Womanizing Mage

Chapter 361: Jade Man Blows Xiao

About a week later, under the cover of the dryad, Long Yi and his party quickly passed through several territories guarded by different undead from other worlds, including bone dragons, flying eagles from other worlds, etc. The stuff on the upper floor is so thrilling that words can't describe it. Not only Long Yi and the others were sweating, even the Tree Demon King was trembling. Fortunately, although these alien undead were terrifying, they lacked wisdom. Besides, the tree demon was a special creature in the world of alien undead. , generally will not be attacked by other undead from other worlds.

It must be said that Long Yi and the others were very lucky. If it wasn't for the cover of the tree demon, it would be almost impossible for them to force their way in. Not to mention the impact of the dead energy in this dead space on them, the Bone Dragon Territory The thousand bone dragons in them can make them die several times. It seems that sometimes, the brain is much easier to use than their own strength.

When the tree demon was covering Long Yi and his party through the territory of the Flying Eagle, the tree demon king refused to move forward no matter what. When Wushuang asked it why, it replied that the front was the territory of the three-headed dragon, the ruler of the alien world. The demon dragon is undoubtedly seeking its own death.

Hearing that the front is the territory of the three-headed demon dragon, Long Yi suddenly felt bitter. This dead space really gathered the top undead in the world of alien undead. According to the description, the whole body is invulnerable to swords and guns, basically immune to magic, and a casual breath of death dragon is three points more powerful than a forbidden curse. Even ten or eight gods of magic and swords will never please it in front of it. Break through.

"Long Yi, it seems that what the Demon Tree King said is true. Let's let them go." Wu Shuang turned around and said to Long Yi.

At this time, Long Yi was only two steps away from the tree demon king who had no attack power. When the tree demon king insisted on refusing to go over, he slowly approached the tree demon king.

"Let it go? Why do you want to let it go?" Long Yi chuckled, his big hand pulled the Demon Tree King from the ground like lightning. A compressed thunderball that had been prepared was forced into the trunk of the tree demon king, and then it was thrown into the air.

Hearing a bang, lightning flashed, and the Demon Tree King was blown to pieces before he could even scream. A rhombus-shaped crystal with black glow floated in the air, and Long Yi grabbed it in his hand.

Seeing that the king was killed, the rest of the tree demons didn't dare to stay any longer, they disappeared without a trace.

"Long Yi...you..." Wushuang and Nalan Ruyue stared blankly at Long Yi, unable to speak for a while, the difference was that Wushuang was asking and Nalan Ruyue had a chilling expression.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you think I'm cruel?" Seeing Nalan Ruyue's expression, Long Yi said calmly, could it be that years have passed. Is Nalan Ruyue still as innocent as before?

"Long Yi, are you doing it for the black crystal in the Demon King's body?" Wu Shuang asked.

Long nodded and said, "Yes,

I need this thing. "

"Well, I'm just wondering, since it has what you need on it, then kill it if you kill it." Wushuang said lightly, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and she never frowned even when killing people. Not to mention the tree demon who was their enemy.

"Let's take a rest here today. The three-headed dragon in front of me is the last hurdle, but it's also the saddest one." Long Yi looked around and said, and went straight for a while before setting up camp.

Nalan Ruyue had been waiting for a long time, then he walked behind Long Yi, and asked a little wronged: "Why are you angry with me, I just thought that the tree demon king helped us after all, and besides, he also helped us." It has no ability to harm us, so why kill it?"

Long Yi fixed the tent. Turning his head and looking at Nalan Ruyue helplessly, he said: "Ruyue, it's a good thing that you have a kind and benevolent heart, but it also depends on who you are and what occasion it is. The Tree Demon King helped us, but it's true Wish to help us? No, because its life is in our hands. If we hadn't subdued it, we would have become their fertilizer now.

Furthermore, I need the black spirit crystal soul in its body, so it must die. In this dead space, things that are beneficial to us must be obtained by any means, and things that hinder us, even if they cannot be determined, must be destroyed. Because any uncertain factor will bring us disaster, this is the law of survival.

If you can understand it, that's of course the best. No one doesn't want to be understood by their own woman. If you can't understand, then I can't help it. I am such a person. You should be glad that you still have a choice. "

Long Yi plunged into the tent, leaving Nalan Ruyue stunned. He was also very depressed. This girl is good at everything, but she is too soft-hearted. Back then, she went to the Principality of Mia to seek the master of the fire department, Puxiu. It can be seen that Si prevents the war, but people with this personality are not suitable for living in troubled times. In peaceful and prosperous times, they can definitely be admired by thousands of people.

"Long Yi is right. You are the princess of the Nalan Empire. You should have a deep understanding of the term "the strong prey on the weak. Blind kindness can sometimes be called ignorance." Wushuang's cold voice came from the side.

Nalan Ruyue was shocked, Long Yi also said back then that this world is a world where the weak and the strong prey on the strong, didn't the Aoyue Empire want to annex them because they saw that the Nalan Empire was easy to bully? Besides, killing a tree demon who originally wanted to kill them was nothing at all. How could he be unhappy because of his husband?

"Two people who can't reach an agreement in principle will not be happy as a husband and wife. I think it's better for you to separate as soon as possible." Wu Shuang also set up the tent, and entered the tent after leaving a faint sentence.

"You..." Nalan Ruyue suddenly turned her head, but only saw Nalan Ruyue's back in fluttering white clothes. After hearing her words, she was really angry. Well.

"If you want to separate me from my husband, I won't let you succeed. Who said that my principles are inconsistent with your husband's? It's okay to kill a tree demon king." Nalan Ruyue murmured, stomping her feet a little flustered Without hesitation, he got into Long Yi's tent.

And Wushuang in the other tent smiled faintly after hearing Nalan Ruyue's muttering to himself, crossed his legs and began to enter deep meditation, who knows what those two people will do later Woolen cloth.

Nalan Ruyue entered Long Yi's tent, and saw Long Yi half lying on the big bed with his legs up, flipping through a book with some dark atmosphere in the magic lamp.

"Husband, I... I was wrong, don't be angry, okay?" Nalan Ruyue walked gently to Long Yi's bedside, and said a little nervously.

Long Yi slightly moved away from the undead summoning technique he was researching, patted the place beside him with his empty hand, and said: "You are not wrong, really, we just have different ideas, even though we disagree with each other There is no right or wrong, so there is no need to apologize."

Nalan Ruyue climbed onto the bed, held Long Yi's arm and half leaned in his arms, and said: "I want to apologize, because my concept is wrong in this environment, and it was also wrong before the world was peaceful. , and I didn't understand you just now, you must be very sad."

Long Yi put down the book in his hand, looked at Nalan Ruyue tenderly, rested his hand on the back of her head and caressed her fragrant shoulder, said: "You really understand?"

"En." Nalan Ruyue was caressed by Long Yi's big hand, her body couldn't help becoming hot, she took the initiative to lean over and kiss Long Yi's lips.

The four lips intertwined, the two tongues played tirelessly, and Long Yi's wolf claws were unwilling to be lonely and attacked the Yufeng hills in two ways, using all eighteen techniques of touching, grasping, kneading and kneading.

Nalan Ruyue's delicate body trembled and twisted like a snake, catering to Long Yi's teasing, and her fragrant lips sucked desperately, as if this was the only way to make her hot body feel better.

"Husband, stop... stop, I want to pee." Nalan Ruyue stuck out Long Yi's tongue, panting delicately. The winking eyes wrapped around Long Yi like silk.

Long Yi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, he smirked and quickened his fingers moving between Nalan Ruyue's legs, and said: "If you want to urinate, you can urinate. Husband won't laugh at you."

Nalan Ruyue had already reached the critical point of sexual desire, when Long Yi made such a move, her body trembled a few times, her waist suddenly arched, her legs were tightly clamped, and her red lips parted slightly and let out a long sound. screamed, streams of heat sprayed onto Long Yi's big hand from his private parts.

With a sigh of satisfaction, Nalan Ruyue's whole body collapsed in Long Yi's arms as if he had emptied out, his soul came out of his body and floated in the air, his face was full of extremely flattering post-tide blush.

Long Yi simply peeled Nalan Ruyue into a little white beast. He also stripped naked, and the two hugged each other naked. He liked the feeling of no barriers very much. He stroked Nalan's back which was as smooth as the moon. But the lower body hurts, and I just want to get on the horse and gallop to my heart's content.

After a long time, Nalan Ruyue recovered from the lingering rhyme of sex, looked down, and saw Long Yi's angry little brother. He couldn't help being dumbfounded, and when he looked up and saw Long Yi's painful expression, he couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart. She stretched out her slightly sweaty little hand, grasped Long Yi's fiery little brother, bit her lower lip and said, "Husband, you want me, I...he is not satisfied yet?"

Long Yi took a deep breath, and slapped Nalan Ruyue's snow-white breasts, his buttocks swayed immediately, he laughed and said: "Little whore, you are really dissatisfied with your desires. But now is the most dangerous time , how can I ask for your red pill at this time?"

"Then...then what should I do to make you feel better." After Nalan Ruyue had such close contact with Long Yi, she was much more generous.

Long Yi looked at Nalan Ruyue's small cherry mouth, the red lips matched with the white and neat silver teeth, the closing was so attractive, an evil thought came to his mind.

"Of course there is a way, but are you really willing?" Long Yi said while guiding Nalan Ruyue's little hands up and down, the sexual ability seemed to be innate, Nalan Ruyue quickly moved his little hands consciously.

"I'm willing... I'm willing to do whatever." Nalan Ruyue played with Long Yi's little brother, already like this, what else is there to be unwilling?

Long Yi chuckled, and began to give tips face-to-face in a soft voice.

"Ah..." Nalan Ruyue opened her mouth wide in surprise, but quickly closed it tightly again, her already flushed pretty face seemed to be on fire. She never thought it would be that way.

"Aren't you willing? Let's forget it." Long Yi pretended to be hopeful and said.

"No... no, I... I am willing." Nalan Ruyue said in a panic.

Nalan Ruyue took two deep breaths, knelt down between Long Yi's legs, her snow-white buttocks kicked up high, while her head slowly bent down...

Long Yi moaned comfortably, this kind of treatment is really not something that can be enjoyed all the time, although Nalan Ruyue's skills are jerky, but it is this kind of rough feeling that makes him even more excited, and remembering that she is from the Guangming Church With the status of a saint, the beast's blood boiled even more.

Long Yi tied up Naban Ruyue's show with his hands, so that he could see more clearly, and also made his visual impact stronger.

Half an hour later, Nalan Ruyue's facial muscles and tongue were a little numb. At first Long felt the little brother's strong desire, and then he started to ejaculate.

After cleaning up everything, the two hugged each other again and lay down on the big bed.

"I've wronged you." Long Yi felt a little indebted to her.

Nalan Ruyue shook in Long Yi's arms, and said: "Because I can satisfy you, I feel very happy, besides that feeling... I think it's pretty good." After finishing speaking, Nalan Ruyue buried her head In Long Yi's arms, he didn't dare to lift it up again.

Long Yi smiled, just caressed the jade girl in his arms and didn't speak anymore, maybe because he was tired just now, Nalan Ruyue soon fell asleep.

Nalan Ruyue slept soundly, but Wushuang didn't feel so good, although Long Yi and Nalan Ruyue didn't really have the ecstasy, but the feeling was not much different. She had a similar experience with Long Yi, and the tide of pleasure couldn't be stopped no matter what. When she was about to lose control, she had no choice but to sink her consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness. deep.

And at this moment, a faint black shadow appeared in Long Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

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