Womanizing Mage

Chapter 44: The Power of Lightning Technique

Long Yi looked at the right time, and after dodging the dragon's snake tail, he held the huge sword in both hands, with the blade pointing down, and jumped up with a roar, pointing the sword point towards the seven inches between the dragon's neck on the silver back. Insert in the recess. The light blue dragon-shaped sword light flashed violently, and the giant sword had already been half inserted.

The silver-backed ground dragon raised its head and roared in pain, its huge body twisted crazily, turning up and down, trying to throw off the human riding on its back. But Long Yi held on to the hilt of the sword tightly, and his whole body was dragged up by the silver-backed dragon. He only felt that the surrounding scenery had turned into a whirling phantom.

Seeing that the silver-backed dragon went crazy, Harley and the others had already retreated in fear. Seeing that her sweetheart was in danger, Lucia wanted to rush forward regardless, but was grabbed by Leng Youyou. She only said one sentence: "Trust him."

Long Yi closed his eyes, concentrated his internal energy on his hands, and pressed down the giant sword bit by bit. When the giant sword was nearly halfway in, the resistance suddenly disappeared, and the giant sword was inserted to the bottom like cutting tofu, leaving only the hilt exposed.

At this time, the spinning body of Long Fei on the back of the silver suddenly stopped, and after a violent roar, his whole body suddenly grew a little bit, and Long Yi felt a burst of boundless power gushing out from the dragon on the back of the silver, and his people were already thrown into the air by the shock. Throwing it up, the internal organs are like being hit by a sledgehammer, the blood flows upstream instantly, and the blood mist forms a beautiful scenery in the heavy rain.

"Long Yi." Lucia cried out heart-piercingly, she was angry, the bow and arrows were drawn into a full moon by her, in between were three arrows shining with golden light, within a radius of ten meters were shrouded in golden light.

"God-killing arrow! Don't, Lucia." Leng Youyou exclaimed in shock, and rushed over to hold Lucia's hand, but was shocked by the powerful energy on the bow and arrow.

"Lucia, Long Yi is definitely fine. Now the silver-backed ground dragon has been seriously injured, so don't do anything stupid." Leng Youyou stood in front of Lucia, she knew the horror of the God-killing arrow, it was an elf A secret technique of the royal family, if the strength is not strong enough to force Cui to move, then 100% will be backlashed by the energy, and the undead will become a useless person.

Lucia was stunned, and the three golden arrows slowly disappeared from the bowstring. At this time, the silver-backed ground dragon had gradually become weak, and blood kept gushing from seven inches away, and then was blown away by the heavy rain. Washed into the soil under the body.

"This animal is dying, now we are rich." Gretel was full of excitement, the magic core of the silver-backed ground dragon alone was worth tens of thousands of purple gold coins.

But just when everyone thought that the silver-backed ground dragon was about to die, a faint golden light suddenly appeared from the dim eyes of the silver-backed ground dragon, and the giant sword stuck in the seven-inch body began to tremble.

what? The silver-backed earth dragon is about to evolve, and it will evolve into a gold-backed earth dragon. "Haley didn't dare to believe it. He couldn't imagine that the silver-backed earth dragon would evolve when it was about to die. Could it be that the God of Light abandoned his faithful believers?

"Golden Backed Earth Dragon! What should we do then?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

A-level mid-level silver-backed earth dragons are powerful enough, but is it over for an S-level gold-backed earth dragon?

"Don't be stunned, go up and kill this beast before it fully evolves." Harley held up his giant sword and rushed up frantically. He knew that once the evolution was successful, everyone would be finished.

At this time, the golden light in the eyes of the silver-backed ground dragon became more and more intense, and even the whole body began to emit golden light faintly. It didn't resist the attack of the crowd at all, and let Harley and the others slash at it without moving. The huge sword at the seven-inch position of the silver-backed ground dragon trembled more and more violently, and began to be pulled upwards at a slow speed.

Long Yi lay on his back on the muddy sand, almost his whole body was buried in the ground. The corner of his mouth twitched, and his eyes struggled to open a gap. He vaguely saw the huge golden body in the distance, and several figures were attacking it with all their might. All kinds of magic were pouring out like magic power. on it. Long Yi seems to have heard Harley say that this silver-backed ground dragon is about to evolve into a gold-backed ground dragon, if that happens, it will be troublesome.

Long Yi absolutely can't let the silver-backed earth dragon evolve successfully, but at this moment, it's an extravagant hope for him to even move, so what can he do to stop it?

Zila, a silver lightning pierced the sky. What a familiar picture this is, Long Yi thought. Back then, he was sent to another world on such a night of thunder, lightning and rain. Was he destined to disappear on such a rainy night?

I don't know if I will be struck by lightning again to another world? It seems that I really have an indissoluble bond with Lei Dian, Long Yi thought with some self-mockery.

"Thunder, thunder..." Long Yi muttered, his eyes looked at the fleeting lightning bolts in the sky, and he suddenly realized.

"Lightning technique, and lightning technique." Long Yi's lips trembled slightly. He had meditated for so many days, maybe he could cast the extremely powerful lightning technique.

Long Yi released his mental power from the sea of ​​consciousness to summon the silver-purple electric magic elements, perhaps because of such a thunderstorm weather, the electric magic elements were so thick that it was unbelievable.

Just when Harley and the others were about to despair, a sudden pressure came from the sky. When they looked up, they saw thick dark clouds frantically gathering in this direction. The dark clouds were so low that they seemed to be within reach. The irresistible power of nature made all of them stand up. It was a kind of destructive power of nature.

"My God, let's go." Harley yelled, and ran away desperately.

Looking at the thick clouds in the sky, Long Yi yelled in his heart: "Lightning technique, release it, power it up, chop that damned animal to death."

The silver-backed ground dragon looked at the thick black clouds in the sky, with fear in its eyes, it frantically accelerated its evolution, trying to escape from this terrifying force of nature.

At this moment, lightning flashed, and an arm-thick lightning bolt slammed down, hitting the hilt of the sword seven inches behind Yinlong's back. The hilt was made of conductive metal. Its most vulnerable place is transmitted to all parts of the body, destroying countless meridians. Lightning flashed from the whole body of the silver-backed ground dragon, and the golden light faded a lot.

The silver-backed ground dragon was secretly delighted, because although this bolt of lightning severely injured it, it couldn't kill it. When it evolved, the small wound would heal in a short time. But before it was happy for a few seconds, another bolt of lightning split out from the dark cloud, hitting exactly the same place. After the second thunder and lightning flashed, suddenly more than a dozen thunder and lightning struck down without interval. The huge body of the silver-backed ground dragon was struck by the lightning and flew up, and light smoke came out of the whole body. The smell of barbecue.

ps: After 12 o'clock tonight, I will be on the list again, please support me! Tomorrow will start to speed up the update, every day +

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