Womanizing Mage

Chapter 415 Beauty's Knee and the Smell of Conspiracy

The night of the Hengduan Mountains is very charming. Thousands of stars reflect the towering Hengduan Mountains with no top, which is magnificent and magnificent.

On a mountain peak next to the Barbarian tribe tribe, Long Yi was lying on a huge boulder protruding from the cliff, biting a piece of green grass in his mouth, staring at the starry sky in a daze, somewhat independent from the outside world and also slightly lonely.

He seems to have forgotten everything in the past, forgot that he came from another world, and forgot everything about that other world. Yes, money, rights, beauties, what he has, even the gods are jealous, but there are always times when he likes to be alone, enjoying the sudden loneliness and solitude.

"Pretty is beautiful, but I can't touch it." Long Yi muttered and stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the dreamy night sky, just like touching an unattainable dream.

Picking off a leaf and putting it between his lips, Long Yi blew that slightly sad ditty, one after another the notes overflowed from his lips, echoing on the top of the mountain.

At the end of the song, Long Yi's body suddenly became a little stiff, and the melodious notes came to an abrupt end, a familiar yet unfamiliar beauty jumped into his mind, she had a long shawl on her hair, pure and soft.

"Xiao Qi..." The leaf in Long Yi's hand fell instantly, and was blown by the mountain wind, spinning and falling towards the cliff.

Long Yi's handsome face was distorted in pain, those past events that he had deliberately forgotten played back in his mind like a movie.

"Xiao Qi, this song is very nice, why have I never heard it before?" Under the starry sky, a man with a scarred face looked tenderly at the eldest woman sitting opposite him.

"I made it up myself, let me teach you." Xiao Qi smiled softly, looking tenderly at this scary-looking big man.

"It's okay to be idle. It's okay to learn, what's the name of this song?" The scar-faced man asked with a smile, the scars from the corners of his eyes to his chin were crowded together, making him look more terrifying.

"Well. Let's call it Starry Sky. This is a unique song in the world. If you play this song in the future, you must think of me." Xiaoqi didn't mind the scarred man's cute smile, but she was a little shy looking at him.


Long Yi came back to his senses with a jerk, felt his face was wet, touched it with his hand, and a few crystal drops of water rolled in the palm of his hand.

"Tears?" Long Yi sighed lightly, he thought he had forgotten it long ago, but he didn't want it to just be buried deep in his heart. Although it was covered with a thick layer of dust, it was never forgotten.

At this moment, a burst of light footsteps entered Long Yi's ears.

He cleaned up his mood, and the tears in the corners of his eyes evaporated instantly.

It was Nika who came, she was startled when she saw Long Yi, a little hesitant, she didn't know whether to stay or turn around and go down the mountain immediately.

"Today's starry sky is very beautiful. Come together?" Long Yi asked with a smile.

Nika didn't answer yet, but her feet moved forward involuntarily, and her body responded more honestly than her consciousness.

"I just heard someone playing music on the top of the mountain. That's why I came up." Nika sat down and said, as if explaining why she was here.

Long nodded, smelling the faint natural fragrance from Nika's body, the agitated mood just now calmed down a lot.

"Is... did you blow it?" Nika asked hesitantly.

Long Yi nodded again, looked at Nika's surprised expression, and said with a smile: "Why? Don't you believe me?"

"Xin, it's just that the song sounds very sad, and only people who are infused with real emotions can play it. It seems that you have never been sad." Nika said lightly.

"Sadness doesn't have to be on the surface to be sad. Joy doesn't have to be on the surface to be happy." Long Yi smiled lightly.

Nika was a little dazed, she realized that she had known Long Yi for so long, and had never really understood him.

"Can you play it again?" Nika asked, expectantly.

Long Yi shook his head and said with a smile: "No, it's enough to be sad once, why do you need to do it a second time? But I can play a happy tune for you."

Nika nodded.

Long Yi picked a leaf again, and the melodious tune sounded again, but this time it was no longer sad, but with a kind of jumping joy, which made people feel happy when they heard it.

Nika propped her chin, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. Long Yi's music brought her into the happy life in the elf forest. She remembered that when she was a child, she and Princess Lucia often wandered around in the elf forest together. Picking wild fruits, chasing butterflies, the deepest memory is that they sneaked into the elf royal family's wine cellar and drank hundreds of flowers together. It was funny for a while.

The song ended, but Nika was still immersed in the happy memories of the past, the smile on the corner of her mouth grew bigger and bigger, and she finally burst out laughing.

Nika suddenly came back to her senses, seeing Long Yi looking at her with a giggle, she couldn't help but ask in embarrassment: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen others laughing?"

"Of course I've seen it, but I've never seen a smile as beautiful as Nika's." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

Nika gave Long Yi a white look, even though she knew that Long Yi was talking sweetly, she couldn't help being happy in her heart.

"Let's hear it, you just thought of something happy." Long Yi asked with a smile.

"Why did I tell you?" Nika snorted and turned her head.

"As the saying goes, when you drink water, you don't forget the well digger. It's all thanks to me that you are so happy. It shouldn't be too much to share." Long Yi chuckled, and moved towards Nika.

"You...don't sit so close, can I tell you it's alright?" Nika felt that Long Yi's arm had touched her own, and her heart couldn't help beating wildly, so she had to surrender.

With the breeze in the starry sky, Nika began to tell the funny stories about her and Lucia's childhood, Long Yi listened with great interest, but just listening, his head suddenly leaned on Nika's shoulder.

Nika, who was talking about it, shook her body and yelled twice angrily, but only Long Yi's even breathing sound responded to her.

"Asleep?" Nika couldn't laugh or cry, her stiff body slowly relaxed, she really wanted to kick Long Yi down, but she still didn't act after making up her mind a few times, instead she felt a strange feeling at this moment warmth.

Long Yi's eyes quietly opened a crack, with a hint of a scheming smile, surrounded by the faint fragrance in his nose, which made him feel very comfortable.

"Oh, just this time, just this time... Nika sighed softly, leaning her body towards Long Yi to make him more comfortable.

Gradually, Long Yi's head slid down, slipped over Nika's soft chest, and rested on her elastic thigh.

"This is a big profit." Long Yi closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, thinking wickedly.

Nika looked at Long Yi who was resting on his lap, a trace of tenderness flashed in her eyes, she couldn't help stretching out her hand to lift the silk on Long Yi's cheek, her fingertips touched the skin on his face, and then shrank like an electric shock. back.

Long Yi rested his head on the beauty's lap, and fell asleep heartlessly.

When the eastern sky turned pale, Nika sighed softly, time flies so fast, she will keep the warmth of last night in her heart and never forget it, but Nika is still Nika, the elf forest The captain of the guard is the shadow waiting behind Princess Lucia, and there is nothing else.

Nika gently removed Long Yi's head resting on her lap, grabbed the elf bow next to her and jumped up lightly, took two steps forward, couldn't help turning her head to look at Long Yi who was still sleeping soundly, as if Like a gust of wind, it swept down the top of the mountain.

As soon as Nika disappeared, Long Yi got up from the rock, twisted his stiff neck, and thoughtfully looked at the direction where Nika disappeared.

"It's a good weather again, I don't know when the ice and snow in Aoyue Empire will melt." Long Yi stretched his muscles and murmured.

When Long Yi reached halfway up the mountain, he suddenly felt a ray of breath, which seemed to be deliberately let him perceive.

"Come out." Long Yi said lightly.

The black shadow rushed over at an extremely fast speed. He was wrapped in a layer of black clothes, even his eyes were no exception. I really don't know what he uses to see.

"Skynet No. 8098, see the young master, Captain Silver Sword's urgent secret letter, please read it." The black shadow handed over a cylinder with sealed information, and then saluted and disappeared.

Long Yijie removed the special magic seal of the Skynet intelligence agency on the cylinder, opened it, and immediately frowned.

"Secret envoys of Aoyue Empire met and talked with Patriarch Bimon in secret." Long Yi chewed on these words, subconsciously smelling the smell of conspiracy.

This is a secret letter from Yin Jian himself. He said that the content cannot be found temporarily, but he is sure that there is definitely a conspiracy, and the situation is not small. He said that further information will be released as soon as possible.

conspiracy? What is the conspiracy? Long Yi thought deeply and ran down the mountain, he decided to rush to the elf forest with Wushuang and his daughters immediately, as for Man Niu who just became a father, let him stay with his wife and children.

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