Womanizing Mage

Chapter 242: Palace Banquet (Part 2)

Long Yi raised his cup and touched Beitangduo, but his mind kept turning various thoughts. The power of the Beitang family is the last of the four major families. It has always maintained a neutral attitude and kept a distance from the other three major families. The descendants of the Beitang family have no contact with the other three major families. Bei Tangduo is a very lonely person, how did he change his sex today?

Long Yi suppressed the doubts in his heart and drank the glass of wine, turned his head and slightly looked at the table not far away, where the brains of the four major families were sitting. At this time, Bei Tang Patriarch Bei Tangxiong with a beard on his face was talking to his father Ximen Nu affectionately, this kind of gesture had never been seen before.

Could it be... Mourning Could it be that the Beitang family intends to unite with the Ximen family? Advance and retreat together? Long Yi thought to himself. He quietly observed Emperor Long Zhan, seeing his gloomy face and murderous gazes looking at Bei Tangxiong from time to time, he confirmed his guess in his heart.

Feeling preoccupied, Long Yi began to chat with Bei Tangduo, and within a short time, the two of them seemed to be old friends with deep friendship.

"Hypocrisy." A disdainful murmur entered Long Yi's ears.

Bei Tangduo was a little embarrassed at the moment, he laughed twice and turned around to give his younger sister Bei Tang Yu who was sitting next to him a hard look, while Bei Tang Yu was eating the food calmly without blinking, as if the muttering just now was not Just out of her mouth.

Long Yi chuckled, what Beitang Yu said was the truth, it was indeed hypocrisy.

"Little sister is ignorant, please don't blame the Second Young Master Ximen." Bei Tangduo said apologetically.

"It's okay, Miss Beitang has character, I like it." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

Bei Tang Yu heard Long Yi's words. It seemed a little annoyed, but that emotion was only fleeting, and his face returned to indifference in a blink of an eye. On the contrary, Bei Tangduo's eyes flickered, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

Long Yi shook his head in his heart. This Miss Beitang is obviously a very emotional person, but she puts on a wooden face every day, she is a little older, and she learns to play with deep thoughts.

At this time, Dongfang Kexin stood up with a soft snort, pushed away the chair and walked outside. Seeing this, Nangong Xiangyun immediately got up and chased after Dongfang Kexin.

"When did these two girls become so close, and they joined forces to show my face, and I don't know what the hell they are doing." Long Yi frowned and thought, these two two days ago they were arguing about everything, how can they be so good now? humanlike. I really don't understand what the girls are thinking.

Nangong Xiangyun quickly followed Dongfang Kexin to the Imperial Garden. The reason she cared so much was not because she had reached an agreement with Dongfang Kexin. She didn't say it clearly, but she just vaguely felt that Dongfang Kexin was very pitiful, and she was the same kind of person as herself.

"Are you okay?" Nangong Xiangyun asked softly.

Dongfang Kexin took two deep breaths, shook her head, and touched her heart. Feeling the bursts of tightening pain coming from there, he obviously decided not to talk to his cousin anymore, and let himself calm down and sort out his feelings. But when he heard what he said to Bei Tangyu, his heart was so uncomfortable that he was dying. Is this desire for his cousin to be his own alone really just a kind of possessive desire? So what is love?

"Nangong Xiangyun, tell me, what is love? Do you have to tolerate other women if you love someone? Is it pure possessiveness to want to monopolize a complete heart?" Dongfang Kexin said a little asked painfully.

Nangong Xiangyun was startled, she is not a love expert, but as a woman, she also thought about the ideal prince charming, tall and handsome. Gentle and considerate, pretending to be all about her in her heart, it should be understandable for a woman to think so. Nangong Xiangyun suddenly felt disturbed in her heart, and she couldn't tell what was right and what was wrong, because she seemed to be entangled in it.

The palace dinner is only a part of the palace banquet, but the real highlight is arranged after the dinner. The firework show is an indispensable program, and the hour-long magical fireworks is a favorite program for young men, women and children. At this time, each young nobleman can invite the lady in the photo to watch it in a hidden corner. If the lady is interested, she will agree, and it is unknown what they will do next. As a result, the subsequent singing and dancing performances are often performed by gentlemen and wives, but young masters and young ladies basically don't like such occasions.

When the first dazzling fireworks exploded in the sky, Long Yi was already lying on the top of a relatively remote palace, lying on it and watching the brilliant fireworks in the sky. This kind of magical fireworks is more expensive than the fireworks in his previous life. It looks much better, not only lasts for a long time but also has no pollution. He didn't know that many people were looking for him now, there were girls who wanted to invite him, and there were also some noble men who came to seek relationships.

"Wow, it's a bit too intense. This posture is fine too. You're really awesome." Long Yi, who was really looking at the fireworks in the sky, suddenly heard a panting sound not far away, so he looked sideways, I saw under a big tree of His Highness, a couple of dogs and men eagerly doing that human thing. I saw that the woman's shirt was half undone, revealing a pair of huge breasts, but her trousers had been completely taken off, and she was leaning against the big tree with her back, a pair of breasts split into a line and placed on the man's shoulders, while the man I am working fast, my kung fu is really good.

Long Yi was observing with great interest, and sighed in his heart, the most rotten place is indeed the imperial palace, and it would not be much better to visit some other hidden places. Due to the problem of the angle, Long couldn't see the faces of the two people clearly, but he could clearly see the place where the two met.

At this moment, Long Yi suddenly noticed a problem. Although he could clearly see the woman's appearance, judging from the maturity of the woman's body, she was definitely not a young girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. She should be a mature woman in her thirties , Could it be that the two couples are looking for excitement to fight in the field? Or which noble lady came out to have an affair?

Just as Long Yi was thinking this way, he suddenly saw an exploratory aura sweeping towards him.

Long Yi's heart skipped a beat, knowing that there were top experts guarding him, he subconsciously held back his aura, and hid his body behind a protruding carving on the palace roof. When the couple came out after finishing their work, he would be able to see their true colors clearly.

That man's sexual function is quite strong, and after ten minutes of sexual intercourse at such a speed, he can still be powerful. At this time, the woman's whole body trembled like a sieve. It's about to reach its peak.

Just when Long Yi was engrossed, a figure came to the other side of the side hall, behind Long Yi, and in front of Long Yi was a lively erotic drama.

"Beitang Yu?" Long Yi's pupils shrank, wondering why this woman came here.

Bei Tangyu looked up at the fireworks all over the sky, his figure revealed a kind of loneliness. She jumped up and wanted to sit on the roof of the palace for a while, but just as she was in mid-air, she felt a black shadow flashing in front of her eyes, and she was hugged into a manly embrace. Bei Tangyu was astonished and wanted to scream, but felt his throat tighten. There was no sound at all, it turned out that the man's big hand clasped her throat like an eagle's claw, and she had no doubt that the big hand was exerting force. His own throat will become shattered.

The one who restrained Bei Tangyu was naturally Long Yi, if she jumped up like this, the target would be exposed, maybe there would be some kind of murderous murder? Although Long Yi is not afraid, he does not want to startle the snake. He wanted to see who was cheating here.

Long Yi hugged Bei Tangyu and silently lay down at the place where he hid just now, almost half of his body was on Bei Tangyu's body. A faint daughter's fragrance lingers in Long Yi's nose.

"I'm Ximen Yu, if you don't want to die, then obediently don't make a sound, or you will be hurt and I want you to look good." Long Yi whispered in Beitang Yu's ear, and his lips touched her earlobe lightly.

Beitang Yu's tender body was shocked, and when she heard that it was Ximenyu, the prostitute who restrained her, she was shocked, and thought for a moment that her innocence would be lost, but after hearing Ximenyu's last sentence, it seemed that this was not the case. She is also an ordinary woman. Since he was a child, he had been in the army with his father and elder brother, so he was much more determined.

Beitang Yu calmed down, and felt the obscene panting sound not far away, she nodded slightly to indicate that she understood, and immediately felt her throat loosen a little, but Ximen Yu's big hand did not leave her throat, presumably it was not Don't worry about her too much.

Seeing Long Yi poking his head out to look down, Bei Tang Yu also poked out his head to look out curiously. The scene in front of her immediately made her face flushed. She could clearly see the man's thick and long murder weapon on the woman's fur. Fleece's private in and out. Bei Tangyu scolded the couple hotly, and was also angry with Ximenyu, thinking that there was something serious, but she was hiding here to watch the couple have a wild relationship, and she twisted her body trying to struggle.

"Don't move, just be good if you don't want me to do it." Long Yi lightly bit Bei Tangyu's earlobe and said, he was going to be on fire just to watch a live erotic palace. The firm ass rubbed against his little brother, and there was a chemical reaction.

Bei Tangyu's breathing was stagnant, and when he felt the hot and hard thing in the middle of his buttocks, his delicate body suddenly tensed up, and he was too frightened to move anymore.

At this time, the lady under the tree trembled again, and reached another sexual desire, but the man was still majestic. The man's murder weapon was pulled out from the lady's body. He turned the lady around and made her bend down on the big tree with her breasts raised, revealing her private place without a doubt. The man stood behind the lady and thrust his gun into the hole. He put his arms around her waist and started to move again.

The back pose is a sexual posture that most men like very much, and Long Yi is no exception, because this posture can produce a strong sense of conquest. Seeing the living erotic palace under the tree, and then feeling his buttocks pressed against him, Long Yi Xiehuo moved in an instant, he couldn't help butting up, the little brother pressed into Beitang Yu's buttocks, touching To the girl's softest place.

Beitang Yu's delicate body trembled, she softly begged for mercy: "No, don't do this to Ximenyu."

Long Yi's lust was unbearable, how could it be so easy to stop, he put Beitang Yu's delicate earlobes in his mouth, put his big hand around her throat into her skirt, and climbed towards the plump jade peak.

Bei Tangyu put his arms across his chest, resisting Long Yi's invasion. She is also a normal person, and she was naturally moved by seeing the live erotic palace, but her rationality is still there, but it is much weaker than usual. She looked at the obscene scene under the tree, and then felt the hot feeling in her private parts, bursts of spring tide gushed out from it, and the obscene pants were probably already soaked.

The tide-like pleasure made Bei Tangyu's defense weaker and weaker. She felt her chest tightened, and a big hand had penetrated into her underwear, grabbed her proud breasts and began to knead them. There were bursts of mist in her beautiful eyes, and she felt a sense of humiliation from the bottom of her heart, hating Ximenyu and herself, hating herself for being shameless, even being molested by someone she hated would also produce pleasure. In such a humiliating state of mind, Beitang Yu felt the pleasure getting stronger and stronger, her buttocks could not help catering to Long Yi's breasts, which made her feel ashamed and wanted to die.

The man under the tree was getting faster and faster, and Long Yi also began to speed up, this was a pain for Beitang Yu, the surging pleasure seemed to overwhelm her, this strange feeling frightened her, but her body But greeted happily. Bei Tangyu's whole body trembled, and she felt a kind of ** feeling accumulating in her lower abdomen, more and more, and it was about to explode.

The whole body of the adulterous lady was paralyzed under the violent massage of the man, and the man had reached his limit, he pressed the lady against the tree with the last blow and gasped for breath.

At this time, Beitang Yu was also shocked all over. She lowered her head and bit fiercely on the arm of Long Yi's big hand that had been inserted into her skirt. Completely soaked, she had her first pussy in this condition.

Long Yi withdrew the zhenqi from his arm, Ren Beitangyu bit his arm fiercely, he hugged Beitangyu tightly, after the evil fire had vented, he was fully awake, he knew what good deed he had done, but in In this case, it is not a man who can hold back.

At this moment, the man under the tree, panting heavily, let go of the lady, who lost her support and slid on the ground like a ball of mud. The man straightened his clothes and turned away without saying a word. At this moment, a dazzling firework exploded, showing the man's appearance.

It's him! It turned out to be him! Long Yi's heart was shocked, then who is this lady? His expression changed and he was lost in thought.

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