Womanizing Mage

Chapter 326 Sleeping on the same bed

Long Yi tilted his head slightly, and said with a smile: "If I don't smell of alcohol, don't I need to go to sleep?"

"That's not okay, we are not real husband and wife, how can we share the same bed?" Nalan Ruyue was startled, and said softly.

Long Yi chuckled, and said: "Then I don't care, if you don't want to, then you can go down."

"This is my bed, why should I go down?" Nalan Ruyue retorted.

"It's mine now, don't forget our agreement, everything about you is mine except your body." Long Yi smiled treacherously.

Nalan Ruyue was stunned again, thinking that there was indeed such an agreement, at the time in order to keep her innocent body, she felt that everything could be given up, but now she feels a little regretful, doesn't this mean that she has nothing and nothing is her own , this loss is really big

"It's no big deal to give him your body." Nalan Ruyue suddenly had such a thought in her heart, but immediately she shook her head desperately, what was she thinking, did she go crazy?

"What are you doing? Have you taken ecstasy? You're so excited." Seeing Nalan Ruyue, Long Yi was stunned for a while, then suddenly shook his head like a fool, and asked in surprise.

Nalan Ruyue came back to her senses, her pretty face turned hot, then she hummed for a moment as if covering up, suddenly got up from the bed, and then shook Long Yi's body to get out of bed.

Seeing Nalan Ruyue's crystal clear jade feet volleying over his body, Long Yi couldn't help but think of a prank. With a movement of his finger, a wisp of true energy bounced towards Nalan Ruyue's feet. Scratch back and forth a few times gently.

"Ah..." Nalan Ruyue screamed, and stepped on her little foot suddenly.

"Oh..." Long Yi screamed, his legs were clamped tightly, and his big hands were covering his lifeblood. The body arched convulsively.

Nalan Ruyue fell down on the bed, looked at Long Yi with a face full of pain in bewilderment, and didn't understand what happened for a moment.

"What's wrong with you?" Nalan Ruyue asked softly.

"What are you pretending to be? Even if you hate me, you don't have to do this. Do you want to ruin the sex life between me and my wives?" Long Yijun's face wrinkled into a ball, and there is nothing serious about the internal force at the root of his life. But he still pretended to be in pain.

Nalan Ruyue's gaze went all the way down, and finally stopped at the place where Longyi covered his hands, and thought blushingly: "Could it be that the foot I stepped on just happened to be there? Vulnerable place. Nothing will happen."

"It's okay, I didn't do it on purpose." Nalan Ruyue said with some guilt.

"It doesn't matter what you say, if something goes wrong in the future, it will be caused by you, and you will bear full responsibility." Long Yi yelled, but there was a cunning smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It... really hurts? How about I use holy light to heal you?" Nalan Ruyue believed it, if something happened to Long Yi, wouldn't it destroy him?

Uh... Long Yi turned the bead. Nod hastily.

"You, take your hands away." Nalan Ruyue said with a somewhat unnatural heartbeat suddenly. It was the first time to use holy light to heal a man there.

Long Yi obediently took his hand away, and the empty door opened wide.

Looking at the bulge in Long Yi's crotch, Nalan Ruyue's delicate body trembled involuntarily. She was about to recite a long incantation, and a soft white light lit up in her hand. Two rays of holy light penetrated into Long Yi's "injured" little brother.

Long Yijue's little brother was surrounded by a mass of warm air, like a warm spring breeze blowing, or like a lover's jade hand stroking. It was so refreshing that he couldn't help but let out a soft groan.

"Does it still hurt?" Nalan Ruyue heard Long Yi's comfortable moans as pain, and couldn't help asking nervously.

Long Yi frowned, nodded desperately, and said: "Of course it hurts, this place is no different than other places, this is my lifeblood."

"Then, what should we do?" Nalan Ruyue asked weakly.

"If you touch it with your hands, maybe it will be better." Long Yi quietly glanced at Nalan Ruyue, seeing her face suddenly changed, so he quickly continued: "You also know that a man's place is very sensitive. I don't feel anything right now, if it can stand up, it means there is nothing wrong with it, of course it needs your help."

Nalan Ruyue's pretty face turned red and white, white and red again, and finally gritted her teeth and gave it up, who said that this problem was caused by herself? Besides, he touched himself completely, so it's better to take this opportunity to touch it back, Nalan Ruyue comforted himself like this.

Nalan Ruyue half closed her eyes, and slowly pressed her small hand towards Long Yi's bulging crotch...

Long Yi's whole body trembled, he felt a warm little hand gently pressing on his little brother, and it was still trembling slightly, obviously he was too nervous.

Long Yi felt that the little brother was jumping, showing the tendency to transform into a dragon, he hastily took a deep breath and suppressed the evil fire, the little brother was in a half-hard but not soft state.

"It moved, it, it moved." Nalan Ruyue tremblingly said.

"Don't take it away, touch it, it hasn't fully recovered yet." Long Yi's whole body was on fire, and there was a desire to push her down desperately.

Nalan Ruyue bit her lower lip, her little hand began to caress gently on Long Yi's little brother.

Long Yi couldn't take it anymore after going back and forth like this, he gritted his teeth and said: "Hold it, hold him quickly."

Hearing Long Yi's gnashing of teeth, Nalan Ruyue thought something was wrong, and obediently followed his wishes and grabbed the little guy who made her heart beat hot.

Long Yi didn't take it any longer, the little brother swelled up his tent, and couldn't close Nalan Ruyue's little hands.

"It, it has grown up, it's so big." Nalan Ruyue shouted nervously, and moved her little hand away like an electric shock.

But Long Yi couldn't take it anymore, his eyes glowed green, he let out a low growl and threw Nalan Ruyue to the ground. Grandpa, anyway, Lang has a concubine interested in it, so go to hell with the damn agreement.

Nalan Ruyue was suddenly pressed down by Long Yi, her nose was full of his strong masculine breath, and with the two people's sexual behavior just now, she was already insane and confused.

Long Yi's big hands rubbed Nalan Ruyue's buttocks vigorously, while the little brother rubbed against her buttocks, the ** spread crazily between the two of them.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, the fusion between the two was inevitable. But at this moment, a head popped out of the room and asked in a clear and curious voice: "Sister, brother-in-law, what are you doing?"

Long Yi and Nalan Ruyue, who were grinding vigorously, froze, like a pot of cold water being poured from head to tail, the raging desire was completely extinguished.

"Damn it, I forgot to cast the enchantment." Long Yi beat his chest in regret, this Nalan Rumeng was really his unlucky star, originally after eating Nalan Rumeng tonight, everything would fall into place, but once it was interrupted, Inalan Kisaragi's character may never find such a good opportunity again. With this incident, she will definitely strengthen her vigilance against herself.

Nalan Ruyue froze for a while and hurriedly pushed Long Yi away, stepped back a little to keep a safe distance, then adjusted her breath for a while with her beating heart, and then asked embarrassingly: "Ru Meng, why did you come here?" what?"

"I can't sleep alone, I want to sleep with my sister." Nalan Rumeng said innocently, kicked off his shoes and jumped onto the bed without any explanation.

"No, you go back to sleep in your own room, your sister is my wife, of course she wants to sleep with me." Long Yi lifted Nalan Rumeng up with one hand.

"No, no, I won't go out, my sister used to sleep with me." Nalan Ruyue struggled desperately, and finally stretched out her little foot, clamped around Long Yi's waist, and would not let go.

Long Yi's lust just now hadn't dissipated yet, Nalan Rumeng made such a pinch, her little breasts directly touched his lower body, and that faint girlish fragrance made his mind sway even more. This little loli is really killing people.

Seeing this, Nalan Ruyue thought it was so amazing, she hurriedly pulled the little girl down, and said: "Okay. You can sleep with my sister and let him sleep in another room."

Nalan Rumeng poked out her head from Nalan Ruyue's back, thought for a while and said: "Brother-in-law should sleep with you, others say husband and wife cannot sleep separately, he sleeps on sister's right side, I sleep on sister's left side. "

Long Yi smiled wryly twice, and said: "You said in the afternoon that a man and a woman can't kiss each other, since they don't kiss, how can they share the same bed?"

Nalan Rumeng was a little embarrassed, pouted and said: "You are my brother-in-law, it's no big deal. It's settled like that, go to bed."

Nalan Rumeng turned over and pulled Nalan Ruyue to lie down, comfortably pillowing on her sister's shoulder. Haw twice and muttered: "It would be better if my sister's shoulders were wider."

Nalan Ruyue pinched the little girl's nipples, and said: "I told you to gossip while lying on your pillow, go to bed quickly."

Long Yi helplessly looked at the two sisters who looked like celestial beings, and sighed in his heart, seeing that he couldn't eat. Isn't this torture? It's better to go out for a walk than out of sight. Thinking of this, Long Yi turned around and got off the bed.

"Brother-in-law, where are you going?" Nalan Rumeng raised his head and asked.

"Both of you sleep, I'll sleep in another room." Long Yi said with a smile.

Nalan Rumeng immediately got up when she heard this, and turned to hold Long Yiyi: "No, just sleep here, today is a good day for you, how can you sleep in separate rooms?"

"You still know it's a good time for us, so you came here to sabotage it?" Long Yi said angrily.

"No... no, I've been outside alone for so long, I'm really afraid of sleeping alone. That's why I came here, don't be angry." Nalan Rumeng hugged Long Yi's arm and began to act coquettishly, childishly The small chest rubbed against Long Yi's arm, but she didn't seem to notice it at all.

"You, you can sleep here, or it will be bad if people see you." Nalan Ruyue said softly.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Long Yi asked with a half-smile.

Nalan Ruyue's pretty face flushed, and she made a cutting motion with her palms turned into a knife.

Long Yi is no longer hypocritical, to be honest, who would not want to sleep with a beautiful woman, besides, there are two super beauties, one big and one small, but the feeling of being invisible is really painful. some kind of situation.

Nalan Ruyue and her sisters slept on the innermost side of the big bed, while Long Yi simply lay on the outermost side of the big bed, separated by the Nile Sea.

"Brother-in-law, come to sleep, how can husband and wife sleep so far apart?" Nalan Rumeng began to meddle in other people's business again.

But Long Yi didn't answer, he snorted with his back to them, pretending to be asleep.

"Brother-in-law is really a pig, he fell asleep so quickly." Nalan Rumeng muttered.

But Nalan Ruyue snorted softly, feeling a little depressed for some reason, this guy wanted to eat her just now, but now he hides away like the plague, he really pissed her off.

If Long Yi knew what Nalan Ruyue was thinking, he might be so depressed that he would vomit blood. Women's minds are really strange. If they stick too close, they will annoy you, and if they are too far away, they will scold you for being heartless. I don't know what principle the Creator created based on.

Hearing the sound of waves one after another, Long Yi unconsciously fell asleep.

The sound of the waves is still there, but time is passing slowly inadvertently.

When Long Yi felt short of breath and woke up, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance. Nalan Ruyue lay on his side at some point in his arms, with one foot on his thigh, and Nalan Rumeng was even more exaggerated. , the whole body was pressed against his body, the saliva from the corner of his mouth completely soaked his collar, which made Long Yi angry and funny.

Looking at the sky, he found that it would be dawn soon, Long Yi's body moved, but this movement woke Nalan Ruyue awake.

Nalan Ruyue rubbed her sleepy eyes, and felt that she slept very comfortably, but she soon realized that something was wrong, when she raised her head, she saw the ambiguous sleeping posture of the three of them, and immediately turned to Shanglong with a black eye. Eyes with palpitations.

"Have you had enough sleep? Get up from my arms when you've had enough sleep, and hug this little girl down by the way, it's like treating me like Simmons." Long Yi said with a light smile.

Nalan Ruyue hastily got up, and gently hugged the little girl, not daring to look at Long Yi anymore.

Long Yi turned over from the bed, twisted his waist and shoulders, and made a crackling sound.

"You guys go to sleep for a while, I'll go out for a walk." Long Yi left a word, and then left the room out of thin air.

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