Womanizing Mage

Chapter 460: Became Master Uncle

It was still the same cliff, still the sound of roaring waves, Long Yi and Mu Hanyan just sat and stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the silver star-glowed sea below.

At this time, Long Yi was also amazed, he only used his thoughts to tell Long Er to break out, he didn't ask him to cut off the beard of the Archbishop of Guangming, maybe he has learned to play tricks after being with him for a long time.

"What kind of monster is that thing of yours?" Mu Hanyan finally couldn't help asking.

Long Yi shrugged and said with a smile: "I don't know either, maybe he is a monster."

"I think he is very similar to you, just as arrogant and as funny." Mu Hanyan gave Long Yi a white look, thinking of Long Er's mechanical overreaching, she couldn't help but find it funny, so much so that it made her laugh. Ignoring the amazing fact that Long Er is a sentient undead.

At this moment, Long Yi fell into deep thought. To be honest, he didn't want to see Dongfang Kexin become what he is now, ruthless, with all emotions and desires completely closed. What on earth does that hypocrite Charles want to do?

Although Dongfang Kexin's strong possessiveness towards him gave him a headache, but she was his cousin after all, the precious granddaughter of his grandfather Dongfang Qiming, and he didn't want her to become a pawn in Charles' hands.

At this moment, Long Yi's heart moved, and Mu Hanyan immediately looked at Long Yi and said, "Your precious monster is here, and it brought that escaped necromancer with it."

"That big white bird of yours is quite sensitive." Long Yi laughed.

As soon as he finished speaking, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and Long Er stood in front of the two of them with his persistent and terrifying death scythe. Not long after, the figure of that necromancer also appeared on the cliff. He watched Long Yi and Mu Hanyan from a distance, but he hesitated in his steps. He always thought that it was Long Er, a conscious undead who saved him, but there seemed to be someone else who didn't want to save him, and Long Er, who he believed to be the master of the undead world, seemed to be that man's servant.

"Little Erzi. The guest you brought is a bit shy, you go invite him over." Long Yi smiled faintly.

"Yes, big brother." Long Er replied mechanically, and started walking.

The necromancer immediately walked over in a panic, and saluted Long Xing respectfully: "Thank you for saving my life, the dead bones of the necromancer."

"Bones? Hehe, you're welcome. We all belong to the same bloodline, and besides, you have a good heart. In that case, you didn't kill that little girl. It should be said that you saved yourself." Long Yi laughed road. The name of this necromancer has a personality, which is in line with his professional characteristics.

"The master said that there is no distinction between good and evil in the practice of cultivation in the world.

The difference between good and evil is the human heart. "Withered Bones mentioned the master, his tone became a little sad.

Long Yi was taken aback for a moment, he was in Peter's words. I also saw it in Xiuge's Undead Magic Notes, so I couldn't help asking: "Who is your master?"

Withered Bones shook his head. Said: "I was adopted by my master since I was a child, but the old man never told me his name, saying that he was afraid of losing the face of the patriarch. He only told me that the patriarch was the master of the dead who was famous hundreds of years ago. Magister Pete Hug."

It was Peter. The descendant of Xiuge's lineage. In this way, he can really be regarded as his fellow disciple, and his undead magic is also obtained from Peter. The Undead Magic Encyclopedia and Notes left by Xiuge. And Long Er was created by him.

"What evidence do you have to prove that you are the descendant of Peter Shug." Long half-closed his eyes. Suddenly, a strong death energy overflowed from his body, pressing towards the dead bones.

Mu Hanyan's eyes lit up. Looking at Long Yi with a gleam of splendor, his deep beautiful eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Withered Bones trembled. Immediately, a frenzy flashed in his eyes again, stronger than when he saw Long Er just now. Can the master's last wish come true in this young man?

"There is only one thing passed down from the patriarch, and that is this." Withered Bone spread out his left palm, which was really like a dried bone, and only saw a bloody skeleton on his palm. A faint red light flashed faintly, which was almost exactly the same as the bloody skull in Long Yi's hand.

Long Yi also stretched out his left hand. Spreading out the palm, the two blood-colored skulls jumped at the same time, and the red light became even more dazzling.

"Ah...you are..." Withered Bones exclaimed, a little unbelievable, he had never heard that the master had accepted apprentices, besides, there was only one blood-colored skeleton, and there was no second one at all, but How should the bloody skull in Long Yi's hand be explained?

"I can be counted as Peter. Xiuge's disciple, I learned undead magic because I got his undead magic notes." Long Yi said with a sigh.

"For dead bones, see Patriarch Uncle."

Withered Bones immediately knelt down in front of Long Yi, his tone was a little choked up, his shoulders trembled violently from excitement or something.

Long Yi was taken aback, patriarch uncle? Calculated according to seniority, it is indeed considered, but I am not used to it, and the dry bones look very old.

Long Yi lifted the dead bones, sighed: "You must have suffered a lot."

Who knew that when Long Yi said this, the dry bone actually knelt down again, hugging Long Yi's thigh and crying loudly, until Long Yi and Mu Hanyan looked at each other in dismay, and were at a loss when an old man hugged his thigh and cried. What a first.

The dry bones were crying and talking about the miserable life they had lived for these years, and Long Yi also came to a conclusion that surprised him, that is, the "old man" in front of him who was holding his thigh and crying loudly was not even twenty years old. arrive.

The dead bone was abandoned in a valley nineteen years ago, but was picked up by a passing master and adopted as a descendant. His master is a moderate leader of the Dark Church, and he has been in the Dark Church with his master since he was a child, but in the Dark Church, the necromancer also exists as a kind of alien, and no one wants to talk to him No one wants to play with him, but fortunately he still has a master who cares about him.

It’s just that there are unforeseen circumstances, the lifespan of necromancers is not long, and very few can live to be over a hundred years old, while the master with withered bones turned into fly ash at the age of 101, leaving only the patriarchal legend for the withered bones. The bloody skeleton and a few notes on undead magic.

Withered bones suffered from cold eyes in the dark church, and he left the church a little autistically, wandering in hiding on the Canglan Continent, feeling lonely and lost, if it wasn't for his master's dying wish that had always supported him , I'm afraid he can't take it anymore.

Therefore, after knowing that Long Yi was his master uncle, he lost his composure because of his caring words.

Long Yi's thighs were already wet a lot, this made him dumbfounded.

Long Yi pulled up the dry bone, and saw that his mask was soaked, anyway, now that he knew that he was younger than himself, and he was much better psychologically, he took off the dry bone mask, only to find that his face was not the same. It's not like his hands are like dry claws, but they are very delicate. Seeing Long Yi looking at him, he still looks a little shy, which completely subverts the previous impression.

"Is your voice and your hands always like this?" Long Yi asked strangely.

"It wasn't like this when I reached the intermediate level of undead magic, but when I reached the advanced level, my hands and voice changed." Withered Bones said.

Long Yi was a little surprised, it didn't make sense. Why didn't this happen when he practiced undead magic, and the wind chimes didn't exist either.

"Bone, show me the undead magic book you cultivated and your master's notes." Long Yi said with a frown.

"Yes, Master Uncle." Without any hesitation, Dry Bones took out a few books and notes from the interspatial ring and handed them to Long Yi.

Long Yi flipped through quickly, there was no difference in the middle-level undead magic, but the high-level undead magic had big discrepancies in some parts, could it be the result of incomplete inheritance.

"Is there any question? Uncle Master." Seeing the dry bones, Long Yi frowned and shook his head, he couldn't help asking nervously.

"Big problem, your undead magic books' cultivation methods are incomplete, I suspect that this is the reason why your voice and your hands become like this." Long Yi said.

"Then... can it be recovered?" Withered Bones asked with some expectation. Although he was practicing undead magic, no one wanted to turn into such an ugly appearance.

Long Yi took out Peter from the space ring. Xiuge's Undead Magic Encyclopedia and Notes were handed to Withered Bones and said: "This is the correct Undead Magic Book and your patriarch's handwritten notes. Take it and have a look, and correct the wrong places, maybe it can restore you. Normal." Long Yi said.

"Is... is it the patriarch's notes? Thank you, uncle." Withered bones trembled with excitement. It was left by the patriarch he and his master admired the most. The one who fought against three great magisters with two swords The holy legend, the god in the eyes of the necromancer who summoned the dark dragon to sweep the army.

Long Yi saw withered bone's talent for undead magic, and he reached the realm of undead wizard when he was less than twenty years old. What he has learned himself is too complicated, and he has no special interest in undead magic, maybe Peter. Xiuge's undead magic will flourish in the hands of Withered Bones.

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