Womanizing Mage

Chapter 366: Brother Becomes Sister

Long Yi and the barbarian spent a lot of effort to finally peel off all the useful things from the three dragons. They got six horns, a whole 100-meter-long skin, and one tendon. There wasn't even a drop of dragon blood. The blood vessels and muscles of the three-headed dragons had long shrunk and become extremely stiff. They looked like a dragon zombie.

Just to obtain something from the three-headed demon dragon, Long Yi felt that he would not risk his life to break into the restricted area of ​​Thor, not to mention the dragon horns and tendons that possessed huge dark magic power, just the hundred-meter-long dragon skin. Cutting off a piece is priceless, and the defense of the dark dragon can't be described in terms of abnormality. Although it is dead, the physical defense and magic defense of this dragon skin are still horrifying. Twelve points of internal force sawed it bit by bit, one can imagine how hard it is.

Long Yi and Man Niu didn't rest for the past two days, they were as tired as dogs, but seeing the fruitful results, no matter how tired they felt, it was worth it. Both of them stopped to settle down and adjust their breath to relieve fatigue. Although the most difficult hurdle in the dead space has passed, it is unpredictable what will be encountered after leaving the dead space, there may be even greater dangers waiting ahead, Long Yi naturally cannot take it lightly.

While Long Yi was adjusting breath with Man Niu, the big head who had been sleeping for two days woke up, his appearance didn't seem to change at all, except for the faint Longwei radiating from his body.

"Brother, you're awake, do you feel uncomfortable?" Liu Xu, who had been guarding the big head, asked with concern when he saw the big head woke up.

The big-headed meatball-like body twisted left and right, and said in a childish voice: "I'm fine, sister. But, it really hurt just now."

Liu Xu touched her big head with her hand, and said, "Okay, I'm fine now. Let's go back."

With big head and small eyes, he looked at Long Yi, who was meditating not far away, and said coquettishly: "No, sister, I miss my father so much, I want to be with him."

Liu Xu snorted coldly, and became jealous of Long Yi for no reason. This younger brother seemed to have only waited with Long Yi for more than ten days, but in the end he not only became his son, but also became closer to him than to himself. Long Yi kept being mentioned in his ear. Hearing that her ears were calloused made him jealous and angry.

"Then you stay here with him, my sister went back alone." Liu Xu said dissatisfied.

"Sister..." Da Tou looked at Liu Xu hesitantly. Suddenly he said: "Then sister, let's go back first, and come back after I play with my father for a few days, okay?"

Liu Xu was stunned, and suddenly she was so angry that she shuddered hard, and said angrily, "Do you have my sister in your eyes? If you don't go back with me, then don't come back anymore."

"Sister..." The big head looked at the furious Liu Xu with aggrieved eyes, not understanding how the elder sister who usually relied on him would behave like this.

At this time.

Wu Shuang who heard the quarrel between the dragon siblings came over and said: "Long Yi is not awake yet, you have to wait for him to wake up if you want to leave."

"In that case, let's wait for him to wake up." Liu Xu still gritted her teeth, looking at Long Yi with unfriendly eyes.

After three or four hours, Long Yi, who had finished adjusting his breath, woke up from the sedation, exhausted all over his body, refreshed.

"What, you are going back?" Long Yi asked loudly. As soon as he woke up, the big head rushed over to complain.

"My mission has been completed, so naturally I should go." Liu Xu said coldly, and let Datou stay with him again, I am afraid that this brother is not the magic pet of the God of Darkness but his magic pet of Long Yi.

"Who said your mission was completed? You said you could be summoned to help, but there seems to be no time limit. I'm still in Thor's restricted area, and I'm in danger everywhere. You can't just pull up your pants halfway through shitting. "Long Yi said with a chuckle.

Liu Xu didn't get angry at one place, so it's fine for this guy to cheat, but she said it so disgustingly, she immediately grabbed Long Yi's neck with all five fingers, using the throat-locking claw that Long Yi most often used to kill people .

With a puff, Liu Xu's throat-locking dragon claw returned in vain, and Wushuang calmly retracted the blue water curtain that he cast to resist.

"Okay, okay, I'm wrong, just treat me as a fart, the future is still unknown, I need your help urgently." Long Yi apologized with a smile.

Liu Xu snorted and accepted it, she couldn't really leave her big head and go back alone, it would be an advantage to this kid.

Now that everything is done, everyone is unwilling to stay in this ghost place for a second. After more than ten days, their mental strength has been eroded by the dead energy here, and their bodies feel that they are not as good as before.

Four people and two dragons were fully equipped and began to move towards the exit. Not long after, they saw a barrier sealed by death energy, which was only as strong as the lightning barrier of Mozhi Narrow Valley.

Do I have to spend a few more days to get rid of it, Long Yi thought to himself. At this moment, the big head came out from behind Long Yi, and sprayed a mouthful of black dragon's breath towards the barrier, only to see the barrier swaying, and then disillusioned like a flower in a mirror and a moon in water.

"Damn, dear son, you're still the best." Long Yi hugged his chubby head and kissed it gently. The big head was rewarded by Long Yi, he twisted his body and laughed happily, that childish and childish laughter sounded very comfortable.

Laughing and laughing, his chubby body trembled, Long Yi thought he was choking on laughter, and hastily patted him twice with his hands.

There was a problem with this shot, the big head's balloon-like body suddenly exploded with a bang, and bursts of black mist came out, making everyone dumbfounded.

Liu Xu's beautiful eyes widened in shock, as if she hadn't recovered yet. But at this moment, the black mist began to dissipate slowly, and the scene in front of them made the eyeballs of Long Yi and the others drop.

The big head disappeared, and what appeared in Longyi's hand was a chubby miniature dragon about 50 centimeters long. The little dragon's eyes were also confused, and he twisted his body from side to side and asked childishly, "Father, where is my baby?" What's the matter?"

Before Long Yi could answer, Liu Xu grabbed the big head from Long Yi's hand, looked it over and over again, and said in a trembling voice: "Finally changed back to our Dragon Clan appearance." Liu Xu's voice paused, suddenly With a shrill scream, he stammered, "How...how did this happen, why did my younger brother...become a younger sister."

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