Womanizing Mage

Chapter 324: The Pope of Light

Seeing Yin Yin's pale expression, Long Yi couldn't help sighing softly in his heart, the damage caused by the wind chime to her was too deep, it might be difficult to recover for a while, and maybe it would leave a shadow in his heart for the rest of his life. Feng Ling's fault is also his own fault, Long Yi has always felt guilty about this, he really wants to make up for something.

"When did you come back?" Long Yi saw that Yin Yin had been silent for a long time, and her emotions seemed to be immersed in it, so he hurriedly changed the subject.

Yinyin came back to her senses, and said bitterly: "I don't know what's the point of staying at Mia Holy Magic Academy. There is no reason for me to stay there anymore."

"Yinyin..." Long Yi couldn't help calling out, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Yin Yin raised her head, saw Long Yi's worried expression, and said: "You don't need to worry or persuade me, I understand everything that should be understood, but understanding is one thing, but in my heart..."

"Time will change everything. Believe me, you must be happy, otherwise Fengling and I will never be at ease." Long Yi sighed.

Yinyin nodded, her eyes flickered and she said: "Today is the ceremony for you and Princess Ruyue, you should stay by Princess Ruyue's side, her eyes have been glancing this way, I think she is jealous, you don't have to accompany me I want to be alone for a while."

"Okay then, I'll look for you when I'm free. Where is your house?" Long Yi saw that many people were looking at him, so in order to avoid trouble, he had no choice but to say this.

Yinyin said the address quickly, then turned around and got into the crowd, and disappeared after a while. Want to come to some corner to clean up.

Long Yi returned to Nalan Ruyue's side, and said with a smile, "That's a friend from Mia Saint Magic Academy, maybe you've seen it too."

"Explain to me why, who she is is none of my business." Nalan Ruyue said flatly. But if you listen carefully, you can detect a hint of sourness contained in it.

"I thought you wanted to know, but it seems that I'm being self-indulgent again." Long Yi shrugged and said with a smile, without saying anything.

At this moment, one of the guards outside suddenly heard shouting: "His Majesty Pope Charles has arrived."

The noisy banquet hall suddenly became silent in an instant, and everyone, including the maids who shuttled through it, were stunned. The bright Pope Charles? Did they hear correctly, this person who seldom appears in front of ordinary people, who has a god-like status in Canglan Continent, will appear here?

Long Yi also murmured in his heart, how could Pope Charles of Light appear here? Just now I heard Nalan Wuji say that we need to wait for someone to preside over the initiation ceremony, so it could be him.

Long Yi couldn't bear to think too much.

He only felt a strong bright magical atmosphere filling the entire hall at once, making people feel refreshed and cordial. A middle-aged man dressed in an almost transparent white sacrificial robe suddenly appeared in the hall. His facial contours are shrouded in a layer of white smoke, making it difficult to see clearly like a mirror in water, and behind him is a milky white halo made of bright magic elements. At first glance, he thought it was some Bodhisattva coming.

Long Yi sneered in his heart, the Pope of Light would really pack himself. He was so mysterious that he really thought he was a god. However, Long Yi really admired his strength. Charles was the first person he had ever seen besides himself who could materialize magic elements. Is his level really only the legendary Great Demon Seeker? Will it have reached the realm of the god of law like Wushuang?

Nalan Wuji hurried forward with a group of officials, knelt down devoutly, and said loudly, "Nalan Wuji welcomes the arrival of His Majesty the Pope."

For a while, everyone came to their senses, knelt down muttering words, and felt very grateful for the honor of being able to see the Pope of Light. What an honor it is for the heads of the empire to kneel down. It is really a good choice to use religion to rule.

Nalan Ruyue, as the saint of the Guangming Church, knelt down early, and in the entire banquet hall, only Long Yi stood up straight and straight like a standout.

Seeing that Long Yi didn't kneel down, Nalan Ruyue was so anxious that she pulled his trousers with her hands. In her heart, the Pope of Light is a god, and the status of a god is unmatched. He just sat on the cloud and looked down at all living beings. This is the result of being brainwashed since childhood.

Long Yi remained unmoved, still standing straight and staring at the halo-shrouded Pope Charles, and Charles was also staring at him.

Long Yi's heart was filled with depression, and he felt a huge and incomparable coercion suddenly coming from all directions, his internal organs were in pain as if being pulled by someone, Long Yi's internal energy immediately rebounded under the attack, and began to resist this huge coercion. And Long Yi's handsome face also turned from red to white, then from white to red, and finally turned into a light paper gold.

"Break it for me." Long Yi roared, colorful lights flashed all over his body, the air seemed to be distorted and deformed, a crack appeared in the pressure of the Pope of Light, Long Yi took two quick steps back to escape his encirclement. In the long-term confrontation with the sword god Murong Bo, he has already had a good ability to adapt to this level of coercion, moreover, the Pope of Light obviously did not use his full strength, and Long Yi also understood Charles' temptation. After reaching his realm, it is very likely that he has reached the realm of Dharma God.

Charles didn't attack again, but just gave two warm laughter, which made people feel like spring breeze from head to toe. He said: "There are generations of talents in the country, each leading the coquettish for hundreds of years, Ximenyu, you really did not disappoint me."

"I will never let anyone down, including my enemies." Long Yi said with a chuckle, straightening his clothes casually, secretly calming down his rushing breath.

"Why didn't you kneel when you saw me?" Charles ignored the deep meaning in Long Yi's tone, but asked with interest.

"Kneel? Why kneel? I don't remember this rule. I only know that the Guangming Church has always advocated compassion, freedom and equality. Since you and I are younger, why should you kneel?" Long Yi laughed. In fact, there are many regulations of the Guangming Church. Paradoxically, equality is mentioned on the one hand, but it is stricter than any class hierarchy on the other.

"Okay, very good, you really are a young hero, no wonder that girl Kexin never forgets you." Charles laughed.

Kexin! Long Yi was startled, since the last palace banquet in Tenglong City, that girl has left Tenglong City. Long Yi felt helpless about her strong possessive desire for him. Could it be that she also came with the Pope of Light this time?

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