Womanizing Mage

Chapter 451: The Temptation of the Queen's Uniform

The ambush in mid-July, 1987 in Canglan calendar resulted in an army of 300,000 orcs, and only more than 100,000 remnants retreated to the Hengduan Mountains in embarrassment. The dense jungle burned for three days and three days. That night, the scorched orc corpses spread for hundreds of miles, making it unbearable to witness.

This battle has since been written into the classic ambush in the history of the Canglan Continent, and Beitang Yu, who led this ambush, once again became famous in Canglan. Many people in later generations raised many questions when they studied this exquisitely arranged ambush. Among them, the most raised was why there was a sudden strong wind on that sultry night without a trace of wind. You must know that at that time, wind magic It is still under research, and if there is no such a strong wind, the army of the orcs will never suffer such heavy losses. Some scholars even say that if there is no such a strong wind, the orcs can still effectively organize to fight back, but the fact is that The truth of the matter is known only to the person concerned.

Bei Tangyu also had the same doubts at this time. The strong wind obviously had fluctuations of magical elements, and there must be someone secretly helping. According to reports from some soldiers, they saw human-shaped shadows with wings flying across the sky.

"Could it be that the angels from the God Realm are helping...the Winged Humans who have been hidden for thousands of years?" Bei Tangyu murmured, but she couldn't figure it out. The Winged Humans also belonged to the ranks of the Beastmen. How could they help them deal with the Beastman army instead?

"General Beitang, there is a secret letter from General Ximen." A soldier opened the military tent and ran in, holding a sealed bamboo tube with both hands.

Bei Tangyu suppressed the excitement in his heart, waved his soldiers back, and impatiently untied the seal and poured out the letter paper inside.

There were two pieces of letter paper, on which Long Yi's majestic handwriting stood out, Bei Tang Yu couldn't help laughing and shedding two lines of tears when he looked at it. If the soldiers below saw her current appearance, they might all prefer to believe that they were dreaming.

Long Yi still didn't narrate too much, just expressed his apology in a few words. Thoughts and encouragement, but this is enough for Beitang Yu. Compared with thousands of sweet words, it makes her feel happy, just because of Qing Lang's trust and affirmation.

Calming down his emotions, Bei Tangyu opened the second letter, his pretty face suddenly became astonished, and then became ecstatic.

"Goblins, there are really goblins in this world. With their help, we can break through Artesianna just around the corner." Bei Tangyu slammed the desk. She showed a happy expression like a little girl, but it's a pity that others will never see this kind of expression.


Cang Yue City. In Nalan Ruyue's bedroom, Long Bai sat on the sofa drinking fruit wine bored. From time to time, his eyes drifted to the side room, because Nalan Ruyue was changing clothes inside.

With a creak, the door opened. A golden boot came out first, with exquisite lace embroidered with sea blue silk, and the crisp sound of the boots hitting the ground was heard,

Nalan Ruyue appeared in front of Long Yidi.

Long Yi's expression froze, and he did not put down the wine glass he was holding for a long time. He stood up involuntarily. Staring blankly at Nalan Ruyue, who was wearing the newly designed empress costume, she was deeply shocked.

"Peerless elegance." Long Yi murmured these four words. He really couldn't think of any words to use to describe the feeling Nalan Ruyue gave him at this time.

The golden lining is waist-lifting. There are exquisitely embroidered sea and clear sky, and a mermaid pattern on it. On the outside, there is a relatively wide drape woven entirely of sea silk, reaching to the knees. All kinds of patterns and patterns are outlined with amethyst silk on it, which looks very noble and extraordinary. And on her head is wearing a half-moon shaped crown with star-shaped gemstones inlaid around it, this was designed by Long Yi himself.

At this time, Nalan's eyebrows were lightly swept away like a moon, and her beautiful eyes were full of power. The thin pink lips are tightly pressed, noble and inviolable, and the majesty of the empress is undoubtedly displayed.

Nalan Ruyue's gait has also changed a lot, unlike the previous lotus steps. Of course, he will not be as aggressive as a big man, but with a kind of restrained elegance, his steps are steady but not lacking in the gentleness of a woman.

"Husband, how is it?" Nalan Ruyue walked around in front of Long Yi twice, and asked with a light smile.

"Wonderful, wonderful, my Ruyue family is born to be a queen." Long Yi praised.

"But husband, I'm a little nervous now." Nalan Ruyue took two deep breaths and said next to Long Yi.

"Silly girl, why are you nervous, isn't there still a few days left?" Long Yi smiled and held Nalan Ruyue's little hand, passing on the reassuring warmth.

"But I'm still nervous, I'm a little uncomfortable wearing this outfit." Nalan Ruyue's expression returned to her previous delicate appearance.

Long Yi suddenly thought of something, hehe laughed and said: "I thought of a way to reduce stress, why don't we try it."

"What way?" Nalan Ruyue asked.

Long Yi put his hand on Nalan Ruyue's buttocks and rubbed it twice, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, how about serving your husband well this time?"

Nalan Ruyue's pretty face flushed slightly, she punched Long once or twice coquettishly, and said softly: "I hate it."

Long Yi chuckled, hugged Nalan Ruyue into his arms, his big mouth had already blocked her pink lips, as long as he remembered that the wonderful woman in his arms was a generation of empresses, he couldn't stop getting excited, and besides, she was still wearing The Queen's clothing, I don't know if this is a kind of uniform temptation?

Sensing Long Yi's excitement, Nalan Ruyue began to respond enthusiastically. As a woman with traditional thinking, in her opinion, satisfying her husband is the greatest affirmation for her.

The two kissed passionately, and then parted panting heavily, with a strong aura of lust on their faces. Long Yi kneaded that exquisite buttocks, and from time to time squeezed into the secluded valley through his trousers to tease him, which made the beautiful woman's delicate face like a rosy cloud, her breath like a blaze, and the faint fragrance seemed to have an aphrodisiac charm.

Long Yi sat on the soft sand with his legs wide open, a big tent was propped up between his crotch, and Nalan Ruyue was squatting between his legs, biting his lower lip, his eyes were dripping, and he was staring up at the Long Yi, with a hint of jerky provocation.

Long Yi was dry and tongue-tied, obedient, I couldn't take it anymore, the appearance of Nalan Ruyue squatting between his legs with a crown on his head was simply too exciting for him, Xiao Long Yi was so excited that he seemed to tear his pants out.

Nalan Ruyue's beautiful eyes gleamed, her jade hands tremblingly stretched out to Long Yi's belt, untied it and pulled it down, and Long Yi's big chest-high chest popped out. There was still an unspeakable excitement rippling, maybe it was Long Yi's emotions that infected her.

Long Yi felt Nalan Ruyue's little hand lightly placed on it, opened his eyes and pushed down Naban Ruyue's crowned head.

Nalan Ruyue gave Long Yi a white look, her pink lips were slightly parted and she slowly bent down...

Hiss, Long Yi took a deep breath, the wonderful taste made him feel like he was about to fly, exciting, watching a peerless woman in a queen's costume serving him, that feeling was really cool.

"Sister, brother-in-law, what are you doing inside? Open the door quickly." Just as Long Yi was in high spirits, the door slammed, and Nalan's dreamy voice sounded outside.

Long Yi and the moving Nalan Ruyue were startled, Nalan Ruyue wanted to get up, but was held down by Long Yi, he said hoarsely: "Leave her alone, continue."

Nalan Ruyue obeyed, while Nalan Rumeng's little loli screamed louder and louder.

Long Yi let out a moan of pleasure, he even imagined Nalan Rumeng standing next to them and watching her sister Nalan Ruyue squatting between his crotch to serve him, this kind of evil thought immediately felt pleasure Like a tide, it gushed out from Nalan Ruyue's mouth in a short while.

Nalan Ruyue took out a silk scarf to wipe Xiaolong clean, and then spit out the milky white stuff in her mouth on it. She looked at the violently shaking door, turned around and gave Longyi a coquettish look, and then ran quickly. went to the bathroom.

Long Yi tidied up his clothes, got up lazily and opened the door, Nalan Rumeng, who was kicking vigorously, lost his center of gravity and rushed in, straight into Long Yi's arms.

"What are you doing? Have you taken a stimulant?" Long Yi flicked Nalan Rumeng's little nose and laughed.

Nalan Rumeng looked at Long Yi suspiciously, and said with hesitation: "What are you doing inside, you haven't opened the door for so long."

"We were playing games inside, we used a sound-proof barrier so we didn't hear it." Long Yi said with a smile.

"Playing games?" Nalan Ruyue was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized something, and said, "Is it the game between husband and wife? How do you play it? Why don't you keep playing and let me see."

Long Yihan, just now when Nalan Ruyue was serving him, he was lusting after him, but he didn't expect this little Luoli to propose it on his own initiative.

At this time, Nalan Ruyue came out of the bathroom, and her pretty face burned again when she heard her sister's words.

"Wow, sister, you look so beautiful in this dress." Nalan Rumeng turned around and saw Nalan Ruyue who was wearing a queen's costume, she couldn't help screaming and ran over.

"Does it look good? It was designed by your brother-in-law." Nalan Ruyue smiled happily.

"It looks good." Nalan Rumeng nodded affirmatively, suddenly shrugged his nose, and asked in doubt: "What's the smell in this room, why is it so weird?"

Long Yi and Nalan Ruyue looked at each other, and at the same time turned their heads to look at the crumpled silk scarf on the magic glass coffee table.

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