Womanizing Mage

Chapter 350 Super Green Rabbit

The breath of the black rock ghost disappeared? The other three were stunned. Didn't Wushuang say that the immobilizing magic circle can immobilize anything within its range?

Just when Long Yi and the others were in doubt, the black rock walls on both sides of the narrow valley suddenly trembled, and some gravel began to slide down from the top.

"Damn, that big guy is really immoral, he actually wants to bury us alive." Long Yi cursed, looking worriedly at the falling gravel.

"Husband, the stone walls moved, they are pressing inward." Nalan Ruyue said in horror, suddenly seeing the black rocks on both sides of the narrow valley slowly closing inward.

No way, Long Yi saw that the narrow valley with a width of four people became a width of three people in a blink of an eye, and cried out in his heart, if he pressed them over again, wouldn't they be crushed into a pulp.

Long Yi didn't bother to break the barrier anymore, he withdrew his hand, his eyeballs rolled around.

"I'm so stupid." Long Yiyi slapped himself on the head and shouted loudly, why did he bother to break this lightning barrier, this is already the exit, just dig a tunnel on the black rock to get out .

Long Yi hit Heiyan with two palms, unfortunately, Heiyan was not damaged at all. He was stunned for a long time, no, although this black rock is extremely hard, it is impossible that it cannot move half a minute.

In fact, if Long had thought of it earlier, it would have been fine, but now the Black Rock Ghost King uses the power that exploded from burning his own life to attach to it, making Black Rock extremely hard.

The gap between the black rock walls on both sides of the narrow valley was only two people wide, and it was still closing and shrinking. It was useless for Long Yi and the others to resist with any magic barrier.

"Husband, what should we do?" Nalan Ruyue looked at Long Yi nervously. She believed that Long Yi would definitely come up with a solution.

Wu Shuang and Man Niu also looked at Long Yi one after another, at a critical moment, Long Yi was their backbone.

At this time, the gap was only one person wide. Long Yi and the others all stood sideways.

At this moment, the cold voice sounded again, it was actually those ordinary black rock ghosts who started to take advantage of the fire, trying to suck the four of them into the black rock to suck food.

Long Yi chuckled, Wu Shuang and the other three suddenly relaxed, they knew that Long must have thought of a way.

Feeling the attraction coming from all directions, Long Yi enveloped everyone with mental power, and let the black rock ghost suck them towards the rock wall.

Heiyan Phantom King exhausted his life and wanted to kill Long Yi and four others, but he didn't want his disciples and grandchildren to be saved. Life is so wonderful.

When Long Yi and the others sank into the black rock like nothing. The black rock walls on both sides of the canyon are completely closed and pressed seamlessly.

Long Yi's eyes darkened, and he felt that they were completely submerged in the black rock. And those black rock ghosts who sucked them in wanted to withdraw. Once they withdraw, Long Yi and the others will be stuck inside the black rock. The reason why they can enter the black rock as if there is nothing is entirely due to the power of these black rock ghosts.

Long Yi naturally understands this truth, how can he make these black rock ghosts come true. It depends on using them to get out of this narrow valley.

Long Yi's powerful mental power restrained these black rock ghosts, and drove them towards the direction of the exit.

Not long after, Long Yi felt his eyes light up. The fragrant air is oncoming, refreshing.

"What a beautiful place." Nalan Ruyue praised, looking at this fairyland-like environment, green and soft grass, all kinds of trees all around, colorful flowers blooming on the trees, a clear stream flowing from The distant hillside flows down, and the breeze blows a faint fragrance, which is not inferior to the elf forest.

"Pretty is beautiful. Just pay attention, maybe there is something weird about this place." Long Yi reminded, is there a safe place in Thor's restricted area? He was skeptical.

The three mythical beasts began to frolick in the grass, and they seemed to enjoy the environment very much.

"Husband, look over there, it's a green rabbit." Nalan Ruyue pointed to the green-haired rabbit under a big tree on the upper right in surprise. Nothing.

Long Yi looked over, and he saw the distinctive green fur rabbit under the big tree, it was jumping and playing alone, it looked very cute.

"I like it, my husband will help you catch it." Long Yi squeezed Nalan Ruyue's pretty face, flew to the side of the rabbit, and grabbed it with his big hand like lightning.

What shocked Long Yi was that his sure grasp failed, and he only caught an afterimage of the green fur rabbit. And when he was still in doubt, he heard Nalan Ruyue and the three of them exclaim.

As soon as Long Yi turned his head, he screamed sadly. He saw a sun smashing towards him in his eyes. His great teleportation of the universe was transported to the extreme. At the last moment, he dodged away and fell to sit on the grass a hundred meters away, panting. Although he was out of the way, he was still affected a little. Jun's face was dark, his head was burnt, and his clothes had a few big holes. But within a radius of 50 meters where Long Yi was standing just now, not a single blade of grass grew, leaving behind a big charred black pit.

"Monster, monster." Long Yi didn't dare to reply. The green-haired rabbit just now was not only extremely fast, but also opened its mouth to shoot a super large fireball with a diameter of tens of meters. The temperature of the flame was not much weaker than that of the fire unicorn. , God this thief really knows how to joke.

Fortunately, the green-haired rabbit didn't chase and attack again, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

Wushuang and the three rushed over, the shocked expressions on their faces finally disappeared.

"Boss, are you okay?" Man Niu asked concerned.

"It's okay, it's okay, I almost fell asleep, what the hell is this, a rabbit is stronger than my divine beast." Long Yi said with lingering fear, in fact, the rabbit's strength is naturally inferior to the divine beast, but the one beside Long Yi right now The strength of the three divine beasts has not been revealed at all, and their strength is only a few tenths of that of the real divine beasts. Otherwise, it would not be so embarrassing to break into the restricted zone of Thor.

At this time, the green light flashed in the big hole hit by the green-haired super fireball, and it returned to its original state in the blink of an eye, as if nothing had happened.

Long Yi tidied up his whole body and started wandering around this area. This time, the few of them learned how to behave. They would detour when they saw any living creatures, and they didn't dare to provoke them, even though Long Yi really wanted to get two to roast. Try to relieve your hunger.

On the hillside, the four people who were talking and laughing suddenly froze, and their faces turned pale suddenly. They all looked at each other, and suddenly lay down and retreated behind the hillside.

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