Womanizing Mage

Chapter 3 In Prison

When Long Yi struggled to open his eyes from the chaos, the pain from all over his body almost made him cry out. He gritted his teeth and wanted to sit up, but his limbs seemed to be bound by invisible shackles and were extremely heavy.

Long Yi looked around the room he was in. This place should be the prison of this world, but it was all made of silvery white unknown metal, except for a few small holes on the door for ventilation, everything was sealed. Moreover, there were currents flickering on these metals. If it wasn't for the soft ball of light floating in the room, he would have thought he was imprisoned in a high-tech felon prison.

"What the hell kind of place is this?" Long Yi stared blankly at the ball of light and thought.

"Ah." Long Yi suddenly put his hands on his head and screamed miserably, those memories that did not belong to him ran around in his mind like a torrent, causing him an unbearable headache. Gradually, these sporadic fragments were combined, and one after another familiar scenes flashed through my mind.

Long Yi's brows began to flatten. From the memory in his mind, he knew that he had arrived in a world of swords and magic called Canglan Continent. There were three empires and some small vassal countries in Canglan Continent. These three empires They are the Proud Moon Empire in the north, the Nalan Empire in the south and the Kuanglong Empire in the east, and the Elven Forest and the Hengduan Mountains in the west. Among the hills, as far as the Hengduan Mountains are concerned, no one knows what lies beyond the Hengduan Mountains because no one has crossed the Hengduan Mountains where ghosts and gods cannot cross.

And the young man Long Yi possessed was the youngest son of Ximen Nu, the patriarch of the Ximen family, one of the four most prominent families in the Kuanglong Empire. He was only eighteen years old this year. mother's siblings. The eldest brother Ximen Tian is the deputy head of the Kuanglong Legion, the most elite army in the Kuanglong Empire. He is already 28 years old this year, and his family's Kuanglong Dou Qi has been cultivated into dark blue, reaching the realm of a great swordsman. The youngest sister, Ximen Wuhen, is also a well-known beauty in the Canglan Continent. She is sixteen years old this year and is a high-level priest. Only this Ximenyu is ignorant all day long, and has done countless things against the heavens and reason. Killing people is like eating. His old man, Ximen Nu, has long wanted to harden his heart and discipline him, but this kid's old mother is not either. Vegetarian masters will try their best to protect their weaknesses. Long Zhan, the emperor of the Kuanglong Empire, also turned a blind eye to Ximen Nu's face. Who else can control this guy? But he didn't expect that the kid's idea this time was actually the emperor's favorite little princess, Long Ling'er. This time, he must be doomed.

Thinking of this, Long Yi gave a wry smile, didn't he just die again after being reborn, and he was also charged with a crime of rape, what a fucking embarrassment to throw home.

Long Yi continued to sort out Ximenyu's memory, and only then did he know that the four major families of the Kuanglong Empire are the Dongfang family, the Nangong family, the Beitang family and the Ximen family. Among these four families, the Ximen family is the most powerful. It is the Dongfang family. As for the other two major families, although they are tied with it, the difference in strength is more than a few grades.

In this world, magic fighting spirit is prevalent, and magician is the most popular profession, but also the profession with the fewest number of people, because magic is too difficult to learn, and it depends on understanding besides hard work.

According to the category, they are divided into fire magicians, water magicians, earth magicians, light magicians and dark magicians, and then there are rare spiritual magicians and necromancers. According to the level, it is divided into magic apprentice, junior magician, intermediate magician, advanced magician, great magician, wizard, magister, great magister, and demon god.

Warriors are divided into warrior apprentices, junior fighters, intermediate fighters, senior fighters, swordsmen, sword masters, great sword masters, sword masters, and sword gods. The color of fighting spirit displayed varies with the level of rank. Apprentices have no fighting spirit, junior fighters have light cyan color, intermediate fighters have dark cyan, senior fighters have light green, swordsmen have dark green, and swordsmen have dark green. The master is light blue, the great sword master is dark blue, the sword master is purple, and the sword god is golden yellow.

As for the vindictiveness of Ximenyu, an ignorant guy, he is still dark blue, that is to say, he is only a middle-level fighter, which may not be bad for other young people, but for the Ximen family, he is among the trash Trash, his brother Ximen Tian is already a swordsman at his age.

Long Yi basically understood the world and his own situation from Ximen Yu's memory. He tried to move, but found that his limbs were still extremely heavy, probably imprisoned by a spiritual mage.

Thinking of the spirit, Long Yi couldn't help but startled, he was a supernatural being of the spirit department before, maybe he could break the shackles of the spirit. He closed his eyes and tried to mobilize his spiritual power. This mobilization was incredible. From the source of spiritual power located between the eyebrows, he mobilized overwhelming spiritual power, which almost made him unable to control himself. Became an idiot.

Long Yi was shocked into a cold sweat, and then he was ecstatic, oh my god, such a powerful mental power is five or six times that of his previous one, it's not easy to hit with mental skills. He closed his eyes again, and sure enough, he found that his limbs were bound by an invisible spiritual force. He carefully mobilized a part of his spiritual force and began to try to break through the spiritual shackles that trapped his limbs. He thought it would take a lot of effort , but he didn't expect that this mental shackle could not withstand the impact of his own round, but it was shaken apart.

Long Yi easily jumped up, the pain in every part of his body made his teeth gnaw, he lifted his clothes to look, only to find that the original white and tender skin was light and purple everywhere, it seemed that he had been taken care of when he was unconscious. We entertained a lot. Long Yi shook his arms and legs and sighed softly: "This body is not bad, but it's too weak. I don't know if there is still time to practice my Ao Tian Jue?" At this moment, he suddenly thought of Ximen Yu's ancestral mad dragon. Fighting Qi, he swung his palm into a knife unconsciously and gestured the lifting gesture again, but he didn't even use the light blue fighting gas. Finally, he knew from Ximenyu's memory that the Forbidden Sky Prison in Tenglong City had an extremely powerful knot. Realm, in which neither fighting spirit nor magic can be used.

"I don't know if the internal energy can be released here?" Long Yi murmured, he became more and more curious about this unknown world.

Sitting down cross-legged, he recited Aotian Jue's inner strength and oral art in his heart, and Long Yi quickly settled down after calming down. After an unknown amount of time, a trace of heat rose from his dantian, and began to flow through the meridians along the exercise route. It will grow by one point in a week. After walking for countless weeks, Long Yi woke up from his trance, with a look of surprise and disbelief. His concentration actually broke through the first level of Aotian Jue, thinking that it took him half a year to reach it.

If I go at this speed, then I can suddenly reach the peak of the ninth floor within a month or two. Long Yi started to get excited. You must know that he had cultivated for twenty-five years before he reached the fifth floor. It's not as simple as one plus one equals two, the power can be turned up geometrically, but is Ao Tian Jue really so easy to practice?

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