi saw a beautiful woman with a noble temperament and a very lady-like girl sitting on the sofa, smiling and talking with Ximen Huo. And an eleven or twelve-year-old boy wandered around the hall restlessly.

This is Nangong Xiangyun? Why is it different from the one in my impression, Long Yi thought doubtfully, and when he realized that she was secretly rolling her eyes, he couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"Hello, Auntie. Long time no see, Auntie is still as beautiful as ever." Long Yi stepped forward to greet the beautiful woman, God knows he had long forgotten whether she was round or flat.

Mrs. Nangong looked at Long Yi and was startled for a while, her eyes were a little confused, and she was surprised after a while: "Is this Yu'er? It has become almost unrecognizable by auntie." Mrs. Nangong looked at Long Yi and looked at him. His calm demeanor and calm smile all show that this son is extraordinary. After going out for more than two years, Ximenyu is no longer the former Ximenyu.

"Shimei, are you okay?" Long Yi turned his head and blinked at Nangong Xiangyun.

"Very good, don't worry about your carrot." Nangong Xiangyun gave Long Yi a hard look, it was impossible to say that he was not surprised. But she must not show it, and besides, it is impossible to reverse the deep-rooted impression of Long Yi in her heart.

"Brother-in-law Mo Lai, how do you greet me?" Nangong Nu trotted over.

"Dongnu, you've grown so big, come and shake hands." Long Yi smiled and stretched out his hand.

Nangong Nu also stretched out her little hand. Suddenly squinting at Nangong Xiangyun and blinking, when holding Long Da's hand, a faint blue light suddenly appeared in his hand.

Long Yi secretly laughed in his heart. He had known for a long time that this little guy was an intermediate water magician, and he could be considered a genius level magician.

"Ah, it's so cold, so cold." Nangong Nu yelled and withdrew her hand suddenly, her little hand was covered with a layer of frost.

"Dongnu, why are you so careless?" Long Yi stepped forward with a concerned face, stroked his palm, and Aotianjue's true energy immediately dispelled this layer of frost.

"Wow, brother-in-law. You are amazing." Nangong Nu immediately looked at Long Yi with admiration, he didn't understand why his magic would backfire, anyway, he knew it must be caused by Long Yi.

Dongfang Wan is a great magician. Seeing her son's performance, she was very pleasantly surprised. She didn't expect her son to improve so much. She said: "Yu'er, don't bully Xiaonu. Now take Xiangyun around, our lord Let's talk about something."

Long Yi responded, turned his head and said, "Shimei, let's go."

Nangong Xiangyun stood up gracefully, pretending to be a lady.

Long Yi led Nangong Xiangyun to go out, while Nangong Nu followed behind like a follower, he did not forget that the third sister said that she would kill this seemingly powerful late brother-in-law, and vaguely felt that the third sister should I can't beat him, although the third sister is also quite powerful.

Once out of the hall, Nangong Xiangyun, who was walking in small steps just now, stretched her waist, supported her waist and said, "I'm really suffocated." After speaking, she looked at Long Yichong with squinting eyes and said, "Idiot, Do you dare to come with Miss Ben?"

Long Yi looked at Nangong Xiangyun with a smile, this woman is really interesting.

"Boss, do you want to beat her up?" Man Niu heard Nangong Xiangyun scolding, stepped in and said, staring at her unceremoniously with a pair of bull's eyes.

Nangong Xiangyun suddenly felt her breathing stagnate, the hairs all over her body stood on end, a cold and bloody murderous aura instantly surrounded her, she didn't understand how this simple-looking orc could have such a fierce and bloody murderous aura. You must know that Man Niu has experienced extremely bloody killings with Long Yi, and his murderous aura is extremely strong, besides, this big man doesn't know how to restrain himself.

"Her child is ignorant, please forgive her." Long Yi chuckled, until Nangong Xiangyun's lungs were about to explode.

"Ximenyu, if you have the guts, come with Miss Ben alone." Nangong Xiangyun stomped her feet angrily, turned around and walked towards the backyard.

Looking at Nangong Xiangyun's striding pace, Long Yi couldn't help muttering: "It's really unfeminine." Zhuan Er waved his hands at Man Niu and Xiao Yi and said, "You two stay here, young master, I'll go and train you at the end. come lady."

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