Womanizing Mage

Chapter 287 Backyard Flowers

The night was still dark, and the whole city began to quiet down. Only the magic lamps lighting the roadside were swaying in the wind alone, and the halos swayed and staggered on the road paved with bluestone slabs.

Long Yi quietly and slowly walked towards Ximen's mansion, the shadow kept changing with the swing of the magic lamp, sometimes it was shorter and sometimes longer, sometimes it was on the right and sometimes it ran to the left. However, Long Yi's mind was still stuck in the conversation with Murong Bo, maybe everything in the world is one-sided, his understanding of fighting qi and even magic amazed him, it broadened what he thought was a very broad field of vision, Benefited him a lot. Thinking of being able to discuss with him every day in the future, Long Yi couldn't stop being excited. Although he didn't know Murong Bo's real purpose, he knew that he had no malicious intentions.

When they returned to Ximen's Mansion, it was already dawn, and the servants in the mansion were already up and busy with their work. Long Yi returned to his own yard, and felt the room of Li Qing and Man Niu, and found that the two of them hadn't come back yet, so he couldn't help but frowned, something will happen to these two guys.

Just as he was thinking, the figures of Man Niu and Li Qing appeared at the gate of the courtyard.

"Boss, we are back." Man Niu said to Long.

Long nodded and looked at Li Su, there seemed to be no difference, but the sharp and cold eyes were more like ice, without any warmth.

"Li Qing, do you hate me?" Long Yi said lightly.

Li Qing shook his head and said expressionlessly: "I'm sorry, young master, I made you worry. It was Li Qing's delusion in the past, but now I know that young master can make Mrs. Sibi happy and I have no regrets."

Long Yi sighed softly, walked to Li Qing's side, and put a big hand on his shoulder. Looking at him closely, he said, "Can you really let go?"

The corner of Li Qing's mouth twitched, and he looked at Long without giving in, and said slowly: "I can."

"Go and rest." Long Yi patted Li Qing's shoulder, some things cannot be forced. There is nothing he can do about hurting Li Qing, he is very domineering about his feelings, his woman can only belong to him, Long Yi.

As soon as Long walked into his bedroom, he saw Nangong Xiangyun lying on the big bed, sleeping soundly. Long Yi sat on the edge of the bed, looking tenderly at the girl who had just become his wife. Her long eyelashes were like a silver moon, her face was rosy and smooth, her pink lips were slightly raised, as if she was making a sweet kiss. dream.

Looking down, Long Yi could see a pair of naked women wrapped in thin silk corsets. Most of it is exposed outside the bra, forming a deep seductive cleavage.

"This girl seems to be a bit plump." Long Yise pinched Nangong Xiangyun's breasts. chuckled softly.

Not wanting to wake her up, Long Yi gently covered her with the brocade quilt kicked aside by her, and then gently pressed a kiss on her forehead. Just as he got up, a small hand suddenly reached out from the quilt and grabbed his sleeve.

As soon as Long turned his head, he saw Nangong Xiangyun blinking at him with big misty eyes. Obsession and love emerge from it without a doubt.

"Did it wake you up?" Long Yi sat down and asked softly.

Nangong Xiangyun shook her head, pulled Long Yi to lie down, and then snuggled into his arms.

"Husband." Nangong Xiangyun called softly.


"Don't forget me. No matter how many women you have, don't forget me, okay?" Nangong Xiangyun murmured in Long Yi's arms, when she knew that Long Yi married the other three women on the same day, Although she didn't say anything, she was still extremely terrified in her heart. She was originally a very confident person, but after seeing the other women of Long Yi, this confidence disappeared. The beauty of each of them Wisdom and wisdom are not below her, even above her. How can this make her not nervous when she has just grown into a woman?

"Don't think about it, even if you forget to breathe, you won't be forgotten, I promise." Long Yi was already very experienced in dealing with such situations, and he spoke sweet words as soon as he opened them, calming down the fear of the beautiful girl in his arms.

Nangong Xiangyun received Long Yi's guarantee, and obediently nudged her in his arms, and she no longer had her previous savage personality. It seems that marriage can not only make a man grow up but also a girl become sensible.

The two hugged each other for a long time, Nangong Xiangyun broke away from Long Yidi's arms and said, "Husband, I haven't had enough sleep yet? You go to the two sisters to make a fuss." Nangong Xiangyun turned her face to the other side. , The quilt covered his head when he lifted it.

Long Yi smiled slightly, who didn't know that Nangong Xiangyun asked him to accompany Sibi and Leng Youyou, he was inexplicably moved at the moment, having a wife like this, what could a husband ask for, having such a considerate wife is happiness.

"Xiangyun, wait until tomorrow night for my husband to accompany you well." Long Yi smiled and patted Nangong Xiangyun's elastic little breasts through the quilt, and went out amidst her coquettish anger.

Long Yi stood still at the door, it was not yet full light, he knew that the room on the left was Sibi and the room on the right was Leng Youyou, which room should he go to? Long Yi was hesitant at this moment, imagining in his heart that it would be great if everyone slept together, wouldn't it be a good time to kill a bird with one arrow at that time.

At this moment, the door on the right opened with a creak, Leng Youyou's little head came out, a pair of winking eyes gave Long Yi a white look, and said angrily: "Idiot, what are you doing here, why don't you come in quickly."

Invited by Mei, Long Yi didn't hesitate any longer, and sneaked into Leng Youyou's room in no time. At this time, Leng Youyou was walking towards the bed with her hair loose, she was only wearing obscene underwear, her fragrant shoulders and thighs were exposed, her round breasts swayed with her swaying steps, it was really sexy.

Long Yi and Leng Youyou hadn't made out for a long time, and Leng Youyou's figure was nothing short of amazing, her tall and straight breasts, her slender waist, and her slender breasts were all the best in the world.

Long Yi stepped forward quickly, and hugged Leng Youyou from behind, the familiar daughter's fragrance rushed into his nose, making people feel unbearable. The big hand skillfully grasped the breast that was difficult for Long Yi to grasp with one hand, stroked and kneaded, the person in his arms was already panting, and his eyes were so charming that water dripped out.

Leng Youyou is also nourished after a long time, she is passionate like fire, she turned her head to look for Long Yi's lips with red lips, she misses the warmth of lips and tongues.

Long Yi sucked his cold and fragrant tongue, his big hands were no longer satisfied with climbing mountains and ridges, and gradually turned to the plains, teasing the girl's most intimate place through the silk panties. Soon, my fingers felt wet, and water stains appeared on the panties.

"Hmm... like a husband." Leng Youyou moaned impatiently, she turned around and began to tear the clothes on Long Yi's body, she longed for the most intimate skin-to-skin contact.

Fighting each other up and down, the two have already faced each other frankly, and the battlefield has also extended to the soft bed.

Leng Youyou turned over and pressed on Long Yi's body, her hair was draped like a cloud, she was staring at Long Yi with winking eyes, she said softly: "Husband, I miss you so much, I want to take a good look at you."

Long Yi smiled, and said: "Then you take a good look, I'll touch it first." Long Yi stretched out his hand to Leng Youyou's snow-white buttocks, and scratched it gently, full of elasticity.

Touching and touching, Leng Youyou's breathing became rapid, especially when Long Yi's devil claws penetrated from between her buttocks, caressing the delicate ravine from the grass of Maosheng, she couldn't stand it anymore, her little hands were in the middle of her hips. Long Yi gently pinched his body, then held Xiao Long Yi downwards, pushed his body back, and brought Xiao Long Yi into his warm passage.

The tight union made both of them groan, and Leng Youyou sat up from Long Yi, playing the role of a female knight, with her jade body undulating up and down, a pair of soft flesh on her chest flying up and down, groaning like weeping from time to time, Make people crazy.

The female knight galloped for quite a while, her body was already covered with fragrant sweat, and the liquid flowing out from the joint even soaked the bed sheet under Long Yi.

"Husband, I can't do it anymore, help me." Leng Youyou's body became limp, but she was about to reach the peak soon, so how can she not be in a hurry because she has no strength at this time.

Long Yi was willing to help, he supported Leng Youyou's slender waist with both hands, and his lower body slammed upwards violently. Not long after, Leng Youyou twitched and lay on Long Yi's body with a long moan.

Long Yi caressed Leng Youyou who was in the lingering rhyme of sexual desire, and said gentle words in his mouth, but Xiao Long Yi still stayed firmly in the shrinking vagina, the feeling of tightening and loosening was undoubtedly the best in the world. The best massage ever made Long Yi feel refreshed.

After a long time, Leng Youyou recovered from the lingering rhyme, twisted her waist, and said, "Husband, are you still full?"

"You also know that your husband is stronger, and there is still a long way to go before we are full, let's continue." Long Yi smiled and turned Leng Youyou to one side, and then pressed on it.

"No, I'm full, so I don't care about you anymore?" Leng Youyou gave Long Yi a charming look, twisting her waist to prevent Xiao Long from entering.

"Well, you are a small sample, you dare to cross the river and tear down the bridge, let's see how I deal with you." Long Yi also laughed and joked with Leng Youyou, sometimes this kind of small fight on the bed can really enhance the fun.

Long Yi sucked the pink milk beads on Leng Youyou's nipple in one gulp, and the tip of his tongue twirled on the areola lightly, trying to smash Leng Youyou's resistance from the will.

Leng Youyou closed her eyes comfortably, but her waist was still moving non-stop, making the eager little dragon hit it a few times without getting it right.

Long Yi simply carried Leng Youyou's breasts on his shoulders, and thrust his waist forward suddenly, only to feel that Xiao Long Yi was stagnant, and most of them had entered a narrow cavity, very tight.

"Ah, Husband, come out quickly, I went in wrong, it hurts me to death." Leng Youyou shouted loudly, her whole body froze, her little hand grabbed Long Yi's shoulder fiercely, tears welled up in her eyes.

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