Womanizing Mage

Chapter 224 Conspiracy

Looking at the face of the picket leader exposed by the shattered helmet, Long Yi was stunned.

She has a bald head with no blade of grass, narrow and long phoenix eyes, thick eyebrows, and the slanted scar on her face. So familiar, really familiar, Long Yi murmured in his heart, suddenly a flash of lightning hit the depths of his mind, causing Long Yi's face to change instantly, how similar this appearance is to his previous life.

"You won, Second Young Master Ximen." The picket leader also looked at Long in a daze for a while, and then slowly said, this kid really surprised him. This kind of progress is so fast that it is simply unacceptable.

Long Yi came back to his senses, walked step by step to the front of the picket leader, smiled, and said lightly: "If you had used all your strength just now, you should be able to resist my mad dragon's eighteen consecutive cuts."

"What does Master Ximen mean?" The picket leader was slightly shocked, and asked calmly.

"Do I need to explain clearly what I mean? If my guess is correct, your strength should be that of a great swordsman. As for why you want to hide your strength, I won't ask too much." Long Yi used two people. The audible voice laughed.

The picket leader's eyes flickered, looked at this seemingly careless young man, sighed softly, and said, "Second Master Ximen, you have really changed and become unfathomable, I really doubt whether you are Ximenyu. "

Long Yi smiled smugly, his words clearly admitted it, so that means that the dark blue color he saw when performing eighteen consecutive cuts was not dazzled.

"Hey, don't admire me too much, I just had some strange encounters. By the way, I don't know what this big brother is called?"

"I'm revenge, Captain of the First Squadron of the Kuanglong Legion's Picket Brigade." Qiu Fu said.

"Hate the rich? This kind of mentality is unacceptable." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

"It's recovery, not richness." Vengeance replied with some embarrassment.

"Cenfu. Choufu, isn't revenge in turn? It really is a good name." Long Yi smiled and patted Choufu on the shoulder, regardless of whether he wanted it or not.

There was a strange look in the eyes of revenge, and he looked at the side without saying a word.

"Brother Gang, I have a question. It seems that your fighting spirit is quite similar to that of the Phoenix family. I don't know..."

"My vindictiveness is a family tradition, and has nothing to do with the Fenghuang family." As soon as Mo Long finished asking, Chou Fu interrupted his answer.

answer so quickly,

Is there a ghost? Long Yi muttered in his heart.

"I still have military affairs to do, so I won't accompany you." After Chou Fu finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the distance.

Long Yi looked at the back of Chou Fu going away. Thoughtful.

At this time, the surrounding soldiers also gradually dispersed, and the contest between Ximen Second Young Master and Gui Jianchou for revenge spread throughout the barracks in an instant. The image of Ximen Second Young Master in the army is quite different from before. In a sense, the Kuanglong Legion is the private soldiers of the Ximen family. They take the country's food, but they are not loyal to the emperor Long Zhan. Long Yi exhibited the wild dragon's 18 consecutive slashes and defeated revenge, which is legendary in the mad dragon army. How could this kind of strength not be admired by the soldiers.

Long Yi led Xiaoyi and Man Niu to the camp of the Violent Bear Mercenary Group, and called Xiong Ba and the two deputy heads to talk.

Long Yi sat on the table. Xiaoyi stood behind him, pinched his shoulders for him, and offered him tea from time to time, really enjoying it to the extreme.

"Now you have entered the barracks. You are also considered soldiers. Before, your training was still a long way from the real army training. I will work out a training plan in two days. You need more intensive training and more scientific and effective training." training method." Long Yi spoke slowly, with a disturbing smile flashing in his eyes.

"Young master, we will all go to the battlefield in the future." Xiong Ba looked at Long Yi with big eyes like copper bells, with an expression of excitement and hope.

"Do you want to go to the battlefield? There will be opportunities in the future, and I'm afraid that you will be soft when you kill someone." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

"Hand soft? I, Xiong Ba, kill more and more vigorously. I kill as many as I want, and the sky is dark when I kill it. The blood flows like a river." Xiong Ba's chest was slapped loudly, and a blood-eating breath exuded from all over his body.

Long Yi frowned, why didn't he feel this kind of aura on him before? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

"You inform your subordinates and tell them to train well. When I come in a few days, all of them go down to lead the troops for me, so that no jokes will be made in the future." Long Yi said, knocking on the armrest of the chair back.

At this time, Long Zhan, who had just finished the morning court, was pacing gloomyly in the imperial study room. Suddenly he stopped, patted the desk, and a burst of vitality gushed out, and the desk shattered into pieces silently. A pile of powder, he said fiercely: "Ximen family, Dongfang family and Nangong family, one day I will uproot you all and slaughter you all."

"Your Majesty, you don't have to be so angry, let them be proud for a while, and then let your Majesty make you round and flat?" A soft voice suddenly appeared in the room, and at the same time, a faint shadow appeared in the corner of the study. revealed.

"Military commander, I really can't swallow this breath. The more the old fox Ximen Nu doesn't pay attention to me, the more I agree with him at the end of today, he decided to promote that boy Ximen Yu as a side general and lead 15,000 soldiers." Horse, it's really unreasonable." Long Zhan kicked a chair angrily and shattered it.

"Your Majesty, don't be angry. This move is not a good opportunity. If he wants soldiers and horses, he will give them to him. Wouldn't it be better to put our secret agent in and monitor Ximen Yu's every move at any time?" The shadow said lightly. Welcome to visit

"Military division, that boy Ximenyu is no longer the ignorant dude he was two years ago, I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with, if I had known back then, I should have killed him decisively, and there would be no change today. "Long Zhan sighed.

"We can try to control him. If we can't control him, let the person who put him in kill him. Even if his strength improves, there will always be omissions." The military division said darkly.

"That's the only way to do it. I will arrange this matter as soon as possible." Long Zhan nodded and said, suddenly, his eyes stopped on the pile of tatters on the ground, and he bent down and took out an incomplete painting from it. A little girl who looks like an angel and has a compelling aura is exactly his sweetheart, Long Ling'er.

Long Zhan looked at the daughter in the painting complicatedly, she really looked like her mother, but why? Why do you want to fall in love with someone from the Ximen family? Do you want to betray me? Long Zhan thought painfully.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the little princess has always been smart and soft on the outside but strong on the inside. Her actions may be to endure humiliation and give Ximen Yu a fatal blow at the last moment. Just imagine, how could she fall in love with the man who defiled her? "The military division is like a roundworm in Long Zhan's stomach. One can see what Long Zhan is thinking by looking at his expression.

"Oh, I hope so." Long Zhan sighed, vaguely feeling that this was not the case.

"Military Master, the situation is no longer optimistic. The alliance of the three major families has formed. Shouldn't we make a move?" Long Zhan shook off the troublesome things in his heart and asked the shadow.

"Jie Jie Jie, now is the right time, the right time, place and people, it is really time to use that hidden game." The military adviser Jie Jie said with a strange smile.

Long Zhan turned around and lifted a curtain on the wall, revealing a military map hanging on the wall, with detailed troop distribution and many hidden and fraudulent marching routes on it.

Of the three million arms in the Dragon Empire, only 800,000 are directly under his control, of which 200,000 are the Forbidden Army, and 600,000 are added to the Condor Legion and Tiger Legion. The Ximen family controls 300,000 of the Kuanglong Legion, and its personal soldiers are unknown for the time being, but it is estimated that there are more than 100,000. The combined strength of the Nangong family and the Dongfang family is about 200,000, and the rest of the troops are scattered in various places and in the hands of various generals.

Long Zhan calculated the soldiers and horses owned by the generals of his department, and his direct command still has a great advantage compared to the Ximen family, but the problem is that if the Ximen family rebels, the battle will only start in Tenglong City. At that time, his superior force could not be reflected at all. It is impossible for him to transfer all the troops of the whole country to Tenglong City. In that case, there will be no civil war, and the foreign race has already swallowed up the Kuanglong Empire.

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. The Dragon Family of the Dragon Empire is orthodox and is what the people want. As long as your Majesty does not lose popular support, Ximen Nu will not dare to act rashly. The only thing your Majesty has to do now is to disintegrate them from within." The military adviser said lightly, At the end there was that piercing, strange laugh, as if the speaker and the last laugher were two different people.

Long Zhan was obviously used to this kind of behavior of the military master, and he didn't look surprised at all. He asked, "Apart from the trick of dark chess, does the military master have other methods?"

"Jie Jie, in fact, although Ximenyu's return has increased unknown variables, it has also brought us unexpected benefits." The military division laughed strangely.

"Oh, what's the benefit?" Long Zhan asked eagerly.

"It is well known that Ximenhuo has always favored Ximenyu. It would be hard for Ximentian to come to Ximentian. Ximentian is an ambitious person. He only wants to be the head of the Ximen family. As long as we provoke them a little bit, let them Brother self-mutilation, wouldn't it be easy?" The military division laughed.

Long Zhan's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "The military master's plan is very clever, it's best to fight and lose both. When the Ximen family is in chaos, it will be much easier for us to do things."

The military master smiled strangely, and the faint shadow began to slowly drift away. At the last moment of disappearing, he suddenly said to himself: "It would be better if one side can turn against you."

Long Zhan began to meditate, the smile on the corner of his mouth grew bigger and bigger, and finally he laughed wildly, but there was no smile in his eyes, instead there was a trace of violence flashing, which looked very strange.

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