Womanizing Mage

Chapter 407 Passionate Night and Peeping in the Grassland

Nalan Ruyue and Bertha looked at each other, both a little startled, Wushuang and Long Yi were tossing each other inside, why would this happen, could it be because of a fight inside?

At this time, the ice-covered tent trembled twice, and suddenly exploded with a bang. A figure broke through the ice and landed on the ground in a state of embarrassment. It was covered by a coat, and it could be seen that he was not wearing anything underneath.

"My day..." With a wry smile, Long Yi shook off the ice shards from his body, with a strange expression.

"Husband, did you...really fight?" Nalan Ruyue ran over and asked.

"I fought, but I lost in the end, didn't you see that I was in such a mess?" Long Yi shrugged and said with a bitter face.

Nalan Ruyue bit her lower lip and smiled secretly, leaned forward and said softly: "Sister Wushuang is a big girl of Huanghua, my husband must be too anxious and frightened Sister Wushuang."

With a slap, Long Yi slapped Nalan Ruyue's upturned buttocks with his big hand, and scolded with a smile: "Little girl, what nonsense are you talking about, don't you know best if I'm gentle or not on the bed?"

"You're going to die." Nalan Ruyue yelled, her pretty face was hot, and she punched Long once or twice, knowing that Bertha was watching from the side? And after this commotion, the Alpha Arno and the bull also ran out.

At this time, all the ice layers disappeared in an instant, leaving only a faint chill. Wushuang poked his head out of the tent with some embarrassment, looked at Long Yi apologetically, and blinked at him to signal him to come in.

Long Yi rubbed his nose and walked in. At this time, although the ice layer in the tent had dispersed, there was still a strong dampness. Long Yi summoned the fire magic element, and immediately became much more dry.

"I'm sorry, Long Yi. I... I didn't know it would happen." Wu Shuang sat beside Long Yi and apologized, like a little girl who has done something wrong.

"What happened? Why did it happen suddenly?" Long Yi didn't blame Wushuang, but it happened at the most critical moment, and the evil fire in his heart was suffocated. The mood is really not much better.

"I... I don't know." Wushuang looked at Long Yi with innocent eyes, she really didn't know what happened, but when she finished flirting with Long Yi and was about to perform the final primitive exercise, her lower abdomen With a sudden chill, the gentle water magic element in the body suddenly became violent, gushing out along the girl's flower opening in an instant, and the scene just now happened.

When Wu Shuang explained the matter to Long Yi, Long opened his mouth wide and took a long time to close his mouth in thought. Is it due to his physical limitations? He remembered that Patriarch Fenghuang let him break the body of the Mistress of the Ice Palace. It is said that the lord of the Ice Palace is a pure yin body, and once she breaks her body, all her skills will be lost. Later, Sibi was also transformed into a pure yin body because of her physique. Could it be that Wushuang has also become a body of pure yin? Thinking about her relationship with the Ice Palace, this possibility is also possible, perhaps the Ice Palace's cultivation method is like this.

"Shuang'er, why don't we try again." Long Yanzhu said to Wushuang.

Wushuang blushed and nodded. After going through so many things with Long Yi, she also wanted to give herself completely to him, but she didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

Long Yi hugged Wushuang on the bed. He bent his head to hold her pink lips and began to lick her breasts, and reached into her skirt with his big hands to hold the plump breasts and began to knead them.

After a while, Wushuang became emotional again, and the two kissed passionately and faced each other frankly again.

Long Yi's delicate kisses fell from Wushuang's white neck, teasing the smooth breasts and the pink cherry at the top for a while, and then began to slowly go down...

"Ah...Long Yi...don't..." Wushuang's tender body trembled slightly, her waist straightened up, and her small hands were inserted into Long Yi's thick head, already full of emotion.

Such a strong stimulus caused Wushuangxun to be thrown to the top of the wave. Two slender buttocks clamped Zaiyi's head tightly.

After a long time, Wushuang began to lie limp on the bed in bursts of convulsions, while Long Yi looked at Wushuang's pink and tender girl's private parts, and murmured: "There is no reaction either? Maybe it was just an accident."

In fact, Long Yi and Wushuang have made out more than once or twice, it is no secret to him that Wushuang's whole body is no longer a secret, this kind of thing has never happened before.

Thinking of this, Long Yi's generous body pressed up again, the little brother adjusted his position to reach the entrance of the cave, and just wanted to rush in with all his strength. But the accident happened again, a burst of icy cold gushed out from Wushuang's lower body, the little brother turned into a popsicle on the spot, and this was just the beginning, then Long Yi froze into an ice sculpture, then the bed, and then The whole tent is gone.

The thing happened again. When Bertha and the others outside saw the tent completely frozen again, they were beyond shocked. Could it be that the two fought again?

Once again Long Yi broke through the ice in embarrassment, one can imagine the depression in his heart, now the little brother is still limp and motionless, and the cold and numb feeling has not completely dissipated.


"Long Yi, are you still angry?" Wushuang and Long Yi sat on the grass in the distance, pulling the sleeve of Long Yi who looked depressed.

"Not angry, just a little depressed. It seems that the woman in the Ice Palace still gave me a hard time." Long Yi stretched out his arms and put his arms around Wushuang's waist and said.

"Don't be depressed, I will definitely find a solution in the future." Wu Shuang leaned on Long Yi's shoulder apologetically.

"Well, that's all." Long Yi was still not very interested.

Wushuang leaned close to Long Yi's face and kissed, breathed out like a blue and said: "I know you are not satisfied, I... I can help you."

Long Yi's spirit was shaken suddenly, his eyes gleamed with lust, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and asked: "How can I help?"


Wushuang blushed and gave Long Yi a white look, and said in a mosquito voice, "Just like you helped me."

"Really? This is what you said, don't go back on your word." Long Yi's state immediately changed, he became more energetic, and the depression just now was swept away. Just imagine Wushuang, a cold woman, squatting under him for himself. Long Yi found the service scene extremely exciting.

"Shuang'er, why not just stay here." Long Yi whispered while biting Wu Shuang's ear.

"No... let's go into the tent." Wushuang looked back like a thief, the sky had already darkened, and countless stars were shining in the sky. Bertha and Nalan Ruyue were sitting on the other side of the camp. One, and the Bull was wiping his Green Jade Judgment in the distance. As for Alpha and Arnold, they had already rested because of their injuries, and Nika was still in a coma.

"Don't go into the tent, now I have a shadow on the tent, they won't see it, I set up an enchantment, in this wild wasteland, the cool breeze is gentle, the starry sky is vast, just the two of us, you say ..." Long Yi's words disintegrated Wushuang's persistence like hypnotism.

"No...it can't be..." Wushuang still had a sliver of reason.

"My dear Shuang'er, don't object anymore, come on, it's almost suffocated." Long Yi coaxed Wushuang, and pressed her little hand on his squirting little brother.

Wushuang gave Long Yi a hard look, and bent down...

"Oh..." Long Yi groaned, raised Wushuang's show and looked at her lewd movements, it was too exciting, although he didn't really become one with Wushuang, but this made Long Yi feel more fulfilled .

After a long time, Wushuang covered her mouth and straightened up, spat out the milky white thing in her mouth, and summoned two water balls to clean her mouth.

"Pervert, you are satisfied now." Wu Shuang glanced at Long Yi, seeing that Long Yi satisfied her, she was also very happy, and the guilt in her heart also eased a bit.

Long Yi smiled and was about to answer when suddenly his brows twitched, he turned his head and said softly: "Little fox, get out of here."

Bound by Long Yi's mental power, Bertha slowly showed her figure, her pretty face was even redder than Wu Shuang, Long Yi was sure that she must have seen something unsuitable for children.

"Tell me, how long have you been watching?" Long Yi asked angrily, he and Wu Shuang were too involved just now, even the little fox sneaked around him and didn't notice it, in fact, the invisibility technique of the fox clan is indeed a great thaumaturgy However, if Long Yi didn't set up a mental network around him, it would be difficult for him to notice her, unless she was very close to him.

"It didn't take long, ah, no, I didn't see anything." Bertha waved her hands again and again, but the words had already been spoken, and it was hard to take back.

Wushuang gritted her teeth in shame and turned her face away, but gradually calmed down, you can see it when you see it, there is nothing unspeakable between her and Long Yi, love between men and women is perfectly normal, Besides, Bertha's petty thinking has long been known to everyone.

Bertha lowered her head, her small hands were holding the corners of her clothes, and her big snow-white tail was wagging uncomfortably. In fact, she didn't actually see the process in detail, but saw Wushuang's head rising and falling between Long Yi's legs, and then she saw her Turning her head and spitting out some white things, if she hasn't figured out what they are doing, then she is pretending to be the fox clan that charms all living beings.

"Little fox, don't you know that it's very immoral for you to act like this?" Long Yi scolded with a straight face.

"I... I didn't do it on purpose, it's just that the elf woke up, Kisaragi asked me to call you, and I wanted to scare you so I made myself invisible. Who knew...you...you..." Bertha's voice grew louder. Get smaller and smaller, until the low is inaudible.

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