Womanizing Mage

Chapter 446: Three Teeth Marks

In mid-June, 1987, the Canglan calendar, the orc tribe launched an attack on the western border of the Nalan Empire. Halfway back, after a fierce battle, they were defeated and suffered heavy casualties.

But the army of orcs drove straight in, burning, killing, looting and doing all kinds of evil. At the same time, several kingdoms and duchies rose up and aggressively invaded the territory of the Nalan Empire. The entire beautiful empire fell into dire straits, and the thousand-year-old empire was already crumbling.

Cangyue City was heard from the disappearance. Many ministers advised the two princes to divide up their troops temporarily to save the empire. In the surrounding cities of Cangyue City, they can't trust each other, if one side suddenly finds it difficult to withdraw their troops, wouldn't it be too bad.

Cuiyan Pavilion, Long Yisi was sinking in a luxurious box, and he has been restless since he received the news. With so many actions, it may not help the situation if the Dragon Legion blocks it again. Knowing the facts, the two legions definitely have no intention of fighting, and this great situation will be ruined.

At this moment, there was a light knock on the door, Mu Hanyan pushed the door open, sat beside Long Yi with a scent of fragrance, and asked with a smile: "Why are you making such a stinky face? How did I offend you?" ?"

"I know the reason, and the situation has developed to this point. If you don't do it again, I will do it." Long Yi said angrily, the two wastes of Nalan Wen and Nalan Wu must disappear now, otherwise the entire Nalan Empire cannot be integrated. .

"What's the rush? The timing is late, and your actions will cause people to talk about it. Nalan Ruyue will rise to power. Regardless of whether the people of the empire will accept it or not, some people who are interested will directly target you. You don't want to do this, do you?" Mu Hanyan breathed out. Lan, her chin pressed against Long Yi's shoulder, and the softness of her chest pressed against Long Yi's arm.

"I know, but wait until Nalan Ruyue takes the position. Those people who are hiding in the dark and throwing cold arrows, I will take care of them slowly. The current situation can no longer wait any longer. Once the two Nalans of Yatesianna The hearts of the legion are fluctuating, and all the previous efforts will be wasted. Do you think I can not be in a hurry?" Long Yi stretched out his arms and put his arms around Mu Hanyan's waist and sighed.

Mu Hanyan giggled, and said: "Okay. Don't worry, I said I would help you and I will never break my promise. It was because the time was late, but now the conflict between the two useless materials has intensified. It’s enough to fan the flames.”

Long Yi's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood Mu Hanyan's thoughts, he said with a smile: "When the two of them clash, they will both die in the chaos, wouldn't it be a perfect thing. Before that, I have to do some preparations." Long Yi squeezed Mu Hanyan's waist, his eyes were far-reaching.

Come out from Cuiyan Pavilion. Long Yi went directly to the Guangming Cathedral in Cangyue City, and it was time to talk to the holy priest Kailin, as long as she came forward and announced that Nalan Ruyue's ascendance was the will of the God of Light. Then things will be much easier, even if the common people can't accept the first empress in the history of Canglan for a while,

It will never rebound excessively and cause immeasurable impact.

During the Nalan Great Rebellion, there was an endless stream of people who came to the Guangming Cathedral to pray, and they all knelt piously in front of the sculpture of the God of Light in the church lobby, begging the God of Light to bless the country and the family, and the disaster to pass sooner.

Long Yi flashed across the lobby, and went to a side hall at the back, where there was also a statue of the God of Light, and it was a place for people in the church to clean up.

Originally, Long Yi wanted to find someone to inform the sacred sacrificial Kailin, but after thinking about it, let it go, the less people know about this matter, the better, lest someone say it out loud, and make people think of something.

Passing the lobby is the interior of the church. There are warriors of light guarding the corridors of the courtyard, their strength is very strong, but it is not a problem for Long Yi.

Avoiding several groups of Guangming warriors, Long Yi came to the side hall of Guangming Church. The door was not closed, and inside was quiet, a pretty figure in a red sacrificial robe was kneeling on the bed below the statue of the God of Light with his hands clasped, motionless, as if he had entered an ethereal realm.

"It's Kexin, why is this girl alone?" Long Yi stood at the door and said in his heart, hesitating whether to go in, because Dongfang Kexin's attitude towards him was too strange, and their holy law enforcement team responded to rumors a few days ago. Nalan Wu in the middle entered the investigation and had a lot of contact with him, but she looked at him with disgust and contempt, and she didn't bother to say a word to him.

At this moment, a team of patrolling warriors of light came over from the other side, if Long Yi was still standing here, he would definitely be discovered. Without further hesitation, Long Yi raised his foot and stepped in, walking towards Dongfang Kexin step by step.

Dongfang Kexin's closed eyes suddenly opened, and saw a long shadow covering her body, she turned her head, due to the backlight, she couldn't see Long Yi's face clearly, only saw the tall shadow straight Standing straight, with an unspeakable sense of oppression.

Standing up and taking two steps sideways, Dongfang Kexin saw clearly that the person who came was actually Long Yi, who was looking up at the statue of the God of Light with his hands folded on his chest, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes, which she could hardly bear.

"What are you doing here?" Dongfang Kexin looked at Long Yi with a trace of anger.

"You don't seem to want to see me." Long Yi answered irrelevantly, Dongfang Kexin's behavior was too abnormal.

"Looking at you for a second is afraid that my eyes will be stained. You are not welcome in Guangming Church, you are an evil-minded person. You go out immediately." Dongfang Kexin snorted coldly, the disgusted expression did not seem to be faked .

Long Yi raised his eyebrows, and said casually: "I am evil, but if you don't welcome it, someone will welcome it, and I don't quite understand what you said, as the holy cousin of the Holy Cult of Light, you are naturally extremely holy, I am very puzzled Who stole my Bright Sacred Jade when I was in Thunder God's restricted area."

Dongfang Kexin turned her head to look at the statue of the God of Light, and said calmly: "The God of Light card belongs to the Church of Light, you are not worthy of having it."

Long Yi chuckled, and said: "That's right, how can an evil person like me deserve to have the God of Light card? But I don't know who chased this evil person like me and said they want to marry me."

Dongfang Kexin bit her lower lip and said angrily, "That was in the past. It was an obsession in the past that made me almost bewitched. Fortunately, His Majesty the Pope saved me."

At this moment, Long Yi had already sensed something. His cousin must have been tampered with by Pope Charles. To be precise, she should have been brainwashed. That old guy probably didn't think that there would be a time when he would ask for something from him. But it doesn't matter, maybe it's not a bad thing for her to hate herself, at least there is no need to worry about her doing extreme things because of her strong possessiveness.

"Are you going to go out or not? If you don't go out, I will call the Bright Guards to come in." Dongfang Kexin said coldly.

"Even if you hate me, I'm still your cousin, is this your attitude towards your cousin?" Long Yi frowned and said.

"Cousin? I am ashamed to have a cousin like you. You are not a human being at all, but a beast. Treating a beast...you, what do you want to do?" Yi half-closed her eyes dangerously, with a bright smile on her face, but she felt inexplicably chilled.

"What are you doing? Didn't you say I'm a beast? Of course I'm doing something that a beast would do." Long Yi said with a smile, setting up a powerful barrier with a wave of his hand.

Dongfang Kexin's pretty face was pale, she took out her magic staff, her body was glowing, she knew that Long Yi was formidable, and she was far from his opponent.

"You said it would be more exciting to do bad things under the eyes of the God of Light?" Long Yi looked at the solemn statue of the God of Light and laughed.

Dongfang Kexin's heart trembled, imagining that Long Yi would put her in front of the statue of the God of Light... She didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"If you dare to act recklessly, His Majesty the Pope will not let you go." Dongfang Kexin said sternly.

"Pope Charles? If I say a word, he will obediently pack you up and send you to your door." Long Yi laughed, then Charles is just a lunatic, a lunatic who delusional to become a god, but think about the dark pope? Isn't it the same, do you really think that you can become a god with a magic card? What a dream.

"You talk nonsense, you..." Dongfang Kexin was shaking with anger, pointing at Long Yi, speechless.

Long Yi approached two steps forward, and suddenly stretched out his hand like lightning to attack Dongfang Kexin, of course, he just wanted to scare her, what she said made him really angry.

Dongfang Kexin was startled, a sealed flame burst out of her body, and another earth system defensive circle enveloped her body.

Long Yi didn't move, but when the Flame Slash was about to approach him, it dissipated in a flash, leaving only a few strands of scorching white smoke curling up into the air, and the next second the earth-type defensive shield on Dongfang Kexin's body After fluctuating twice, it disappeared without a trace.

"Field! You have reached the level of a great magister." Dongfang Kexin dared not answer.

"It's good to know, so obediently submit." Long Yixie smiled and approached two steps, stretched out his claws.

Dongfang Kexin screamed, and suddenly crazily grabbed Long Yi, waving both hands. A magician who has lost his magic power is like a poisonous snake with its teeth pulled, and its attack power is completely negligible.

Long Yi didn't expect Dongfang Kexin to have such a big reaction, he just wanted to scare her, he would never really touch her at all. But at this moment, Dongfang Kexin was scratching and scratching like a wild cat, Long Yi didn't dare to use too much strength for fear of hurting her.

At this moment, with a hissing sound, Dongfang Kexin tore off a piece of clothes on Long Yi's left forearm.

Forget it, Long Yi took two steps back and stopped playing around with her, but it was a pity that he lost another set of clothes. The hundreds of sets of clothes that Dongfang Wan bought for him in Soaring Dragon City back then were almost used up.

At this time, Dongfang Kexin stared blankly at Long Yi's bare arm, which had three deep teeth marks.

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