Womanizing Mage

Chapter 245: Qixiang Building

Walking out of the Adventurer's Bar, Long Yi saw Man Niu's bull's eyes sweeping towards the fireworks on Tianlong Street, he couldn't help but joked: "What? Big man, want to go in and have fun?"

"Of course not, my old cow is just curious." Man Niu said with a blushing face. He has been in the Canglan Continent for so long, so he knows that this is a place for men to have fun, but the beauty of orcs and humans is different. , he looks at human women like humans look at orc women, so he doesn't like them.

"What are you curious about?" Long Yi asked with a smile.

"Curious about what it's like inside? I've never been inside." Man Niu said honestly, there are no such things as brothels in the orc tribe, and he has never seen them before.

Long Yi laughed and asked: "Since you are so curious, have you never gone in before?"

"I went in, but I was coaxed out. They said they don't accept orcs." The bull scratched its horns angrily.

Long Yi turned the bead, turned to ask Li Su, and asked with a smile, "Li Jing, have you ever gone in?"

"Master, Li Qing didn't." Li Su replied lightly.

"Then do you want to go in?" Long Yi asked.

"Wherever the young master is going, Li Qing will go." Li Qing did not answer Long Yi's question directly, but said so.

Long Yi smiled and patted Li Qing's shoulder, knowing that if he was alone, he would never go to this kind of place, but if he went in by himself, he would definitely follow.

Long Yi turned his head and glanced around, and saw a big pink signboard illuminated by a magic lamp, on which were written the three big characters of "Qixianglou". He smiled, and led the three of them towards there in big strides.

Qixiang Tower is a famous brothel in Tenglong City. The beauty and talent of the women in the period are all the top choices, but the most special thing is that they are seldom dusty and have extraordinary knowledge. Those princes, nobles or poets who pretend to be romantic are naturally flocking to them. Business is booming, of course.

As soon as he approached the gate of Qixiang Building, Mama Sang came to greet her. She couldn't help being stunned when she saw Long Yi, her expression immediately became flattering, and she said with a smile: "Oh, isn't this Young Master Ximen? Please tell me quickly."

"Stop talking nonsense, quickly ask Ruyu to come out to meet her." Long Yi said arrogantly, Ruyu is the proprietress of Qixiang Tower.

"Let's go, let's go, Master Ximen, please wait here for a while." The mother-sang immediately turned around and trotted into the backyard.

Long Yi and his group are very eye-catching. Not to mention that Long Yi and Li Qing are handsome and cruel,

Man Niu and Xiaoyi are more eye-catching in this Qixiang Tower. Orcs are still very discriminated against in Canglan Continent, even brothels are unwilling to receive them. It's not that there are no women who come to brothels, but they usually come dressed in men's clothes. It's rare to follow in with such a big fanfare, especially since Xiaoyi hasn't worn a cloak since she followed Long Yi. Very weird.

Ximen Second Young Master is known to everyone in Tenglong City. But I haven't come back for more than two years. Obviously, some people don't have eyes. Seeing Xiaoyi's beauty, two drunk men in fine clothes ran over to tease her. Xiaoyi was asked to drink with them, but Man Niu picked them up like chickens one by one.

"Crush their teeth, cut off their tongues, kick their dicks, and then throw them out." Long Yi said flatly.

The barbarian ox responded, and slapped two giant spirit palms on the mouths of the two, not only shattering their teeth but also breaking the tongues inside into several pieces, and then kicked the two men's lower body with two feet, and the two men Flying out of the gate with a miserable cry. For a moment, the extremely lively hall became silent. Everyone bowed their heads to drink and eat, and dared not even look at Longchang.

"Who is this person, so arrogant." A man who came to do business from out of town asked the person who received him next to him.

"-Speak up, he is Ximen's second young master, and he is considered unlucky for those two, whoever is not good to offend, but to offend this evil god." The man next to him said softly.

At this moment, a woman in her thirties with an elegant temperament came out from the backyard. It was Ruyu, the proprietress of Qixianglou. Judging by her demeanor, she didn't look like a woman who had been rolling around for many years.

"Master Ximen, come with the servants." Ruyu smiled elegantly, and led Long Yi and the others upstairs.

Arriving in a very secluded luxurious room, Long Yi sat down, turned his head and looked around, and said with a smile: "The security measures here are pretty good."

"The security measures in our Qixiang Building have always been very good, so that customers can come to play with confidence." Ruyu smiled softly.

"Very good, but I will avoid this kind of treatment." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

Ruyu's complexion changed, and her watery eyes instantly became sharper. She slapped the wall on the right, and it slid away soundlessly. Two very beautiful girls were looking at her in panic. It's like jade.

"Qingwu, Piaoxue, who allowed you to go in and have sex without authorization? Hurry up and kneel down and apologize to the young master." Although Ruyu's tone was cold, her words were for the two women to step down the stairs.

The two girls named Qingwu Piaoxue came out in a hurry, knelt down in front of Long Yi with a thud, and said with a little trembling: "Skynet account, please refer to the young master, please punish the young master."

However, Long Yi looked at these two girls calmly. Their identities on the surface were the top names of Yixianglou, but secretly they belonged to the Skynet intelligence agency of the Ximen family.

"Young master..." Ruyu wanted to intercede for the two of them, but was interrupted by Long Yi waving his hand.

"I don't doubt your loyalty, but do you have a problem with me?" Long Yi leaned on the chair and said lightly, he just saw a trace of disdain and dissatisfaction in the eyes of the two women.

"Subordinates dare not." Qingwu and Piaoxue said in unison.

"Don't dare? Since you have joined Skynet, you should know the consequences of violating the regulations. Ruyu, tell me what is the crime of eavesdropping on the confidentiality of brain conversations?" Long Yi raised his eyes to Ruyu, the cold expression His eyes were like jade, and his heart was chilling for a while.

"Return to the young master, whoever secretly eavesdrops on the confidentiality of brain conversations will be executed immediately." Ruyu gritted her teeth and said that she is the little leader of the second group of the two Skynet intelligence groups that Ximennu handed over to Ximenyu.

Qingwu and Piaoxue trembled all over. They were orphans adopted by Skynet since they were young. After undergoing secret training, they only started to participate in intelligence collection work last year. Their identities on the surface are the top names of Qixianglou, and they are well-known in Tenglong City. , Countless dignitaries and dignitaries spent a lot of money to win the favor of beauties, which invisibly fueled the arrogance of the two of them. In addition, Ruyu usually pampered them like daughters, which made the two of them a bit willful.

The two women looked down on this young master very much in their hearts. They didn't understand why the patriarch chose him as their leader. Although they knew that the young master's strength had improved a lot compared to before, they didn't understand what he had done before. The two still disdain, thinking that no matter how powerful he is, he can't change his evil nature.

"Young master, please forgive us. We have long admired the young master, and we have only taken the risk of seeing the young master's heroic appearance. We have no second thoughts." Qing Wu raised her tearful eyes and looked pitifully at the young master. Touching Long Yi, the front of his chest inadvertently slid a little, revealing most of his snow-white, attractive and full chest.

"Yes, young master, both me and Qingwu made unintentional mistakes, please forgive me, young master." Piaoxue glanced at her eyes shrouded in mist, and said in a soft and erratic voice.

Ruyu's heart skipped a beat, she looked at the two girls kneeling on the ground and sighed softly, she blamed herself for pampering them too much, but she didn't expect to harm them now, and at this time she still used charm to the young master, this is not courting death ? She knew that today's Ximenyu was no longer the original Ximenyu, and the cold eyes that resembled the head of the family were enough to make anyone dare not look down upon him.

Long Yi smiled brightly and gently, he got up and walked in front of the two women, squatted down, stretched out his hands to hook their white chins.

The two women were happy in their hearts, thinking that the coquettish technique worked. Although they hated being treated lightly by him, wouldn't they be able to save their lives as long as they charmed him?

Long Yi rubbed the chins of the two girls, and said with a light smile: "Do you know what I hate the most? What I hate the most is when others use charms on me, how do you think I should deal with you?" Long Yi said later She had put away her smile, and the cold murderous aura made the two women want to suffocate.

"Ruyu, ask someone to take them down to wash their bodies, then smear them with honey and tie them up, and find some rats, ants and caterpillars to lock them up with them." Long Yi said calmly.

Ah, Qing Wu and Piao Xue heard Long Yi's words, their faces turned pale with fright, and they were looking at Ru Yu with eyes asking for help. They would rather die than suffer this kind of torture, it sounds creepy.

Ruyu looked at Long Yi suspiciously, not knowing if he was telling the truth or joking.

"Ruyu, didn't you hear what I said? Do you want me to say it a second time?" Long Yi looked at Ruyu with unquestionable cold eyes.

Ruyu shook her body, and said with difficulty: "Yes, young master." She clapped her hands, and walked in a group of sword-wielding girls from the outside, bringing the light mist and floating snow down.

"Young master, I..." Ruyu gritted her teeth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Long Yi again.

"I know what you want to say, you are also an old man of Skynet, do you still need me to repeat the rules of Skynet?" Long Yi said lightly.

"I'm here mainly to ask, do you have any clues about the whereabouts of Sibi, the saintess of the Bright Church and Aoyue Empire?" Long Yi asked.

"Returning to the young master, my subordinates have found out that Sibi Saintess appeared in Guangming City more than ten days ago, and then disappeared. The subordinates are doing their best to investigate." Ruyu said.

"Guangming City?" Long Yi nodded thoughtfully, and then continued: "There is one more thing I need to leave to you, the proprietress of the Beauty Square in Tenglong City is smoky, I think she is a bit suspicious, you go and investigate her background."

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