Womanizing Mage

Chapter 267 Bright Holy Water

Because Long Yi notified the Thunder Beast and Fire Qilin with his mind, ordering them to force those super undead to the eighteen super skeletons, so that the dark energy emitted by the super undead at the moment before they are wiped out will be suppressed by the super undead. The skeleton absorbs it, so the super skeleton will definitely evolve, but it is not known how far it will evolve.

Without the endless troubles of low-level undead, those super-undead fell down one after another under the attack of the violent thunder beast and many bright priests. Soon, the battle was over, and the only thing to do now was to wait for the dawn.

Long Yi didn't care about the longing expression on the bearded old man's face, as soon as the battle was over, he took the Thunder Beast, the Fire Qilin and the eighteen super skeletons mixed in with the low-level undead into the dark dimensional space.

"Master Ximen, the Violent Thunder Beast and the Divine Beast Fire Qilin are really your pets?" The bearded old man still couldn't believe it. Perhaps it could be attributed to his good luck to subdue the SS-level Violent Thunder Beast, but the Divine Beast Fire Qilin is the legendary fire unicorn God's magic pet, how can it be so easy to subdue.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows, and said with a hey smile: "Didn't you see it just now? But I risked my life to save your Guangming Church, so didn't I say thank you?"

The bearded old man laughed dryly, seeing Long Yi clearly didn't want him to ask more questions, he looked around at the motionless army of undead, and said: "Just now I really thank Second Young Master Ximen for saving me, if it wasn't for you , I’m afraid that none of us can persist until dawn.”

"However, why these undead army suddenly stopped moving, can you tell me one or two." The bearded old man continued, with a puzzled look on his face.

"This is a secret. We just need to stay here and wait for the dawn. After dawn, I have a small matter to ask the bishop for help." Long Yi thought of Xiaoyi who was almost exhausted, and his bright starry eyes suddenly Dim down.

"What is it? If this bishop can do it, it is my duty." The bearded old man didn't ask any further, he must have accepted such a favor from the Ximen family. If they have something to help, they will do their best.

"If a person's vitality is seriously lost, is there any way to recover it?" Long Yi asked expectantly.

The bearded old man froze for a moment, lowered his head and frowned, he shook his head and said, "Light magic can heal people when life is at an end, but the loss of vitality represents the loss of vitality, unless the god-level light magic is used The rejuvenation of the magic land may be possible, but looking at the entire Canglan continent, only Pope Rafal has reached the realm of the great magister of the light system. He can only release the eleventh level of the forbidden spell of the light system, forgive me for this matter Nothing can be done."

Long Yi's body trembled, he gritted his teeth and asked: "Is there no other way?"

The bearded old man saw Long Yi's painful expression. Sighing secretly, he said, "Second Young Master Ximen has shown great kindness to our Guangming God Sect. This bishop can make arbitrarily advocates to use the church's sacred holy water, Guangming Holy Water, to maintain that person's life.

As for what will happen in the future, it can only depend on his good luck. "

Long Yi fell into silence. He raised his head and looked at the dark sky, his standing back was lonely and sad.

A figure quietly appeared on the top floor of the Church of Light, staring at the sad figure below through the magic glass. Although the back was still as straight as a mountain, she could still feel the sadness from the heaviness.

"Long Yi, don't be sad. In my heart, you will always be happy and always smiling. Don't be sad, okay?" Li, seemed to want to soothe the sadness on Long Yi.

A tear fell from the corner of his eye. It dropped to the ground with a slap, splashing into a tiny tear. The figure slowly stretched out her white and delicate hands, slowly took off the cloak on her head, her dark green hair like a cloud slid down her waist like a waterfall, her left face was as beautiful as an angel, but there was a huge land on her right face The blood-red birthmark looked very strange, she turned out to be Sibi, the famous Saintess of the Aoyue Empire in Canglan Continent, the woman that Long Yi had cared about for more than two years.

Sibi burst into tears, she thanked the God of Light for fulfilling her wish, allowing her to see her sweetheart again in the most desperate time, but at the critical moment she was timid, she didn't know how to face him, what kind of to face him. Because she knew that at this moment, Long Yi was surrounded by many beauties, each of them was as beautiful as a fairy. She had never felt inferior to her appearance before, but after falling in love with Long Yi, she had this feeling for the first time. However, this appearance is not the biggest gap between her and Long Yi, the biggest problem lies between the two of them.

Sibi just stared at her beloved through a window like this, not wanting to shift her eyes for a moment, she wanted to look at him carefully, and make up for the gap before.

"Long Yi, I miss you so much, I really miss you so much." Sibi murmured, tears wet the clothes on her chest unscrupulously.

When the first ray of dawn in the sky shone through the thick clouds, all the undead uttered strange screams and disappeared into streaks of white light. There was not even a slag left, and the thick dead air in the air began to slowly dissipate. Go, when the Great rises fully from the horizon, the whole world rises from hell to heaven. If it weren't for the corpses of more than a hundred warriors and priests in front of the Church of Light, no one would have thought that such a terrible thing happened last night.

The people stuck their heads out of the windows and doors one after another, and when they found that everything was calm, they all rushed out of the house happily, and Tenglong City returned to its former prosperity and excitement.

According to statistics from the Guangming Church, thousands of Guangming churches were destroyed on this extremely dark day, and nearly 100,000 warriors and priests were killed and injured. This is the worst blow to the Guangming Church in hundreds of years. Taking advantage of this extremely gloomy day, the Church of Darkness expanded rapidly, and openly preached the God of Darkness among the masses, and the Church of Light was powerless to stop it. Of course, this is all for later.

The Bishop of the Bright Church in Tenglong City followed Long Yi, the master and servant, to the Ximen Mansion. He looked at Xiao Yi who was still unconscious on the bed, and shook his head with the magic of light: "This girl's life force has almost completely disappeared. The holy water can keep her safe for a year, but if I’m being honest, unless the God of Light comes, no one can prevent her from dying.”

Long Yi stared, and snorted: "With me here, no one can take her life, not even the god of death. Within a year, I will definitely find a way to save her."

The bearded old man smiled wryly, murmured a spell, a soft white light hit Xiaoyi's body, then carefully took out a small jade bottle from the interspatial ring, opened the stopper, a fragrant fragrance immediately It filled the room, and it was definitely a good thing without guessing. He tilted the jade bottle, two drops of milky white liquid dripped between Xiaoyi's lips, and then penetrated quickly.

Seeing that the bearded old man wanted to take back the jade bottle, Long Yi grabbed his withered hand and shouted: "Wait a minute, I said that you are also a bishop anyway, why are you so stingy, wouldn't it be better to feed her more. "

"Ouch." Old Beard cried out with a headache, and said anxiously: "Second Young Master Ximen let go, your bones will be crushed by you."

Long Yi smiled awkwardly, apologized and let go of his hand, but stared at the jade bottle in the bearded old man's hand like a wolf.

"Second Young Master Ximen, it's not that I don't want to feed more, it's just that although holy water is powerful, it doesn't mean that the more you take, the better. For this girl, two drops are enough, and feeding more will not prolong life. Too much is not good for her health." The bearded old man explained.

Seeing the sincerity of the bearded old man's expression, Long Yi sighed sadly: "I blamed you, thank you for the holy water of light, I think there are many things that need to be dealt with in the light church, so I won't keep you any longer."

After sending the bearded old man away, Long Yi quietly sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Xiaoyi whose face was gradually turning rosy, feeling both joyful and sad.

Suddenly, Xiaoyi's eyelashes trembled slightly, she slowly opened her eyes, and what caught her eyes was Long Yi's concerned handsome face.

"Master...!#34; Xiaoyi struggled to get up.

Long Yi held Xiaoyi down, and said with a serious face: "Lie down and don't move, you are a patient now, a patient should behave like a patient."

Looking at her lover, Xiao Yi smiled beautifully, and lay obediently without moving.

"You're good, tell me, is there any discomfort?" Long Yi put away his heavy heart, smiled and pinched Xiaoyi's little face and asked.

"Yes... But if the young master hugs me, there will be no more." Xiaoyi saw Long Yi's tense expression, and suddenly changed playfully, this kind of expression was never shown by her before.

Long Yi smiled and got into Xiaoyi's bed, and gently hugged her into his arms.

"Master, Xiaoyi feels very happy, even if she dies at this moment... Mang..." Xiaoyi's head rubbed against Long Yi's thick chest, but before she finished speaking, Long Yi's big hand came from her buttocks strangely. Squeezed in through the crack, provoking her soft and warm intimate circle.

"Don't talk nonsense, with the young master here, how can I let you die?" Long Yi searched for the lovesickness bean in Xiaoyi's private place, and pressed it punishingly.

"Master...you're bad..." Xiao Yi blushed and said incomparably shyly, raised her small fist and lightly punched Long Yi's chest twice.

Xiaoyi grabbed Long Yi's wolf paws that were playing between her legs, stared carefully at Long Yi's handsome face, and with a happy smile, she said: "Young master, I have set the fate of the dragon against the real dragon." Part of it has been transferred to you, as well as the prophecy about the Dragon Empire, those revelations have been integrated into your consciousness, but I was interrupted by that guy halfway, I don’t know if it has any effect.” After talking about it, Xiaoyi went on Somewhat annoyed.

"Enlightenment, what enlightenment?" Long Yi asked suspiciously.

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