Womanizing Mage

Chapter 418 Dragon Claw Hands and Cold Blood

Last night was really absurd, although she didn't really lose her soul with Long Yi, but under his and Nalan Ruyue's efforts, she lost her helmet and armor and retreated thousands of miles. And she was indistinguishable between male and female in the confusion, kissing and caressing each other with Nalan Ruyue, now thinking about it, it is unbelievable, how could she do such a thing? It's Long Yi who maliciously encouraged Ruyue, it's really abominable, Wushuang thought about it, her pretty face was full of red.

Long Yi jumped out of the bed and got dressed, looking at Wu Shuang's angry and ashamed eyes, not to mention the complacency in his heart. As the saying goes, what is lost is Sangyu, and what is harvested is Dongyu. After hitting a wall with the Elf Queen, he came back and enjoyed all the blessings. He has never tried it. Beitang Yu and Xiaoyi once served him together, but I have never been so hearty before, think about it, when watching two peerless beauties with cold temperament entangled with their bodies, the visual impact is absolutely fatal.

"You two should rest for a while, last night was a lot of tossing, alas, I didn't toss you, but you did it yourself." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

"Damn it, get out." Hearing this, the two girls coquettishly and threw a pillow at Long Yi, who couldn't stop laughing.

"I'll go out, I'll go out, you guys continue to torment, I will definitely not laugh anymore." Long Yi threw the pillow back, and slipped out of the room as soon as he finished speaking, closing the door behind him.

When they got out of the yard, they saw Bertha sitting on the stone bench under the big tree in the yard, resting her cheeks on her hands.

"Little fox, you got up so early? You're so excited to watch the ants fight." Long Yi had several spring breezes last night, and he was in a very happy mood at the moment.

"It's still early? Just now an elf came to invite us to have lunch." Bertha looked at Long Yi, feeling quite uncomfortable.

"It shouldn't be too late to go now, let's go." Long Yi smiled and walked towards the yard.

"What about Kisaragi and Wushuang?" Bertha jumped up and followed.

"They... um. I've already fed them enough, and they're not hungry yet." Long Yi chuckled, his expression very lustful.

Bertha was startled, then she understood what Long Yi was referring to, she couldn't help but give him a blank look, and scolded him with a coquettish smile: "Big pervert, a licentious and immoral fellow."

"You dare to say that I'm licentious, believe it or not, I'll let you know what real licentiousness is." Long Yi approached Bertha, threatening with wide-eyed eyes.

"If you don't believe me, just let me know if you have the ability." Bertha ignored Long Yi's threat. Instead, his gaze shifted, and he puffed out his chest and said seductively.

Long Yi licked his lips. This little fox is getting more and more outrageous, this is obviously pure seduction. Didn't she know she was easily seduced? If she is not careful, she will be gnawed to the bone.

"Why? Don't you dare? Coward!" Bertha snorted, said disdainfully, and made a face at Long Yi.

"Who says I dare not, then you should not regret it then." Long Yi showed an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, he originally planned to kindly let you, an ignorant little fox, but since he came to your door again and again, Then it's no wonder Ben is a minor matter.

"Whoever regrets is a puppy." Bertha stopped. Turn around and face Long Yi.

Long Yi hehe smiled. The two devil claws scratched in the air, and then slowly reached towards Bertha's towering chest.

Bertha was shy for a moment. She almost turned around and was about to run, but soon she gritted her teeth and straightened her chest. It's like sending the chest to Long Yi's hands.

Long Yi's claws stopped, only four or five centimeters away from Bertha's chest, he could even feel the heat coming from it.

At this moment, two figures appeared from the corner, but it was the elegant and charming Elf Queen and Nika who was following her. They saw the movements of Long Yi and Bertha, and they all froze together.

And Long Yi and Bertha obviously didn't expect the Elf Queen to appear, they froze in place for a while, and Long Yi forgot to retract the hand that was stretched forward.

"Your Majesty, ah..." Bertha came back to her senses, and took a step forward with her small feet. As a result, her towering chest just fell into Long Yi's stiff claws, and the pair of breasts were firmly grasped by Long Yi. one is right.

"You...too much." Nika couldn't help but scolded, her pretty face flushed, she never imagined that Long Yi and this fox girl would do such a nasty thing in front of her and the Elf Queen.

Long Yi withdrew his hand awkwardly, said with a dry smile: "Well, Bertha and I were playing around just now."

Bertha nodded her head in serious agreement.

"It's not wrong for you to play around, but you must pay attention to the occasion. It's not good for others to see the influence." The Elf Queen said with some reproach, her tone seemed to be the same as before, but Long Yi could hear the meaning The alienation, the attitude towards him is no longer the feeling of being like a sister and like a friend before, it is purely the host's attitude towards the guests. Boiling++++Teng++++Literature++++Member Hand Type

"Lunch is ready, you go and eat, Nika and I still have things to do, so I won't accompany you." The elf queen continued, and smiled at Long Yi, and took Nika from Long Yi. Passed by.

As soon as the elf queen left, Bertha stuck out her tongue, her pretty face was still a little irritable, but she felt happy from the bottom of her heart after being taken advantage of by Long Yi.

"Let's go eat, my stomach is almost starved, Long Yi... what's wrong with you?" Bertha smiled and turned her head, but suddenly found that Long Yi was absent-minded.

"It's okay, let's go." Long Yi recovered his senses and smiled. If you look carefully, you can see a trace of bitterness in it. It seems that the Elf Queen is determined to sever that ambiguous relationship with him.

Bertha sensed something was wrong with Long Yi, but she didn't ask anything, just chirping and laughing, hoping to change Long Yi's mood.


In the main altar of the Dark Church, in the huge black palace in the center, a middle-aged man with blue eyes was wearing a black sacrificial robe and stood under the huge statue of the God of Darkness. He held an oval shape in his hand. The black jade tablet was being studied over and over again, chanting some obscure spells from time to time, but the black jade tablet didn't seem to respond at all.

"How could this be? It's obviously using that method to arouse the dark magic power on the Dark God Card, why is there no reaction at all?" The middle-aged man murmured, it has been three months, and it has been three months since he got the Dark God Card. It's been a month, but still no progress.

At this time, the black mist flashed, and a slim figure appeared in the hall. This woman seemed to be in her early thirties, with blue eyes, a beautiful appearance, and a mature charm all over her body. The wind chime has a bit of similarity, but it looks a bit more gloomy.

"Husband, is the Dark God Card still unresponsive?" the woman asked softly, the coldness in her eyebrows disappeared in an instant, replaced by warm love and warmth.

The man shook his head, put away the Dark God Card, and asked in a low voice: "How is that girl Ling'er? Do you still hate me?"

"It's not that you don't know Ling'er's temper. Why did you choose her? Leng Youyou is fine too." The woman sighed softly.

"Sooner or later, the Church of Darkness will be handed over to her. To be in this position, there are some things she must learn. Using and being used is the first lesson I taught her." The man said lightly.

"Are you going to teach her to be so ruthless that even her family can take advantage of her?" the beautiful woman raised her eyebrows and said.

"That's right, only by being truly ruthless can you reach the peak." The man's eyes suddenly became cold.

"But my husband has never been truly ruthless, let alone Ling'er? Although she sometimes acts cold-blooded, you all know that she is actually a child who values ​​affection and righteousness." The beautiful woman sighed softly.

The man's eyes were fixed, revealing a slight pain, but it disappeared quickly, and he strode out of the dark hall without caring about his wife next to him.

The beautiful woman looked at the back of her husband, the man who was called the dark pope in the dark church, his tenderness gradually subsided, and he regained his cold expression. She raised the corner of her mouth, showing a cold smile, and murmured Said: "Husband, since you have never been able to be truly cold-blooded, then I will help you do it."


At the beginning of May of 1987 in the Canglan calendar, the ice and snow weather that lasted for several months began to subside, the temperature began to rise, and the thick snow began to melt slowly.

Although it is not possible to completely melt the snow in a day or two, it is great news for the soldiers of Kuanglong and Nalan Empire who have been frozen for a whole winter in Aoyue Empire, because they Having seen the hope, they would rather rush up to fight the enemy immediately than lie in the military tent and shake with their quilts in their arms every day.

"Damn it, the snow has finally started to melt. I'm about to get sick from holding back. You sons of the Aoyue Empire, you just wait for Grandpa Xiong to fuck you." Xiong Ba stood in the middle of the army. In front of the big tent, watching the sound of splashing water, he roared loudly.

"General Xiong, I think it will take at least a month for the snow to completely melt, and I think General Xiong will hold back for at least another month." At this time, a drake-like voice sounded behind Xiong Ba, it was Nangong Nu This little guy is just in the period of changing his voice.

Xiong Ba patted Nangong Nu's already wide shoulders, frowned and said, "Yes, when will this snow melt?" After so long continuous heavy snowfall, the snow in some places of Aoyue Empire was almost up to several meters deep.

"That's not necessarily true. The temperature is a bit abnormal recently, and there may be extremely abnormal weather. The snow may melt away soon." Bei Tangyu got out of the tent and looked at the sky in the sky. The big sun said.

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