Womanizing Mage

Chapter 283 Harley?

"He seems to be alone." At this moment, Leng Youyou said suddenly.

Long Yi pondered for a while, and a figure flashed in his mind, but he still asked, "Who is it like?"

"Desolate Grassland, Harley." Leng Youyou said lightly, her eyebrows slightly frowned.

Long Yi was stunned, and then he laughed, but a gloomy look flashed in his eyes. Leng Youyou's guess coincided with the guess in his heart. It was Harley who thought that there was no life in the lost city. Their body shape and eyes are very similar, although they are not 100% sure, but their intuition tells that there is nothing wrong with Long Yi.

If it is really Harley, then it seems that he is mixed with the prince Long Ying, and he should belong to the dark forces on the side of Long Zhan. I am afraid that he was instigated by the mysterious black shadow when he did the mission of the lost city. What do you want? It is nothing more than the dark god card in his hand.

As soon as Long thought of this, he suddenly dashed out and stopped in front of Prince Longying and his party like a ghost. , fast and accurate, but the man in black didn't react too slowly, he dodged sideways, and there was a hissing sound of cloth cracking, and a piece of the mask on the man in black's face was torn off.

The onlookers all exclaimed in fear, the small piece of skin on the face of the man in black was dark red and curled, and it was indescribably ferocious.

Long Yi couldn't help being stunned for a moment, couldn't it be Harley?

"Ximen Yu, what are you doing? You really don't pay attention to me, right?" Long Ying stared at Long Yi coldly, a little unclear why he suddenly attacked this person.

Long Yi glanced at Long Ying and smiled. Said: "I have absolutely no disrespect to the prince, I just want to confirm your identity as a subordinate."

"Identity? Do you know him?" Long Ying asked coldly.

"Perhaps, this is exactly what I want to prove." Long Yi ignored Longying's coldness and smiled lightly.

"What's the result?" Long Ying raised two thick eyebrows and asked. A little ridicule flashed in the cold eyes, in his heart, Long Yi's life and death had already been controlled by him.

"It's not very clear yet, I wonder if His Highness the Crown Prince can ask you, this subordinate, to roll up your left sleeve for me to see?" Long Yi said indifferently, since he had already torn face with the Crown Prince, he didn't bother to pretend any more.

With a blank expression on his face, Longying said to the man in black who suspected Harley: "You, roll up your left sleeve and let the second young master Ximen have a look."

The man in black did so without the slightest hesitation, and when he rolled up his sleeves, all the onlookers exclaimed again.

All had an expression of not being able to bear to look at it, only to see that the skin on his hand was the same as the small piece on his face, it was dark red and rolled up in a disgusting appearance. It looks like it has been burned by fire.

Long Yi frowned, the reason why he asked the man in black to roll up his left sleeve was because he knew that Harley had a strange scar on his left wrist, and now he couldn't see anything. Long Yi laughed dryly and said: "I'm really sorry, I was wrong."

Longying snorted coldly. He took a few people into the luxury carriage and drove away.

Long Yi turned around and led the girls who rushed out back to the box. Sibi and the girls didn't know the twists and turns. So there was no interruption.

"Isn't it him? The dark aura on him is very similar to Harley." Leng Youyou continued.

Long Yi's expression relaxed, he shrugged with a smile and said, "Let's not care about Harley or not, let's eat first, it doesn't taste good when it's cold."

Nangong Xiangyun and the girls didn't ask any more questions. It was already late at this time, and they were really hungry, so they started to move in a whirlwind.

"Youyou, is there any connection between your dark church and Long Zhan?" Long Yi asked after he was full of wine and food. He has been wondering what the dark forces around Long Zhan are from. The last time he heard the tone of the escaped man in black in the secret cave at the bottom of the river, it didn't seem to be from the Dark Church.

Leng Youyou shook her head and said: "Based on what I know, there shouldn't be any. The church and the Aoyue royal family are somewhat involved, so I won't reveal the specifics."

"Aside from the Dark Church, which underground dark forces know how to cultivate dark warriors?" Long Yi frowned and asked.

"Basically, apart from the Dark Church, there are no other dark forces that have become popular in the Canglan Continent. The refining method of the Dark Warrior is the core secret of the Dark Church. Husband, according to what you say, are there other dark forces that know how to refine the dark forces?" Warrior?" Leng Youyou asked in surprise.

Long nodded, and then told the story of Ximen Mansion being attacked by a large number of dark warriors and powerful dark magicians on the extremely gloomy day.

"There is such a thing?" Leng Youyou said in shock, she knew that it was not easy to refine dark warriors, and the entire dark church might not have many.

After Feng Ling heard about it, her expression became heavy, and she seemed to be a little restless.

Long Yi didn't know the status of Feng Ling in the Dark Church, but judging from all signs, she should have a close relationship with the Dark Pope, and she should be worried about the Dark Church at this time.

After being restless for a long time, Feng Ling sneaked a glance at Long Yi, only to see that he was looking at her with a smile, as if he had read her mind.

"Although I hate you to leave so soon, but if you want to go back, how can I blame you?" Long Yi said softly, he just got married to Feng Ling and the girls yesterday, and the wedding night in the bridal chamber has not had time yet, so he naturally has doubts in his heart Then some lost.

Feng Ling burst into tears, got up suddenly and walked to Long Yi, snuggled her soft body into his warm embrace, took a deep breath and said weakly: "Husband, I really don't want to leave you, but..."

"Don't say it, I understand, you have your own business." Long Yi patted Feng Ling's pink back, he had always known that she was a girl with a distinctive personality, she liked to fly freely just like himself, so what could he do? Can you fold her wings and tie her to your side?

"Well, thank you husband, it is Ling'er's greatest happiness to meet you, wait for me for a while, then I will always be by your side, even if you chase me away." whispered in his arms.

"Then I'll wait for you, but there's a limit. When I get impatient, I'll kill you and go to your dark church." Long Yi laughed.

Fengling nodded fiercely in Long Yi's arms, struggled for a long time, finally withdrew from Long Yi's arms reluctantly, turned her head and said to Leng Youyou: "Youyou, you can stay with your husband for the time being, and find out who is behind the scenes. To control these dark forces, I have something important to do in the church."

"That's what I planned." Leng Youyou nodded.

"Husband, I'm leaving." Feng Ling's strong eyes still had a mist, and after she finished speaking, she leaned into Long Yi's ear and whispered in a seductive voice: "Husband, wait for me, when Linger's Everything is yours."

Long Yi felt his lips warm up, and then his arms were empty, Yi Ren had already stepped on the moon and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Long Yi caressed the lingering fragrance of his lips, feeling a little lost in his heart, parting always came so suddenly, separation and reunion always gave people surprise and heartache.

Laughing at himself, he has experienced two lives, and some things should be open-minded, but he just went the other way. Compared with the last life, he is more like a secular person, he enjoys all kinds of wine, sex, wealth and energy, and I am getting more and more addicted, maybe this is the real life.

Long Yi came back to his senses, seeing Youyou, Sibi, and Nangong Xiangyun all staring at him with deep love in their eyes, his heart relaxed, and he said with a smile: "Enough wine and food, let's go out for a stroll." Let's go shopping."

If the Tenglong City in the daytime looks like a dignified and noble lady, then the Tenglong City in the night is a charming and charming young woman, the hazy beauty that is half-hearted is the most attractive.

Walking on the streets decorated with colorful magic lights, the girls seem to be very interested. Check this store and look at that store, and you can't put it down when you see beautiful accessories and clothes. This is probably a woman's nature.

Anyway, Long Yi had plenty of money, so he bought all the things that the girls liked without asking the price, but generally speaking, no one had the guts to kill him, you must know that when Long Yi just came back, the shopkeepers did not dare to buy things. The one who collected the money forcefully handed it to him, but he knelt down with tears in his eyes and begged Long Yi to take the money back, making Long Yi dumbfounded. Later, seeing that Long Yi had indeed changed, the people of Tenglong City no longer feared him as much as before.

Peng Peng, Peng Peng, Long Yi's heart suddenly beat like thunder, with a strange rhythm. His footsteps slowed down, his eyes looked around in the crowd, which could make him have this kind of heartbeat resonance, there was no one else except Wu Shuang, did she come to find herself? Long Yi's heart instantly became excited.

"Husband, what's the matter with you? Do you know anyone?" Leng Youyou and the three daughters came over and asked when they saw Long Yi stop suddenly.

"It seems that Wushuang is back, my heart is pounding, Youyou, you know, there is a strange telepathy between me and her." Long Yi said while looking around.

"Wushuang! That's right, it's almost two years, I don't know how she is doing now?" Leng Youyou also became excited, she naturally wanted to see Wushuang, after all, she was a companion who had experienced life and death, and at the same time Also my own sister.

Sibi stood quietly beside Long Yi, seeing his expectant look, she felt a little curious and strangely sour in her heart, she just felt that in Long Yi's wonderful world, apart from the initial meeting, Sibi had nothing to do with him and her. After that, there was a long period of blankness. She was really jealous. She was jealous that these women could accompany him through so many things. At the same time, she was very grateful, thanking them for bringing warmth and happiness to Long Yi.

"He's dead, he's dead." At this moment, there were bursts of terrified shouts not far away, and all the people gathered around to watch the excitement in an instant.

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