Womanizing Mage

Chapter 443: The Prophecy in the Dream

Through the heavy human wall, Sibi and his group saw hundreds of Aoyue Empire soldiers dressed in mottled bloody clothes kneeling in the open space of Dianjiangtai. Gravity.

"He is a prisoner of the Aoyue Empire, what exactly does Beitang Yu want to do?" Long Ling'er murmured.

Nangong Nu chuckled, with a bloodthirsty gleam in his eyes, he said in a deep voice, "What else can we do? Naturally, we use them to pay homage to the souls of our Kuanglong Empire's bone burial field."

"They have no power to resist, why kill them?" Ximen said without hesitation.

"If you don't kill them, it's impossible to keep them. They are an elite battalion of the Aoyue Empire. They are interspersed with burning, killing, looting and beating Sap in the rear. Which one is not full of blood, let them go and let them continue to kill us?" Nangong said. Nu coldly snorted, soldiers who are cruel battlefields and people who live in the ordinary world are sometimes people from two worlds, and their concepts seem incompatible.

"The Aoyue Empire can pay to redeem them, isn't that what they did before?" Long Ling'er said.

"Buy their lives with money? Then we have to ask the more than 10,000 brothers in the Peerless Camp whether they agree or not. In order to round them up, more than a hundred brothers from our Peerless Camp have fallen into their hands. Their only end is death." Nangong Nu He said coldly, who would have thought that such a hostile expression would appear on the face of a fifteen-year-old boy.

All the girls felt a little awkward, but this was the army, even Long Ling'er had no right to change it, but Li Qing stood aside, looking at Nangong Nu with a touch of appreciation with his cold eyes.

At this time, Bei Tangyu standing on the stage raised his hand, while the second row of crossbowmen from the Wushuang Battalion below the stage raised their crossbow arrows. Those hundreds of kneeling Aoyue soldiers were full of despair, even though as a soldier, they had long since realized that they would die in battle. But when death is close at hand, the extreme fear cannot be ignored.

Suddenly, Bei Tangyu waved his hand, and the crossbow arrows shot at hundreds of kneeling Aoyue soldiers like locusts. The screams were endless, and after a while, there was no sound, and the smell of blood lingered in the air. diffuse.

Sibi and the girls looked pale, especially Linna, Long Linger and Ximen Wuhen, the three girls may have killed a monster. But he has never killed people before. There is an essential difference between killing monsters and killing people.

"Chop off all their heads. Put them on bamboo poles and put them in front of the battle tomorrow." Bei Tangyu's cold and emotionless words came, and a team of swordsmen came out following the order. With the knife in hand, hundreds of human heads rolled on the ground like a gourd.

"Ugh..." Linna, who was usually the most violent, was the first to retch unbearably. She never wanted to see this kind of scene again in her life.

Bei Tangyu looked slightly sideways,

With a touch of the soles of the feet, the person landed lightly in front of Sibi and the girls, bringing a burst of fragrance. Different from Nangong Crossbow, the bloody murderous aura on Beitang Yu's body was restrained. No one would have thought that such a beautiful woman would be the Hell's Angel who had established a great reputation in the battlefield. It was she who led the Peerless Battalion to almost kill the entire Aoyue Empire, fought against all five major legions of the Aoyue Empire and was defeated in the end.

Bei Tang Yu stood quietly. Seeing the slightly apprehensive expressions of the girls, he smiled self-deprecatingly. But she doesn't care, her enemies are afraid that she will slander her. Her subordinates and colleagues respect her and fear her, she doesn't care about all of this, because all of this is because of Long Yi, her man, and she wants to help him make a big fortune.


In Cangyue City, it was raining cats and dogs, and a howling typhoon raged arrogantly in the city. There were bursts of thunder in the sky, and lightning split the sky like a silver snake.

As a city built along the coast, encountering a typhoon is not uncommon. All the buildings in the city are designed to prevent typhoons, so there is no need to be afraid of things like house collapse.

The palace of the Nalan Empire was built on the cliff, the roaring waves came one after another, and the splashed waves were blown in from the balcony with the strong wind, and the smell of the ocean was overwhelming.

Suddenly, Long Yi opened his eyes, and the sea of ​​consciousness between his brows throbbed a few times, and the God of Thunder card hidden on the vortex of the thunder element began to buzz, which made Long Yi's headache split.

The corner of Long Yi's mouth twitched a few times involuntarily, feeling that his consciousness was also stormy and lightning, he gritted his teeth and opened the pink legs and jade arms of the two beauties, one big and one small, and climbed off the bed tremblingly.

"Husband, where are you going?" Leaving Long Yi's warm embrace, Nalan Ruyue was startled awake and asked, rubbing her hazy eyes.

Long Yi resisted the bursting pain in his consciousness, and said in a steady voice: "It's okay, I'm going to the bathroom."

At this moment, Long Yi's body uncontrollably flashed silver-purple lightning.

"Ah, husband, you..." Nalan Ruyue was startled, she jumped off the bed and reached out to pull Long Yi, but just as her hand touched Long Yi, she was knocked back a few steps, paralyzed from head to toe.

This movement woke up Nalan Rumeng who was sleeping soundly. She opened her sleepy eyes, and she saw Long Yi whose whole body was covered by electric light. She screamed in fright, and it took a while to realize it. That is my brother-in-law.

Long Yi turned around, his face pale and pale, and he said in a trembling voice: "I'm fine, you just stay here and don't go anywhere, I'll be back soon."

After finishing, Long Yi rushed out from the sun terrace, and disappeared into the rain curtain in the blink of an eye.

Long Yi frantically flew forward, he himself didn't realize how fast he was, he escaped from Cangyue City in the blink of an eye, and came to a desolate beach.

"Ah..." Long Yi opened his arms, and roared loudly against the storm, his handsome face was distorted and deformed by the pain, coupled with the sizzling electric light, it looked very terrifying.

Boom, boom, a bolt of lightning strikes down and rushes in from the top of Long Yi's head, Long Yi's roar stops abruptly, and all the clothes on his body are turned into fly ash.

The vortex in the sea of ​​consciousness started to reverse. The four vortexes belonged to the largest lightning vortex. Once it reversed, the balance suddenly broke, and the other three vortexes were attracted by it, but although the four magic vortexes were in the same A delicate balance has been reached in the consciousness, but at this moment, a collision is like thunder from the sky, and the explosion caused by the collision of pure energy is enough to level a small mountain, how can the sufferer of Long Yi not be in pain.

With a few bangs, a few more thunderstorms entered the body, and the vortex of lightning in the sea of ​​consciousness reversed even faster, Long Yi's knees were bent, his subconscious mind did not allow him to kneel, so he stood up stiffly. Huge waves rushed over one after another, submerged Long Yi with a whoosh, and receded with a whoosh.

After a long time like this, Long Yi's suffocated roar sounded again, a silver-purple light shot out from between his brows, spinning wildly on Long Yi's head, it was the Thunder God card that stopped in between.

And almost at the same time, the Violent Thunder Beast flashed out from the dark dimensional space without Long Yi's call, its huge body stood up, and its silver-purple hair stood up.

"Roar..." The Violent Thunder Beast raised its head to the sky and roared wildly, a circle of faint golden light flashed from the silver horn on its head covering its body.

Long Yi's consciousness has fallen into a haze, he felt that his body no longer belonged to him, and his ethereal soul seemed to float out.

But he didn't realize that the purple light between his brows was soaring into the sky, and that naked body was actually covered with a silver-purple armor that seemed like an illusion, but it only flashed for a few seconds before disappearing without a trace.

The typhoon that had been raging for most of the night suddenly dissipated without warning. The torrential rain was just like a raging water curtain, and it stopped as if it was abruptly blocked by someone in the blink of an eye. It was so weird.

The dark clouds dissipated, and the sky full of stars reappeared in the sky, which was so clear that people felt refreshed, as if the sky had been scrubbed by someone.

Under the starlight, on a rocky beach, a naked male body collapsed on the ground with his limbs stretched wide, letting the waves wash over his body again and again. Next to him, a small silver-purple puppy-like animal was squatting beside him, licking his face with its tongue from time to time, it was the comatose Long Yi and his magic pet, Mad Thunder Beast.

At this moment, the Violent Thunder Beast's purple fur moved, and its eyes stared vigilantly at a bright milky white bead on Long Yi's chest, and there was an incomprehensible mysterious aura from it.

"Xiaoyi...Xiaoyi..." Long Yi frowned and murmured unconsciously.

In the dream, in the same starry sky, a delicate girl in plain clothes slowly came from the sky like a fairy, her silver hair fluttered messily in the night wind, and the wisdom of seeing the past and the future flashed in her transparent eyes.

"Xiao Yi, is that you? You have finally appeared, you have stayed in the prophecy bead for more than two years, and you almost miss me." Long Yi ran up, stretching out his big hand to hug Xiao Yi.

According to his figure, he disappeared in a flash and appeared behind Long Yi.

Long Yi turned his head to look at Xiao Yi in surprise, and said loudly: "Xiao Yi, you don't know me anymore, I am Long Yi."

Yi's transparent eyes became gentle, looked at Long Yi and smiled lightly, like the cool night wind blowing, even the stars forgot to blink.

"The distant kingdom of the ocean, the disillusioned capital of the alien land, the curse of the evil god, my love, your future is at the end of light and darkness." Xiaoyi murmured in an erratic voice, but his figure was It began to fade slowly, became as transparent as her eyes, and disappeared under the beautiful starry sky like bubbles, leaving only the countless stars accompanied by the evening wind, like a weak sigh.

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