Womanizing Mage

Chapter 392: The Inhuman Price and M (To Make Up for Yesterday's)

The heavy snow that had been falling for more than ten days finally subsided slowly. In some places, the snow covered the waist of a naked person, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere. The number of people who starved to death is unknown.

Although the Aoyue Empire has had such a long period of heavy snowfall before, it was only a small area after all, and there has never been such a heavy snowfall covering the whole country like this year.

The heavy snow blocked the traffic, making it more difficult to transmit intelligence information, and also interrupted the transportation of food and grass between the Kuanglong and Nalan empires. If the heavy snow continued, the two armies might become panicked.

Long Yi stepped out of the tent, looked at the glaring whiteness of the surrounding with a wry smile, at first he felt that snow was a rather interesting thing, he and the girls had played in the snow before, but the snow was heavy enough to be serious. When it affects people's lives, I feel that the heavy snow is a bit annoying.

Every morning before dawn, the soldiers of the Peerless Battalion had to get up and clear the snow from the camp, or else all the tents would be buried in the snow before long.

After a few days like this, except for the open space of the Peerless Camp, a snow wall several meters high was piled up around the camp, enclosing the Peerless Camp inside.

Just when Long Yi was thinking about something, he suddenly felt a faint wave of magic moving towards the Peerless Camp along the snow wall outside.

A khaki-yellow light flashed, and an obscene-looking man in the robes of an earth magician appeared outside the Peerless Camp.

"Stop, who are you? What is the purpose of trespassing on the barracks?" As soon as the magician appeared, two soldiers on duty put two cold steel knives on his neck, and the nearest A group of patrol squads rushed quickly to surround the earth magician.

"Everyone, don't get excited. I don't have any malicious intentions. I'm reporting to Master Ximen." The earth magician raised his hands and bowed his head. The only thing missing was the words "I'm a villain" written on his face.

"Tie him up first, let the general decide what your purpose is." The patrol captain waved his hand, and several wolf-like soldiers rushed up to restrain the earth magician.

Long Yifei approached, waved his hands and said: "Let him go, leave this person to me."

All the soldiers obeyed their orders, and after releasing this wretched magician, they avoided it under Long Yi's signal.

"Skynet No. 8806, see the young master." The earth magician saluted after making a Skynet gesture. ,,, "Did Yinjian send you here?" Long Yi raised his eyebrows and asked, this guy should be the confidant that that guy Yinjian cultivated outside Hengduan Mountains.

"The young master is wise, Lord Yinjian ordered me to send this secret report,

I should have arrived two days earlier, but the heavy snow blocked the mountains which delayed the trip. "The earth magician took out a sealed bamboo tube and handed it to Long Yi respectfully. Long Yi pinched the seal and poured out the two notes inside. He patted the earth magician on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Go back and tell Yin Jian that I, Long Yi, will keep his credit in mind. "

The earth magician responded and disappeared into the snow with the earth escape technique.

"That boy Yinjian is so smart, he managed to root Skynet in the Hengduan Mountains in such a short period of time. It seems that my vision is pretty good." Long Yi smiled narcissistically. The intelligence is that although the orc clan is united under the rule of the Beamon royal family on the surface, they are secretly intriguing and their hearts are not in harmony at all. The orcs who have lived in the Hengduan Mountains for many years are gradually content with the status quo, and many patriarchs of the orcs are opposed to resuming their swords. And because the Beamon patriarch is getting older, his sons and grandsons are fighting fiercely, and it is impossible to gather a large-scale orc army to invade.

From this point of view, the sudden attack by the orcs on the western border of the Aoyue Empire is probably some kind of agreement reached with the Aoyue Empire. , yes.

At this time, Long Yi unfolded the second piece of paper and scanned it quickly, the expression on his face became a little strange. This note came from Yinjian to complain, saying that Skynet's funds were seriously short, and Long Yi asked Long Yi to transfer some to him. This is of course nothing, what made Long Yi's face strange was Yin Jian's half-broken complaint, saying that he had paid the inhumane price for the construction of Skynet.

"Silver sword, oh silver sword, I will allocate the funds to you, even if it's for the price you paid, I can't deny it to you." Long Yi shook his head and said to himself, but he couldn't help laughing out loud. Today is the happiest day for him these days.

Long Yi unfolded the note and read it again, only to see that it said: "In order to find out the news, the subordinates did not hesitate to feed the tiger with their own bodies, and seduced the granddaughter of the Bimon patriarch with a beautiful woman with an extremely fearless spirit. They were all ravaged by her inhumanely, captured her heart at the price of exhaustion, and gained her trust, in exchange for the inside information of the Bimon royal family."

"You feed a tiger with your body. I, Long Yi, will never forget your contribution." Long Yi chuckled, remembering that the little white face of Yinjian was being ridden by a long-haired female Behemoth. He shuddered involuntarily, the sacrifice of Yinjian was indeed great enough.

Right now, Long Yi drew up two secret letters to send to Tenglong City and Hengduan Mountains. This winter, the two great empires, the Crazy Dragon and Nalan Empire, don't even think about attacking the Atersianna defense line. As long as they hold the position, they will be considered successful. Let's wait until the winter is over and the weather improves. Long Yi intends to take advantage of the war. A trip to the Lost City during the break is also forgetting Wushuang's wish and the request of the shadow in the body.

"Husband, you are back." Bei Tangyu greeted her with a smile. In fact, she just saw Long Yi and that wretched earth magician, but she knew what to ask and what not to ask. This is her cleverness.

"Well, this is the information from the Hengduan Mountains, take a look." Long Yi handed the note in his hand to Beitang Yu.

Bei Tangyu unfolded it, looked happy, and said, "If this is true, then we don't have to worry about it."

Long nodded, hesitated and said: "Yu'er, I don't think the situation will change in this winter, I still have some things to deal with..."

Bei Tangyu's complexion changed and became gloomy. She didn't know how happy she was to reunite with Long Yi these few days, and her previously cold and pretty face became extremely vivid, always making people who are used to her cold face The soldiers were stunned. And she had just experienced this kind of happiness, but Long Yi was about to leave, no woman would be happy anymore.

"Husband, I understand, don't worry, I will guard the Peerless Camp for you." Bei Tangyu forced a smile, but the corners of his eyes were moist.

"Silly girl." Long Yi rubbed Beitang Yu's soft and gentle body into his arms, and her forced self-smiling expression made his heart ache even more. It's just that life is impermanent, there are always times when we get together, and he doesn't know when he will be alone. Only the most beautiful women can surround themselves and share the happiness of the family.

The night of parting is destined to be very hot and fragrant.

Bei Tangyu seemed particularly obsessed, and hugged Long Yi passionately on the bed, she wanted to seize this last happy time with Long Yi.

Long Yi groped the undulating breasts of Beitang Yu Mountain with both hands, grasped the heavy breasts with one hand and kneaded them non-stop, and probed into the depths of the hair between her legs with the other to search for secrets, causing the beauty to pant again and again. , Nostrils like blazing.

Suddenly, Bei Tangyu turned over and pressed Long Yi down, pulled out Long Yi's mischievous big hand with her small hand and pressed it on the back of his head, while she knelt on Long Yi's body, licked her sweet tongue on the bright red lips, Her beautiful eyes are as charming as a fairy.

"Tonight is in charge of me, you are not allowed to move." Beitang Yu tilted his head slightly, his clothes were half untied, which reminded Long Yi involuntarily of the s**m queen in the previous life porn, this girl will not be good at this Bar.

Long Yi was very curious, so he let Beitang Yuhu come to him.

Bei Tangyu bent down, nibbling Long Yi's handsome face with red lips all the way down, untying Long Yi's clothes with both hands, when she encountered something difficult to understand, she simply tore it open forcefully, making Long Yi dumbfounded, and at the same time feeling An unprecedented stimulus. Although the Huan Ai with the girls had various poses and tricks before, on the whole it was still in the middle of the law, and there had never been a big extravagant move.

Beitang Yu kissed Long Yi's neck, lingered on his firm and swollen chest, concentrated fire on Long Yi's two tiny nipples, licked and nibbled lightly, so frankly that Long Yi's soul flew nine days. Seeing that Long Yi liked it, Bei Tang Yu worked even harder, using his little hands to tease Long Yi's little brother who had already held his chest up through his trousers.

"Yu'er, it's great, continue..." Long Yi moaned, he was in love with all the girls, but most of the time he was serving the girls, provoking their ** to make them comfortable, from this aspect, Long Yi's training still failed.

Bei Tangyu stood up very charmingly, and slowly took off the clothes on her body, leaving only a set of transparent erotic lingerie, the two spots of bright red on her chest and the cluster of black between her legs were clearly visible. Long Yi is highly lustful and has a great animal nature.

Bei Tang Yu turned and lay on Long Yi's body, bowed her head slightly with her mouth open, and included Long Yi's scary little brother, while her snow-white breasts dangled in front of Long Yi's eyes, but it was authentic 69 Mode. How could Long Yi hold it back, he grabbed Beitang Yu's plump breasts with both hands, and moved his head towards it...

Intoxicating groans sounded in the tent, under the dim light, a beautiful body was sitting up and down on its knees, with a pair of jade rabbits on its chest flying with perfect curves, making people's eyes stare. Come out, and the beauty's head flicked wildly, and her jet-black hair danced chaotically in the air.

A crescent moon appeared in the pitch-black night sky outside at some point, and the silvery moonlight shone on the pure white snow, refracting a faint cold light.

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