Womanizing Mage

Chapter 412: The Ultimate Test—Heavenly Hell

Heavenly Prison is a place forbidden by the gods, and it is a legend that has been passed down among the Moxi people for thousands of years. Until 5,000 years ago, because of a piece of ancient jade handed down from his ancestors, the Moxi patriarch of that time opened the space channel to the heavenly prison, and after returning from the cruel survival test in the heavenly prison, the blood of the gods on his body was greatly reduced. Open, thus greatly increasing the strength. And from now on, Heavenly Hell has become a test that candidates for the Moxi Clan leader must go through. Only those who survive the Heavenly Hell can be qualified to succeed the Moxi Clan leader.

The so-called Heavenly Prison is the place where people in the God Realm are punished by heaven to exile their souls because they violated the regulations of the God Realm. There, those souls can condense into entities to attack, but they have no consciousness. Once a stranger enters the The gods will attack them endlessly.

But at this moment, Li Qing was holding the ice sword in his hand, behind him was a huge phantom of a divine beast, his body was covered with blood, and his handsome face was also pale. The strongest attack after Heavenly Hell, there is the soul of a third-level god mansion, and dozens of angel souls.

Li Qing yelled, and swung the ice sword in his hand to attack the soul of the third-level god mansion with circles of misty cold air. Although the third-level god mansion is not high in the God Realm, it is almost invincible in the Canglan Continent. He automatically ignored Li Qing's attack, and he didn't hit Li Qing with a fancy punch with a burst of golden light chest.

With a bang, Li Qing went up to him without dodging or evading, and was blown away. The angels surrounding Li Qing were about to chase after them, when suddenly a tenth-level water-type magic enveloped the sky and snow, making the actions of these angels freeze for a moment, and the point where Li Qing landed was a hillside. Li Qing followed the trend and rolled down, feeling that his whole body was about to burst, and his internal organs seemed to be completely shattered by that punch.

It's just that Li Qing didn't have time to think so much, his consciousness began to faint. Feel life is passing through the body quickly.

"Concentrate and calm the breath, disperse the breath from the limbs and bones of the body, cut off the breath, take the pulse..." At this moment, Li Su's mind flashed a tactic, which was the life-saving trick that Long Yi taught him before he left. Mouth Jue, called Turtle Breathing Massage, is performed while the consciousness is still awake, the breathing is cut off but the vitality still exists, and the whole body functions remain at this moment. It is a life-saving and peerless technique.

In fact, just now Li Qing played a little trick when facing the siege of the soul of the third-level god mansion and dozens of angels, otherwise he would have died long ago, and there would be no time to use this turtle's breathing gun. How powerful is the punch of the third-level god's mansion. With Li Qing's skill at this time, he couldn't resist it at all. It's just that Li Qing had no way out at that time, he spotted the hillside in the distance, calculated the landing point, and put his life on the line to fight, when the punch from the third-level god mansion hit him. He let the phantom of the divine beast behind him forcefully block the front, and then released a icy and snowy slow angel chasing speed that he had already prepared, and as soon as he disappeared, those unconscious souls would wander around looking for other prey.

Li Qing won the bet. At least it seemed so for the time being, because his life was still hanging. In fact, it is considered unlucky for Li Qing, the souls in this forbidden land are mostly ordinary angels, and there are really few gods, especially this kind of third-level gods.

The highest level in the God Realm is the main god, and the main gods are divided into five levels of gods. Generally, the forbidden lands are at most five levels of gods. The previous Moxi clan leaders have never encountered a god higher than the fifth level when they came to heaven for testing. Yes, but Li Qing unexpectedly met the soul of the third-level god mansion. If it's not bad luck, it's something.

In Moxi Village of Jiuli Town on the border of the Aoyue Empire, all the Moxi people gathered together again, even Sibi, her cousin Susu and her cousin-in-law also came, and they were all waiting for Li Qing's eighteenth The final result of Tao's test of heaven and hell.

Many recognized Sibi, but were not surprised, as she still wore her signature cloak.

There is a time limit for opening the space channel connecting to Heaven and Hell. Five hours in Canglan Continent is equivalent to five days in Heaven and Hell, and the ancient jade from the ancestral land of the Moxi tribe can only maintain the space channel for five hours at a time. , that is, five days in the heavenly prison, and the tester must stay in the heavenly prison for five days, and after five days, he will be sent back automatically by Gu Yu, whether it is dead or alive. Of course, there are many in the history of the Moxi tribe The patriarch candidates all fell in the final stage, their bodies were sent back by Gu Yu, and some of them were completely destroyed, even the scum could not be found.

Sibi looked at the timer standing in the center of the field, and murmured: "There are still ten minutes, Li Qing, you must persevere."

Yes, although the entanglement between Sibi and Li Qing is very complicated, and even though the two of them will never be lovers in this life, the deep affection between them cannot be changed. Of course, to Sibi, that kind of feeling is only Sibi is still worried about Li Qing, because in her heart Li Qing is equivalent to her elder brother.

Susu patted Sibi's hand and said, "Don't worry, Li Qing will be fine."

Sibi nodded, let out a long breath, nodded and said: "Yes, we should trust him, he will insist on coming back, because he hasn't seen her husband yet."

Su Su gave Si Bi a strange look, and said, "Isn't it because I haven't seen you again? What's your husband's business?"

Sibi smiled and said: "In Li Qing's heart now, the husband's status is far higher than mine."

"Then there is such a thing, you are talking nonsense." Su Su obviously didn't believe it.

Sibi didn't explain any more, she wouldn't tell about Li Qing becoming Long Yi's servant, besides, Long Yi always regarded him as a brother, but he didn't know when the grievance between him and himself would be resolved, why would he? When can we really let go?

Patriarch Moxi looked at the passing time bit by bit. Although his face was still calm, his heart was already tightened. Li Qing was a son he had placed high hopes on. How could it be possible to be indifferent?

"Patriarch, there is still one minute." The words of an elder next to him made Moxi patriarch's body tremble, and the fist behind his back was already white.

At this time, all the Moxi people on the scene raised their hearts to their throats, and they were waiting for the last moment to come. The sky darkened at some point, the icy cold wind became more raging, and heavy snow began to fall in the sky.

"Qian'er, what's wrong with you? Are you too worried?" A handsome girl grabbed the girl named Qian'er next to her and asked with concern, but it was exactly when Li Qing returned from the seventeenth test in the Hell Demon Forest The two girls who talked about Li Jing, the girl named Qian'er was one of the girls in the Moxi tribe who admired Li Qing.

"Sister, I'm fine, but for some reason, I don't feel well. Do you think something happened to the young patriarch?" The beautiful girl named Qian'er said with a pale face while covering her throbbing heart.

"Silly sister, the young patriarch is so wise and powerful, how could something happen?" the girl comforted.

At this moment, the timer started to ring, and everyone's eyes widened.

A burst of dazzling plain light lit up, and Li Qing, who was covered in blood and closed his eyes tightly, was teleported out.

"Qing'er..." Patriarch Moxi saw Ai'er in such a state, he no longer cared about the majesty of the patriarch, and rushed up to check Li Qing's body.

"Ah...how could this happen, how could it be, Qing'er..." Patriarch Moxi touched Li Su's pulse and breathing, and couldn't help but turn pale with shock. He yelled at Piao Xue's paleness and fell down on the snow, crying vertical and horizontal.

Looking at the sad patriarch, all the clansmen had already guessed what was going on, and they all burst into tears. Their young patriarch, the last hope of the Moxi clan, just fell at the last hurdle.

"Impossible, impossible, Li Qing will not die." Sibi murmured in a daze, her eyes blurred with tears.

On the other side, Qian'er didn't slow down at all, she rolled her eyes and passed out. At this moment, Qian'er was not the only girl who fainted from grief.

At this time, several elders behind the moxi patriarch came over to collect Li Qing's body with a sigh.

"Get out of the way, Li Qing won't die." Sibi dashed forward, and cast a Holy Radiant Resistance Technique.

It's just that the elders of the Moxi clan are very powerful, and Sibi was restless, and when she refused, Sibi's cloak fell off, and with a flick of her long black hair, her fair and flawless pretty face appeared on the scene. In front of everyone.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned, even the elders were no exception.

"You...you are Sibi?" One of the elders asked hesitantly, of course he knew Sibi, but is this extremely perfect woman in front of her really the ugly monster she used to be?

Sibi didn't answer, she squatted down and looked at Li Su with tears in her eyes, recalling the little things from childhood to adulthood, her heart was infinitely sad. When Sibi checked Li Su's heartbeat, breathing and pulse like the elders, she suddenly found that Li Su's body was still warm in the ice and snow, could it be...

Sibi straightened her expression, wiped off the eyes on her face, pressed her finger on Li Su's pulse for a long time, and no one disturbed her anymore, Sibi's actions ignited the fire of hope in the hearts of all the clansmen again, Because this clearly conveyed a signal that Li Qing might not be dead yet.

When an extremely weak pulse came from her fingertips, Sibi smiled and said loudly: "Li Qing is not dead, he is still alive."

Regarding Sibi's concern for Li Qing, there shouldn't be any brothers who feel uncomfortable. Under such circumstances, if Sibi has no emotional fluctuations at all, she should be despised, right? In addition to love, there are also friendship and family affection, which is what heaven wants to express.

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