Womanizing Mage

Chapter 423 Obscenity, Queen Mia is here

Ximen Wuhen looked at the beautiful starry sky with melancholy. Some things are predestined and cannot be changed no matter how hard they try. For example, two stars in the sky seem to be only a finger away, but who knows that they are actually far apart. Tens of billions of light years.

"I don't ask for anything, I just want to stay by my second brother's side for the rest of my life, standing in his shadow, as long as he occasionally gives me a look, I'm satisfied, isn't this too greedy?" Ximen Wuhen said deeply. He took a breath and let it out slowly, murmuring dreamily.

With a soft click, Ximen Wuhen was startled, turned around abruptly, and saw Wushuang looking at her in shock, obviously just heard her unethical words.

"Sister Wu Shuang, you..." Ximen Wuhen was a little stunned, she only had one thought in her mind, that she was finished, and the second brother would never talk to her again.

Wushuang quickly came back to her senses, even though Ximen Wuhen's words just now were still lingering in her mind, she had come out to take a breath, and Long Yi only stopped to rest, otherwise how could she be so relaxed, sometimes thinking about it She really gritted her teeth with hatred, but who told her that she couldn't give Long Yi a complete self.

Wushuang flew to Ximen Wuhen's side, put his hand on her shoulder lightly, and said softly: "Wuhen, don't worry, I won't tell anyone what I just said."

Ximen Wuhen was originally practicing light magic, so she soon came to her senses, looking at Wushuang, who was also fluttering in white and refined from the world, this was the deepest secret in her heart, except for the impulsive relationship between her two years ago. No one else knew about it except Aunt Ou who was at the door. She planned to keep this secret in her heart for the rest of her life, but now it seems impossible.

"I love my second brother. I know it's wrong, but I can't control it." Ximen Wuhen no longer concealed it. Looking at Wushuang calmly, she believed in Wushuang subconsciously, and besides, it was too hard to keep an unspeakable secret, and it must not be a good thing to have someone to confide in at this time.

"But he is your own brother. Why do you have such feelings for him?" Wu Shuang said without showing too much surprise. Just asked out of curiosity.

With a bitter smile on the corner of Ximen Wuhen's mouth, he said softly: "I used to hate him so much that I couldn't add any more, but after seeing him again in the Principality of Mia, I found that he has completely changed. Get along with him. I found myself hopelessly in love with him. I can’t help but miss him when I can’t see him. I feel happy when I see him. I’m jealous when I see him with other women. I will feel happy when I am, this is the most real emotion in my heart, I can deceive others but I cannot deceive myself.”

Wushuang shook his head lightly and sighed. Feeling pity for Ximen Wuhen involuntarily. She took her cold little hand. Asked: "What do you plan to do after that? Really stay by his side for the rest of your life?"

"Well, it was doomed from the moment I fell in love with my second brother,

I could only smile and stand beside him. As a sister, unless one day I stop breathing. "Ximen Wuhen's tone was a bit flat, but anyone could hear her firmness from it.

Wushuang looked at Ximen Wuhen's pretty pale face. I can't bear it in my heart, but I can't do anything about it. This kind of love affair can never be tolerated in the secular world. Even Long Yi would definitely not be able to accept it, she knew that although he was flirtatious and acting perversely, this matter obviously exceeded his bottom line acceptance range.

Wushuang couldn't think of anything to say except comfort.


In the early morning, a little bit of sunlight poured in from the window sill, and the dappled light shone on the two naked bodies on the big bed, which looked so harmonious and peaceful, but without any luster.

Long Ling'er opened her somewhat hazy beautiful eyes in Long Yidi's arms, and moaned comfortably. I really miss this feeling, and now I can finally enjoy it again, and she feels very happy.

Long Ling'er bit her lower lip, she was dazzled by the brilliance, she looked at Long Yi's well-defined handsome face in the deep sleep, she looked a little more mature than two years ago, upon careful observation, she could find that there was a kind of paleness in it. Mulberry feeling, full of masculinity.

Involuntarily stretching out her slender hand, Long Ling'er caressed it lightly, and stroked gently along the outline of Long Yi.

"You're still awake, you lazy pig." Long Ling'er muttered softly, picked up her own hair and stretched it towards Long Yi's nostrils in a playful way.

"Huh, how is it possible?" Long Ling'er found out that after poking Long Yi's nostrils twice with Xiu, she found that Long Yi didn't respond at all, so she couldn't help saying strangely.

"Damn it, big villain, pretending to be asleep again." Long Ling'er reacted immediately, and lightly punched Long Yi twice.

Long Yi smiled and opened his eyes, grabbed Long Ling'er's small hand with his big hand, and said: "Ling'er seems to have become a little smarter, such a hidden problem has been discovered so quickly."

"Laugh, let me tell you to laugh." Long Ling'er pinched Long Yi's face with both hands and pulled it from side to side, and said coquettishly.

With a cooperative cry of pain, Long Yi used the milk-grabbing dragon claw hand that had been cultivated to the Dacheng state, and struck the target as quickly as lightning.

Ah, Long Ling'er panted coquettishly, and immediately let out a sigh of relief and collapsed into Long Yi's arms. The perfect spine line draws an amazing arc upward at the hip, which is extremely beautiful.

"Bad guy, why are you so honest now." Long Ling'er bit Long Yi's ear and blew the fragrance, the temperature of her body began to rise slowly.

Long Yi's breath stagnates, the women around him are really getting more and more serious, all of them are well versed in the technique of seduction, I think they were as pure as each other back then.

However, the word honesty is usually another explanation for mediocrity and incompetence. Long Yi was naturally not angry. In order to prove himself and maintain the dignity of a man, he rose up and resisted. , Long Ling'er immediately turned into a cat, eyes half closed, red lips half opened, a pair of plump breasts on Long Yi's chest swayed like waves again and again, able to challenge a man's ability to withstand stimulation limit.

After a lot of nonsense, it was almost noon, when Long Yi appeared in front of the girls with Long Linger, who was radiating a generous and glamorous look, all the girls who were eating snacks stopped moving, and their eyes shot In the past, Long Ling'er shyly shy away from Long Yi's back.

"Are you all envious, it doesn't matter, we are all slept together tonight." Long Yi laughed.

"Long Yi, I don't mind, but your sister is here too, so you want to be buried together too." Bertha said with a grin.

Ximen Wuhen blushed and then turned pale. She is a little sensitive now because of the ulterior secret in her heart. She knows that Bertha mentioned it purely inadvertently, but she just can't help feeling sad in her heart.

"Go, little fox, keep your mouth shut if you joke around again." Looking at Ximen Wuhen's expression, Long Yi couldn't help scolding Bertha.

Bertha stuck out her tongue, and said as if she suddenly remembered something: "Long Yi, just now my aunt called someone to say that she wants to meet you, and it's at Zuixianglou."

"Okay, you all pack up and go together, anyway, it's time for lunch." Long nodded, and the charming figure and pretty face of Queen Mia flashed in his mind. That kind of flavor must be fatal to men. But it's also absolutely dangerous.

After all the girls were ready, Long Yi followed them to the Zuixiang Tower.

For a while, passers-by flickered away, not because of Long Yi's arrogant aura, but because of the sun-like brilliance of the girls. Think about it, Wushuang, Nalan Ruyue, Ximen Wuhen, Long Linger, Bertha... Five stunning women, all of whom had the looks of a country, appeared on the street together. The scene was so shocking, so everyone involuntarily gave way, looking up at the goddess in their hearts and passing by, leaving nothing behind. The lingering fragrance is all over the street.

A group of six people walked to the front of Zuixiang Building, and the shopkeeper had already brought a group of assistants to wait in front of the gate.

Long Yi was about to follow the five girls in, when out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw an old man who was carrying a load to buy fruits from the Hengduan Mountains, casually gesticulating twice with his hand, and then pretending not to care, he wiped it off with the towel around his neck. Wipe the bark-like hand.

Long Yi's heart moved, and he said to the five girls: "You go in first, I still have something to do, go and come back."

The five girls didn't ask Long Yi what was the matter, they answered and entered Zuixiang Tower first. All the people around Zuixiang Building came to see the beauties, and when the beauties disappeared, they naturally dispersed, and the old man carrying the burden walked towards the side of the street at a leisurely pace, passing through a few remote alleys , entered a dilapidated door, Long Yi followed in.

After entering the courtyard, the old man stabilized his body and put down the burden on his body. His somewhat stiff back slowly straightened up, and suddenly he became much more heroic.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows, and laughed: "****, even if you play tricks, can you still hide it from me, Young Master? Even if you turn into ashes, you don't even want to escape my eyes."

The old man turned around, murmured a few spells, a green light flashed on his body, his withered old face suddenly became white and tender, who could it be if the flat ** expression was not **?

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