Womanizing Mage

Chapter 354 Thunder God Altar

Seeing the silver-purple beam of light, the three women's expressions changed at the same time, and they felt a thick thunder and lightning magic element coming towards them. The powerful force and pressure bent hundreds of trees.

"Could it be... that the God of Thunder card was born?" Leng Youyou exclaimed, exchanged glances with the other two women, disappeared in place, and returned to their own camps.

As soon as Leng Youyou and Feng Ling returned to the camp, they saw a dark knight rushing over with a long spear in hand, bowed and said excitedly: "My subordinates found an altar of Thor outside the woods under the hillside. There is a statue of Thor on it. Holds the God of Thor card, and on the altar is the eye of Thor."

A trace of excitement and excitement flashed in the eyes of the two women, and they turned their heads to look at the camp of the Illuminati Church at the same time, meeting Sibi's eyes. Although the two opposing camps have cooperated tacitly all the way, they are all for survival. They are still opposing in essence, and they still have the same goal. Now that the Thunder God Altar appears, this cooperative relationship will inevitably break down. The god of thunder and the eyes of thunder god, I am afraid that either you die or I live.

The three women communicated wordlessly, and at the same time issued an order for all the people to rush to the Thunder God altar outside the grove under the hillside.

Hundreds of people rushed down from both ends like the wind, and after a while, the two teams arrived outside the altar of Thor.

This is a round open-air altar about ten meters high, all made of silver-purple radiant boulders. Eight supporting stone pillars are erected on the edge of the altar, and the stone pillars are engraved with delicate and mysterious patterns. In the center of the altar stands a majestic statue about several meters tall, wearing silver and purple battle armor. Presumably this is the original form of the legendary Thor. In his right hand is a huge Thor hammer. In his left hand, he held a silver-purple oval jade tablet, which looked mighty and extraordinary.

On the front of the Thor statue was an altar made of unknown materials. On the table floated a round silver-purple bead the size of a baby's fist, exuding a compelling domineering aura.

"It's the God of Thunder card and the eyes of the God of Thunder. Go up and grab them, and don't let the people of the dark church succeed." Kajia, who was beside Dongfang Kexin, opened his eyes wide and shouted, but he didn't care to stay behind after speaking Dongfang Kexin was by his side, and flew towards the altar. At this time, for him, there was nothing more important than obtaining the God of Thunder card and the eyes of God of Thunder.

As soon as the Church of Light made a move, the Church of Darkness also immediately moved into action, rushing towards the Altar of Thunder God like a tide. The partners who had cooperated tacitly a few days ago suddenly turned against each other and struck mercilessly.

Sibi and Leng Youyou flew into the air. They had to pretend to fight, just like when they first met in Tenglong City, the fight seemed fierce. In fact, there is room for both, and besides, the two of them are fighting against each other, and the fight is flourishing.

The people from the two camps who have survived until now are all people who have risen from the pile of dead people many times, and their strength and ruthlessness needless to say. Both sides were red-eyed.

The move is fatal, and the moment they meet each other, there will be heavy casualties,

Seeing that three or four hundred people quickly turned into hundreds of people. Both Leng Youyou and Si Bi couldn't bear it, but what could they do?

At this moment, under the cover of Dongfang Kexin's powerful light magic Mou, Kajia grabbed the Thor God card in his hand, and the other side of the wind chime also took the Thor's eyeball on the table into his hand.

The silver-purple light that soared into the sky from the altar instantly subsided and turned gray.

Both parties who were fighting were stunned for a moment, and stopped attacking involuntarily. The expressions on everyone's faces were full of surprise, and the atmosphere suddenly became strangely quiet.

Leng Youyou and Sibi returned to their respective camps. An unspeakable fear rose from the hearts of the two of them, a kind of palpitation that could make people vomit blood.

"Ling'er, throw away Thor's eyes, let's retreat quickly." Leng Youyou suddenly turned her head and said to Feng Ling, her strong sense of crisis made her make a judgment subconsciously.

Without the slightest hesitation, Feng Ling threw Thor's eyeballs in his hands towards the members of the Church of Light, and flew to retreat. At the same time, Sibi also issued the same order, asking Kajia to throw away the God of Thor card and retreat, but Kajia hesitated, and happened to see Thor's eyes thrown over, and a crazy idea came to his mind. He wanted to take the Thor God card and the Thor's eyeball all by himself, so he flew up and grabbed the Thor's eyeball in his hand.

Although Sibi and Leng Youyou gave the correct order, it was too late, a thunder and lightning enchantment flowing with electric current suddenly opened on the edge of the Thunder God Altar, just like what Long Yi met at the end of the Unknown Narrow Valley. They are exactly the same, imagine that even Long Yi, who is the most defensive person in the world, can't break through, how can Sibi, Leng Youyou and the others get out?

At this moment, a strong coercion suddenly came from the Thunder God Altar. The Thor God Card and Thor Eyeballs in Kajia's hand emitted a dazzling light, and the violent thunder magic elements frantically condensed on the Thunder God Altar. The silver-purple solid lightning magic element enveloped Kajia.

"Hahaha, I'm going to become a god." Kajia suddenly laughed wildly, he felt a huge thunder and lightning magic element rushing into his body, and his whole body was filled with sexual pleasure.

People from the two camps looked at each other, and suddenly someone shouted: "Give him the God Card and Thunder God's Eye." Driven by their interests, people from both camps swarmed over, and only Leng Youyou, Feng Ling, and Silk were left on the edge. Bi and Dongfang Kexin are four people.

The thunder and lightning magic elements on the Thunder God Altar are getting thicker and thicker, so thick that it seems that you can touch it with your hands.

At this time, Kaga's triumphant laughter suddenly stopped abruptly, and the violent thunder magic elements rushed into his body continuously. His sea of ​​consciousness had expanded to the limit, and the tearing pain that followed made him terrified. shouted.

Suddenly, the thunder magic elements in the Thunder God Altar condensed, and the Thor God Card and Thor Eyes in Kajia's hand suddenly exploded, and the silver-purple light of the entire Thor God Altar violently churned, creating a violent vortex. Everything will be shredded to pieces.

After a long time, the vortex on the Thunder God Altar began to stop, the lightning magic barrier on the edge disappeared in an instant, and the huge thunder magic elements slowly dissipated in the air.

When everything returned to calm, the gorgeous Thunder God altar disappeared without a trace, and the grass on the ground was desolate, swaying left and right when the wind blows...

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