Womanizing Mage

Chapter 301 Negotiation

"This can't be a person, right?" Murong Shuyu was inexplicably astonished, but suddenly found that the black figure in front of the moon seemed to be flying towards her direction.

Before Murong Shuyu had time to think about it, she saw that black shadow magnified infinitely, and it flew towards her window in just a few breaths of time.

Sudden startled, Murong Shuyu backed up a few steps with a bang, and was almost knocked over by the chair behind her. At the end of her shock, she saw clearly that the person floating by the window turned out to be an old man with white beard.

"Who are you?" Murong Shuyu saw the old man's strange kung fu and dared not act rashly.

The old man said nothing, just looked at her with complicated eyes, sometimes nostalgic and sometimes sad. Murong Shuyu was slightly taken aback, the fear in her heart began to dissipate after seeing the old man's eyes, and she couldn't help feeling a sense of kindness.

Since Murong Shuyu can be entrusted with the important task by Emperor Aoyue to destroy the alliance between Nalan and Kuanglong, she is naturally a smart person. Her thoughts turned a few times in her mind, a flash of lightning flashed, and a bold guess appeared in her mind. Thinking of this possibility, her hands and feet couldn't help trembling.

"Grandpa... grandpa, is that you?" Murong Shuyu called with a trembling voice, her eyes full of expectation.

The old man's complex eyes began to fade, he sighed lightly, and his figure flashed into Murong Shuyu's room, he didn't answer Murong Shuyu, but asked, "Do you know Jun Qinglian?"

Murong Shuyu nodded hastily, and replied: "Of course I know, that's my **** name."

"Have you seen her?" The old man stared at Murong Shuyu closely.

Murong Shuyu shook her head, and replied: "I haven't seen it. My father said that my grandma passed away when he was very young. So..."

The old man turned around and looked out the window, his tall and straight body suddenly became a little stooped. Murong Shuyu bit her lower lip, just about to say something, but felt a gust of wind. She couldn't move anymore, and the old man turned around at some point, with his right hand tightly clasped her wrist, a strange aura was rampaging through her body.

After a while, the old man let go of Murong Shuyu, although he was sure that she was his granddaughter the moment he saw her, because her appearance was a copy of his wife, and even her temperament was somewhat similar. But the verification with the unique aura of the Murong family just now proved that this girl has an extremely close blood relationship with him. There is no doubt that she is his own granddaughter.


It was reasonable to say. Emperor Long Zhan should meet with the envoys of the two countries no matter what, but what is strange is that Long Zhan actually handed everything over to Prince Longying. Claiming to be in poor health, he didn't even go to court early.

For this reason, Long Yi and Ximen Huo were deeply puzzled, they knew very well that Long Zhan's character would never be like this, because although Long Zhan was not considered a famous emperor through the ages. But governing the country is also hardworking. For decades, he has never been absent from the early court. He is so weak. Could it be that they wanted the Ximen family to relax their vigilance?

Long Yi and Ximen Nu chatted secretly in the study all night, and finally decided to fight back with soldiers and cover up with water and earth. The situation is not ready yet, and we have to wait until the war in Canglan Continent is all-out, and then we will fight again. , or can compete for this third of the world.

As the sun rose, Long Yi broke free from the entanglement of Leng Youyou's pink arms, and he sat up. Looking down at Leng You, who was sleeping soundly, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, with a heart-stopping sweet smile, perhaps only by his side, could Leng Youyou sleep so deeply, throwing away all vigilance In the sky, what place is more reassuring than the embrace of her lover?

Long Yi looked at Leng Youyoudai with some warm thoughts, this girl gave him too much, without her maybe his life would not be so wonderful.

Remembering that today is the day of negotiating with Nalan Empire and Aoyue Empire, Long Yi recovered from his thoughts, lowered his head and kissed Leng Youyou's lips, got out of bed, got dressed and went out.

The negotiation was held at the Crown Prince's Mansion in Longying, with Long Yi fully representing the Kuanglong Empire and Prince Longying supervising it.

When Long Yi came to the Prince's Mansion, Long Ying was courteously circling Nalan Ruyue, coupled with a gentle smile and gentlemanly etiquette, I believe many ladies would fall into it, and sometimes Long Yi had to admire Long Ying's handling of women Methods. On the contrary, the method of leaving Murong Shuyu aside in the cold, Long Yi felt that it was a big loophole, no matter how reluctant, this superficial skill must be done well, right?

Nalan Ruyue pushed away the fruit that Longying had peeled for her, got up and saluted Long Ying who had just entered, with a look of relief in his eyes, Long Yi was secretly amused, and also a little proud, no matter how clever you are, Long Ying He is still defeated by Long Yi's subordinates.

"Hi everyone, hey, why is the prince looking at me like this? Could it be that I came at the wrong time?" Seeing the prince staring at him unkindly, Long Yi smiled and said.

Master Ximen came at the right time, and the negotiation should start at the right time. "Murong Shuyu continued, she looked at Long Yi with a strange expression, and there seemed to be something hidden in it.

Long Yi noticed Murong Shuyu's strange expression and guessed it was because she saw Murong Bo.

Nalan Ruyue saw Long Yi and Murong Shuyu's eyes expressing affection, for some reason, Nalan Ruyue felt a sore feeling in her heart, and she wanted to blow up the eyes of the two of them with a light violence technique.

While Long Yi was guessing in his mind, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine, turned his head, just in time to see Nalan Ruyue's fierce eyes, he raised his eyebrows suspiciously, but in return Nalan Ruyue let out a cold snort.

"Woman, an unreasonable animal." Long Yi muttered while shaking his head, but he didn't know that Long Ying saw Nalan Ruyue's eye attack on Long Yi, and his heart was almost going crazy with jealousy.

When others see Nalan Ruyue staring at Long Yi viciously, they may think that she hates Long Yi. But Longying is also a master at picking up girls, he has done some research on women's psychology, he knows that Nalan Ruyue's reserved and distant smile when facing him represents distance. But the sour glaring she gave Long Yi just now indicated that her feelings for Long Yi were not ordinary, which of course made him extremely unhappy.

No matter what, the Nalan Empire wants to form an alliance with the Kuanglong Empire. Of course, Longying's idea is to get Nalan Ruyue and let Nalan Ruyue marry him, which will be more beneficial to the consolidation of his imperial power, and Nalan Ruyue Lan Ruyue is one of the three saintesses of the Church of Light, which will allow him to have a little relationship with the Church of Light, which is of great benefit to him. Besides, aside from these things, Nalan Ruyue's beauty really made him salivate. He has played with so many women, and there is no woman who can surpass Nalan Ruyue in terms of temperament and beauty.

Long Ying led the officials of the two countries to a luxurious and spacious meeting room. Nalan and Aoyue officials sat on the two sides, and Long Yi and his two assistants were on the top. These two assistants were from the Ximen family. department officials. Originally, the Crown Prince Longying should be in the seat, but the negotiation power all belonged to Long Yi, he was just a supervisor, so he had to retire to make way.

Long Yi crossed his legs, threw the stack of documents thrown to him by his assistant behind him, and said with a smile: "I don't need this." He stood up, pressed his hands on the negotiating table, leaned forward, and the corners of his mouth curled up. The smile has a gloomy feeling, giving people a strong invisible oppression.

"I think everyone is a sensible person, and a sensible person should speak plainly. In order to save time, I opened the window to speak plainly." Long Yi paused, and continued: "I know the purpose of your two countries' missions. He also knows, so I decided to sign an alliance agreement with the Nalan Empire today, and as for the Aoyue Empire, I'm sorry."

When Long Yi said this, everyone was shocked. Is this still a negotiation? How can there be such a straightforward sentence to settle everything.

"Will this kid know how to negotiate?" Long Ying sat on the side, also extremely surprised, but he still held his breath and did not speak, he really wanted to see how Long Yi would end up.

Longying could hold his breath, but the officials of Aoyue Empire couldn't hold his breath. An Aoyue official with a mountain ghost beard stood up angrily and said: "I protest and strongly demand that the Aoyue Empire replace the negotiating officials. I don't know how to negotiate."

"Unfortunately, the protest is ineffective. If you make more noise, I don't mind coaxing your Aoyue Empire envoys out." Long Yi said with a chuckle, the gloomy aura made no one doubt what he said.

What is strange is that Murong Shuyu didn't say a word, but said indifferently: "I agree with Aoyue Empire's withdrawal from the negotiation, but maybe we can be allowed to observe the negotiation between your country and Nalan Empire."

Long Yi looked at Murong Shuyu thoughtfully, the woman's reaction was beyond his expectation, this feeling of being out of control made people very uncomfortable, but he didn't show it, he just shrugged and said: "Of course you can .”

This time it was Longying's turn to be surprised, the envoy sent by the Aoyue Empire must be too easy to fight, or did this woman reach some kind of agreement with Long Yi?

Long Yi hooked his hand to the left, and the witty assistant immediately handed over a stack of the same contracts to Long Yi's hands. Long Yi shook the contract in his hand, flicked his fingers lightly, the stack of contracts flew up lightly and dispersed, and landed in front of all the officials of the Nalan Empire.

Nalan Ruyue picked up the contract and looked at it, the shyness on her face disappeared in a flash, she raised her bright eyes and gave Long Yi a covert look, and said calmly: "I have no problem with the contract."

Nalan's officials looked at their own princess strangely, then at Long Yi and Prince Long Ying, and they all said there was no problem.

"Are you all okay? But I have a problem. Regarding the third clause in the contract, I think it still needs to be discussed." At this time, Prince Longying suddenly stood up and said.

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