Womanizing Mage

Chapter 359: Dryad

The more Long Yi thinks about it, the more he feels that this method is feasible. There are no less than ten thousand corpse kings in this area. If you want to kill them all, you don't have to kill them. Besides, the longer you stay in this dead space, the more unfavorable you will be. It's better to do it as soon as possible. Getting out is the most important thing.

No more hesitation, Long Yi dashed towards the golden-armored corpse king in the distance, and a strong qi went around and hit the back of its head, because Long Yi had observed Long Er and the golden-armored corpse. In the battle of the king, the weak point of the cash armor corpse king should be on the back of its head.

The golden-armored corpse king didn't react too slowly, he collapsed straight away, and two claws glowing with metal smashed towards Long Yi's chest. Long Yi knew the terrifying destructive power of the Thick King of Golden Armor, so he slid his body lightly against it and turned to its rear. At the same time, the zhenqi that Long Yi shot out at the beginning hit its back fiercely, only Hearing the clang of clang, the golden armor corpse king's body swayed in mid-air, and landed on the ground steadily, leaving only a two-inch deep wound on his back, which was almost enough damage for the golden armor thick king. can be ignored.

Long Yi was stunned inwardly. According to the division of strength, this thick king with golden armor should be classified as an SS-level monster.

Without waiting for Long Yi's astonishment to subside, the golden-armored corpse king quickly turned around, and a thick green mist sprayed towards Long Yi in an instant, his whole body turned into a golden light and hit Long Yi who was about to dodge.

Long Yi knew that this miserable green fog was probably corpse poison, and he didn't want to try how terrifying the corpse poison of the golden-armored corpse king was, so he immediately waved a barrier to isolate the corpse poison, and the next second the golden-armored corpse Wang Ji bumped his head against the enchantment laid by Long Yi, there was an incomparably violent fluctuation from the enchantment, and it almost shattered.

Long Yi didn't dare to be careless, an obscure incantation came out from his lips that were about to open and close, his eyes were radiant, and he trapped King Jinjiahou with overwhelming energy.

The Golden Armored Corpse King struggled violently, and after a few minutes, its struggle gradually became weaker, while the spell in Long Yi's mouth became sharper.

Finally, the stiff body of the golden-armored thick king trembled, and Long Yi's spiritual magic imprint suddenly penetrated from the center of his brow, and a connecting spiritual bond was formed between the two. The golden-armored corpse king has become Long Yi's summoned undead.

Long Yi laughed wildly triumphantly, and used his thoughts to make the golden-armored corpse king control the large silver-armored thick-armored and bronze-armored corpse kings around him without moving, and then let the eighteen super-level skeletons harvest these irresistible aliens like wheat. Corpse king, absorbing all the dark magic power on them, that's a cool word.

The following road immediately became clear, and Long Yi collected two golden armored corpse kings, almost exterminating all thick kings from other worlds in this area. Among the nearly 10,000 thick kings, there are only about twenty gold-armored corpse kings, which are scattered in various places in this area. Fortunately, if they gather together, Long Yi and the others will have no choice but to walk around. Except for Long Yi who took three of the twenty or so golden-armored corpse kings, the rest were killed by Long Er, and the huge dark magic power was naturally absorbed by it.

So when the shadowy sun in the gray sky disappears,

Long Yi and the others also reached the end of this thick king's area. The black mist in the dead space began to surge, and the last faint light disappeared, and the world turned into darkness. Even Long Yi, who had night vision ability, could only see a hazy phantom.

"Long Yi, should we stay here and wait for tomorrow before moving forward or keep going?" Wushuang asked beside Long Yi, no wonder she asked such a question, the dead energy in the dead space at night is daytime Several times higher than that, the cold and dead air eroded their spiritual power bit by bit.

Long Yi frowned and thought for a while, then asked: "Can you still persevere?"

Man Niu waved the Green Jade Judgment in his hand, and hummed: "Of course, I didn't have time to do it before, and now my hands and feet are itching."

"Husband, I'm alright?" Nalan Ruyue said on the other side of Long Yi.

"I have no objection. There is a large dense forest in front of it. Even in the daytime, the light will not be able to penetrate it. It is better to go in now to save wasting time." Wushuang said.

"Since there is no problem, let's move on. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. If you can get out as soon as possible, you should get out as soon as possible, otherwise you will be in big trouble." Long Yi said.

The four reached an agreement and began to move forward in the dark. To be on the safe side, they did not use lighting or fireball to illuminate, fearing that the fire would attract all the undead. The more advanced undead of the corpse king walk like walking on thin ice.

After stepping on the dead leaves and walking for a certain distance, Long Yi always felt apprehensive, with a creepy feeling, and he also noticed that the three divine beasts seemed to be very disturbed.

"Long Yi, I feel something is wrong, do you feel that there are many eyes staring at us." Wu Shuang approached Long Yi and said softly.

"I also have this feeling, but my mental perception is very chaotic. Suddenly I feel deserted, and suddenly I feel that the surroundings are full of living things." Long Yi smiled wryly, he knew that the cold and dead air would cause people to have various negative emotions , Fear, suspicious, bloody, murderous thoughts and so on.

Nalan was like a hair in Yueyue's heart, a small hand tightly grasped Long Yi's warm big hand.

At this moment, the fire unicorn walking on the edge suddenly roared, the hot flames all over its body rushed several feet high, and a mouthful of unicorn holy fire sprayed towards a towering tree next to it.

At this time, everyone discovered that Huo Qilin was wrapped around a few thick vines, and the vines turned into ashes in an instant, and through the fire red, Long Yi saw even more that the trunk of the big tree that Huo Qilin attacked Protruding human-like facial features. When the unicorn holy fire sprayed on it, the big tree unexpectedly left a row of afterimages and got into the woods, and let out a painful scream, obviously it was burned by the fire unicorn's holy fire.

"What kind of monster is that?" Nalan Ruyue asked in shock.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be a tree demon, a strange creature in the world of undead from another world. It has a certain amount of wisdom. It seems that we have already broken into the territory of the tree demon." Long Yi replied, he did not know. Then he thoughtfully used a few fireballs to float in the air for lighting, and he knew that there were probably dryads among the big trees around him.

Feng Ling gave him a rough description of the dryad in the summoning technique of the undead from another world, because this kind of creature in the undead world cannot be summoned. At this time, Long Yi can be sure that this dead space is probably similar to the world of undead from other worlds, if he encounters the most terrifying existence among undead from other worlds, the three-headed dragon, he will be dizzy.

Long Yi shook his head, the immediate crisis hadn't been resolved yet, why would he want to go so far.

At this moment, a burst of fire burst out not far away, followed by several shrill voices, which gradually disappeared.

"Don't be afraid, it's the tree demon who attacked the fire unicorn just now. The kylin holy fire can burn not only tangible objects but also invisible souls. Once it touches it, it will continue to hurt." Long Yi patted Nalan Ruyue's little hand said comfortingly.

In order to prevent the dryad from taking advantage of it, Long Yi began to cut down all the surrounding trees to clear the way. He didn't know what the dryad could do, but he was more cautious because he didn't know.

After traveling like this for more than ten miles, the dragon felt a black shadow shaking in front of his eyes, and there was nothing within ten meters of the four of them, but ten meters away were dense rows of dryads, and the two eyes on the trunk were scattered. With a coquettish red light.

"Boss, we are surrounded." Man Niu excitedly insisted on the Green Jade Judgment, with a bloody murderous aura circulating on his body.

Long Yi rolled his eyes, this cow is so excited when surrounded, it seems that he is a fighter in his bones.

Judging from the fact that the tree demon was wiped out by the fire unicorn at the beginning, the tree demon should be afraid of fire, so Long Yi consciously ordered the fire unicorn to attack.

Even though there is no flaming jade, the fire unicorn's attack strength cannot be underestimated. With a loud roar, it suddenly grew bigger, and the unicorn holy fire swept around like a flame gun, and the blazing high temperature burned the air. The whole space seems to be inflated.

These dryads seemed to have been prepared for a long time. Dozens of dryads jumped out with their shape-shifting guns, their huge torsos exploded suddenly, and layers of cold dead air blocked the flames one after another. Qilin's Qilin holy flame even enveloped the fire Qilin so that it could not escape.

And after dozens of dryads wrapped their lives around the fire unicorn, the blood-red pupils of the rest of the dryads shot out strange red lights, and thousands of beams gathered together and attacked Long Yi and the others.

At this moment, a layer of misty cold air enveloped the crowd, and the cold air seemed to circulate like life, forming a huge vortex, but it was Wushuang who cast the god-level defensive ice wall.

There were several crackling sounds, and the bloody light beams hit the wall of the icy whirl, beam after beam began to reflect back, and hundreds of tree demons screamed and dissipated into light smoke.

But this is far from enough, the number of dryads is beyond the imagination of Long Yi and the others, but Wushuang's ice whirl wall can't last long.

Ice spin wall, right? Long Yi's eyes lit up, remembering that the mysterious female sword master once gave him the necklace that sealed the wall of ice spin when he was in Mia Saint Magic Academy.

"Don't worry, I'll resist next, there's no other way, Wushuang, prepare the most powerful attack magic." Long Yi pulled out the necklace from the space ring, and said to Wushuang.

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